Project 1.2.1 Design Project Rubric
Activity # Title
Elements / Weight / 5 Points / 4 Points / 3 Points / 2 Points / 1-0 Points / Total
Research of Current and Past Solutions / Thoroughly researched and documented existing products and patents. / Many existing products and patents were researched and documented. / A few existing products and patents were researched and documented. / Very little evidence that existing products and patents were researched. / No evidence that existing solutions were researched.
Multiple Solutions Considered / Team considered 10 or more possible solutions. / Team considered 8 or more possible solutions. / Team considered 6 or more possible solutions. / Team considered 4 or more solutions. / Team considered fewer than 4 solutions.
Decision Matrix / The decision matrix contains at least three ideas and at least four constraints. The student can effectively justify the final decision. / The decision matrix does not contain at least three ideas and at least four constraints. It is possible that the student created the decision matrix after the design was completed. / The decision matrix does not contain at least three ideas and at least four constraints. The student cannot effectively justify the final decision. / The decision matrix is incomplete. The student cannot effectively justify the final choice based upon the outcome of the decision matrix. / There is little evidence that a decision matrix was created during the process.
Design Justification / Justification for pursuing final design is obvious. / Justification for pursuing final design is evident. / Some justification for pursuing final design is evident. / Very little justification for pursuing final design. / No evidence of justification for pursuing final design.
Material Choice / Materials used are all easily acquired and inexpensive or free. / Materials used are mostly easily acquired and inexpensive or free. / Materials used are not easily acquired and inexpensive or free. / Very few materials used are easily acquired and inexpensive or free. / Most of the materials used are expensive and are not readily available.
Performance (filtration) / After filtration, the clarity of the water is less than 5 NTU. / After filtration, the clarity of the water is mostly clear. / After filtration, the clarity of the water is somewhat clear. / After filtration, the clarity of the water has changed very little. / After filtration, the clarity of the water has not changed.
Performance (time) / The filtration device worked as fast as or faster than other team filtration devices. / The filtration device took 20% more time than the fastest team’s device. / The filtration device took 40% more time than the fastest team’s device. / The filtration device took 60% more time than the fastest team’s device. / The filtration device took twice as long as or longer than the fastest team’s device.
Product Durability / The final product received no damage or wear and required no adjustments or repairs during testing. / The final product received very little repairable damage or wear during testing and required little adjustment. / The final product received some damage or wear during testing but was easily repaired. Minor adjustments were required. / The final product received some damage or wear during testing that was not easily repaired. Major adjustments were required. / The final product received significant damage or wear during testing that was not easily repaired and interfered with testing.
Product Ease of Setup / The final product could be easily set up and used with little or no instruction. / The final product could be set up and used with some instruction. / The final product would require careful set up with some instruction. / The final product requires significant set up with detailed instruction. / The final product is very difficult to set up and requires extensive or complicated instructions.
Portfolio – General / The portfolio contains all required elements, is well organized, and has a professional appearance. / The portfolio contains all required elements, is somewhat organized, and/or has a mostly professional appearance. / The portfolio is missing some required elements and/or is unorganized and/or has an unprofessional appearance. / The portfolio is missing some required elements, is unorganized, and has an unprofessional appearance / The portfolio is missing a significant number of required elements.
Portfolio – Title Page and Table of Contents / All components required for the title page and TOC have been listed. / 80% or more of the components required for the title page and TOC have been listed. / 70% or more of the components required for the title page and TOC have been listed. / 50% or more of the components required for the title page and TOC have been listed. / The title page and/or TOC is missing.
Portfolio – Engineering Notebook / All Best Practices for Engineering Notebook are applied (see below).
Quad ruled pages
Written in pen
Pages numbered, dated, and signed by designer and witness
No blank space
Mistakes crossed through – no erasures
Inserts securely affixed
Sketches labeled and fully annotated
Daily progress entries / 80% or more of Best Practices for Engineering Notebook are applied. The quality of documented information is average. / 60% of Best Practices for Engineering Notebook are applied. The quality of documented information is poor. / 40% of Best Practices for Engineering Notebook are applied. The quality of documented information is poor. Multiple entries are missing. / Less than 40% of Best Practices for Engineering Notebook are applied. Few or no Engineering notebook entries are included.
Portfolio – Final Pictorial Sketch / The product includes accurate pictorial sketches that meet the required design concepts and include labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. / The product includes accurate pictorial sketches that meet most required design concepts and include labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. / The product includes mostly accurate pictorial sketches that meet some of the required design concepts and include labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. / The product includes pictorial sketches that are not completely accurate. The product may be missing some labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. / The product includes few or no pictorial sketches.
Portfolio – Prototype Testing / Test procedures are followed and correct data are collected. The team is knowledgeable regarding the reason for the test, each step in the procedure, and the significance of the data. / Test procedures are followed and correct data are collected. Tests are stopped if unsafe conditions occur. / Minor deviations in test procedures and data collection occur. Testers are unfamiliar with the reason for the tests performed. / Test procedures are not followed. Some tests are performed in an unsafe manner. Testers do not conduct tests in order to evaluate and improve the prototype. / Little to no evidence exists to indicate that prototype test procedures were conducted.
Portfolio –
Prototype Revision / The test evaluation results in suggestions for improvement. Detailed description of the design modifications that were made based upon the results of prototype testing. / The test evaluation results in suggestions for improvement.Many details of the design modifications that were made based upon the results of prototype testing. / The test evaluation results in suggestions for improvement. Less than adequate description of the design modifications that were made based upon the results of prototype testing. / The test evaluation results in minimal suggestions for improvement. The product includes a less than adequate description of the design modifications that were made based upon the results of prototype testing. / Little to no evidence exists that revisions are considered or made.
Portfolio – Bill of Materials / 100% of the appropriate tools and materials have been selected and listed. / 80% of the appropriate tools and materials have been selected and listed. / 70% of the appropriate tools and materials have been selected and listed. / 50% of the appropriate tools and materials have been selected and listed. / Little to no evidence of a materials list is included.
Teamwork / Model team. Team norms established and followed. Team members’ strengths are fully used. Work load is shared equally. / Excellent teamwork. Team norms established and usually followed. Team members’ strengths are well used. Work load is shared equally. / Team norms established and sometimes followed. Team members’ strengths are sometimes used. Work load is not shared equally. / Team norms not established or followed. Team members’ strengths are seldom used. Work load is usually not shared equally. / Little or no evidence of teamwork.
Final Score

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2011

EDD – Lesson 1.2–Project 1.2.1 Design Project Rubric– Page 1