Monday – September18, 2017 - 170918

Context: Competition

Dynamic Warm Up Option:3 sets of 5 with an empty bar: straight leg deadlift, front squat, hang muscle/power clean, behind the neck press (snatch width), overhead squat. Then 10-20m shuttle while partner hangs on bar/rings - 3 rounds.


Skill Practice Warm Up: None (list of fun games to play here)

Strength:5 x 3 Snatch - 10 of 14 (5sets of 3reps, same weight across, approximately 75 - 85%)

Super Set: 5x5strict ring dip (or progression) or strict weighted (7 sets of 3 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge as the main lift).

Metabolic Conditioning: “Happy Trails“

For Time. 4 Rounds

8 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean (Health: 20lbs, Athletic*: 30lbs, Performance: 45lbs)

12 Box Jumps (Health: 12in, Athletic*: 20in, Performance: 24in)

Then 800m Run (After the 4th round)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5 - 10 min

Coaching Tips: Make sure your ankles are warmed up and mobilized for this one. Grit through the 4 rounds as fast as possible then pace the first half of the run. Speed up once you know how you feel during the run. Don’t forget to sprint the last part of the run!

Compare to:August 3, 2016

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 16 suitcase lunge steps, 20 cal row, 4 rounds OR 3 sets of 8-12 neutral grip chin ups (on rings) super set with 8-12 single leg deadlifts

“By the Numbers” Book References: Clean p. 404, Clean Variants p. 496, Box Jump p. 351, Run p. 269

Tuesday – September 19, 2017 - 170919

Context: Practice

Dynamic Warm Up Option:2 sets of: suitcase or oh carry 10-20m, 10 goblet squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit up. Then 5 inch worms and 3 Crab Bridges.


Skill Practice Warm Up: Perform 3 sets of L-sit 10-30s long each, use paralettes or rings.

Strength:3-3-3-3-3 Push Press (5 sets of 3 reps, increase weight with each set to max)

Super Set: 3-3-3-3-3 weighted pistol or pistol progression

Metabolic Conditioning: “You Be Illin’ ”

5 Rounds for time.

12 Wall Ball (Health: 10lb/8ft, Athletic: 14lb/9ft*, Performance: 20lb/10ft)

12 Toes to bar

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide:4.5 – 9 minutes, about 1:30 per round. Scale Up: 30/20lb ball and 1 bar muscle up for every 3 toes to bar.

Coaching Tips:Aim to finish every round of wall ball unbroken for as long as you can. Split the toes to bar up a bit more, even in the early rounds. If you are feeling good on the later rounds, shoot for bigger sets on the toes to bar, but don’t do it if you risk ripping your hands.

Compare to: Classic!–BTWB Results here(last done 3/20/17)

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 100m farmer carry, 200m run, 3 rounds OR 4 sets of 10 single arm db bench press super set with 10 glute ham raises

“By the Numbers” Book References: Wall Ball p. 430,Toes to Bar p. 434

Wednesday – September 20, 2017 - 170920

Context: Practice

Dynamic Warm Up Option:100m run with medball sharing with partner. Then 3 sets of: 10 ring row, 10 lunge steps, 30s plank.


Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working on rope climbs and rope climb progressions


Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Wake Up Little Suzie“

15 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

200m run with medicine ball (Health: 10lb / Athletic*: 14lb/ Performance: 20lb) or 20' (6m) out and back 'shuttle' run (no line touch) x 10 with ball

6 dumbbell weighted pull-ups, kipping allowed (Health: ring row / Athletic*: 10lb / Performance: 30lb)

12 push-ups

24 butterfly sit-ups

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4-7 rounds, about 3 min per round, Scale Up: 45lb/20lb weighted pull-ups and GHD sit-ups

Compare to:April 13, 2017

Coaching Tips: Push the pace with the medball runs. You will have some time to catch your breath on the weighted pull ups (especially in the later rounds). Keep the push-ups strict and make sure your entire body is leaving the ground at the same time (not your thighs). If you can’t do push-ups from the toes yet, do ring push-ups at an angle that allows you to do them correctly. Use an AbMat for the sit-ups if you have them!

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: None

“By the Numbers” Book References: Running p. 269, Weighted Pull-up p. 333, Push-up p.

Thursday – September 21, 2017 - 170921

Context: Competition

Dynamic Warm Up Option:2 rounds of: 5 pvc pass throughs and 5 pvc OHS. Then 3 sets of 5 with an empty barbell: Goodmornings, back squat, behind the neck presses snatch width, heaving snatch balance


Skill Practice Warm Up: None (list of fun games to play here)

Strength:7 x 1 Snatch - 11 of 14 (7 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, approximately 80 - 90%)

Super Set: 7 x 3strict ring dip (or progression) or strict weighted (7 sets of 3 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge as the main lift).

Metabolic Conditioning: “Salt Marshes”

6 minute AMReps (As many reps as possible), Scale up: 7 min

1, 2, 3, etc. dumbbell shoulder press (Health: 15lb / Athletic: 25lb* / Performance: 45lb)

40 ft dumbbell overhead carry (20' out, 20' back)

40 ft broad jump between each shoulder set (20' out, 20' back)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 25-55 reps (dumbbell carry counts as 1 rep, broad jump counts as 1 rep), Finishing the 5s to about the 8s.

Compare to: March 17, 2017

Coaching Tips: These shoulder presses are STRICT so there is no hip or knee bending allowed. Keep the abs tight and do not hyper extend the lumbar either. Be smart about the dumbbell presses and rest so that you can do the last press and go right into the dumbbell overhead carry. Make sure you use your arms on the broad jumps to get a bit of extra distance!

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 4 min max cal row or airdyne OR 3 sets of 10 single arm db bent over rows superset with 12 weighted step ups per leg

“By the Numbers” Book References: Press p. 199

Friday –September22, 2017 - 170922

Context: Practice

Dynamic Warm Up Option:200m jog, then 2 sets: 5 side lunges per side, 5 single arm ring row per side, 5 glute bridges, 5 broad jumps, 10 wall ball


Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) pause squat clean + front squat. Or perform 2 reps on the minute for 6 minutes (50-60%)


Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning:“Welcome to my Office"

For time. 5 rounds

10Front Squats (Health: 45lbs Front Squats, Athletic*: 85lbs, Performance: 135lbs)

10 Supine Ring Rows (Health: feet on the floor)

15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Health: 35lbs Front Squats, Athletic*: 53lbs, Performance: 70lbs)

400m Run

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 16 - 24 minutes, about 4 min per round. Scale Up: 105/155lb bar, 70/88lb kb

Coaching Tips:Front squats are from the floor (as usual). Try to get these done in one set for the first round or three. The supine ring rows will become challenging, but keep the form legit and break them up more often. Arms straight on the Russian swing, and try to make it feel like you are ‘throwing’ the kb away from you. Pace the run so you can come right back in and hit the rest of the stuff hard, but run hard on the last 400m!

Compare to:NEW WORKOUT!

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: none

“By the Numbers” Book References: Front Squats p. 227, Ring Row p. 122, KB swing p. 277, Run p. 269

Saturday – September 23, 2017 - 170923

Context: Practice

Dynamic Warm Up Option:3 sets of one 10 second crab bridge and one 20s deep squat with elbows pushing knees out. Then 3 sets of 5 with an empty bar: straight leg deadlift, front squat, hang muscle/power snatch, behind the neck press (snatch width), overhead squat.


Skill Practice Warm Up: None (list of fun games to play here)

Strength:6 x 2 Snatch - 12 of 14 (6sets of 2reps, same weight across, approximately 80 - 90%)

Super Set: 6x4strict ring dip (or progression) or strict weighted (6 sets of 4 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge as the main lift).

Metabolic Conditioning:“Sunspots”

For time. 5 rounds

9 Deadlifts (Health: 55lb, Athletic: 85lb, Performance: 135lbs)

6 Hang Power Snatches (Health: hang power clean, Athletic/Performance: same)

3 Overhead Squats (Health: 6 front squats, Athletic/Performance: same)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4-12 minutes. Scale Up: 105/155lbs.

Coaching Tips:Be sure to be thoroughly warmed up before starting, and practice the reps and the transitions. There isn’t enough time to ‘ease’ into it. Plan on hitting it hard from the beginning. These are regular grip deadlifts, but you may want to stop at 8 reps and change to a snatch grip for the last DL rep. Make sure you complete the deadlift before going into the hang power snatch (do not just snatch it from the floor). Do not let your breathing compromise the OHS. If you are gassed, rest before the last snatch so you can do the OHS safely.

Team Version: 10 full rounds, alternating with partner.

Compare to:“CrossFit Classic” BTWB

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: 10 wall ball, 10 burpees, 4 rounds OR 4 sets of 7-12 db curls super set with 10 loaded glute bridges (on a bench)

“By the Numbers” Book References: deadlift p. 151, snatch p. 447, OHS p. 300

Sunday –September 24, 2017 - 170924

Context:Mental Toughness

Dynamic Warm Up Option:3 sets of: 8 ring rows, 8 squat jumps, 8 hanging knee raises or knees to elbow, 8 lunge steps


Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working on Turkish Get Ups, aim to perform 4 each side.


Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning:“Flogging Offence”

For time.

3 rope climbs (Health: 6 rope lay downs, Athletic: 2 rope climbs*, Performance: 3 rope climbs)

Immediately after,5 rounds

12 ‘high’ box jumps (Health: 20 in, Athletic*: 24 in, Performance: 30 in)

40' dumbbell overhead walking lunge -single arm (Health: 15lb, Athletic*: 30lb, Performance: 45lb)

40 double unders (Health: 4 singles plus one attempt, 15 times, Athletic: 20 reps, Performance: 40)

1 minuterest

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 16 - 24 minutes, about 1 minute to finish rope climbs, then 4 min per round after. Scale Up: Legless rope climbs.

Coaching Tips:Get the rope climbs done as fast as possible, but don’t get rope burn. Be sure to have a way to come down the rope without letting it wear away your skin! The ‘high’ box jumps will be a bit scary, so be deliberate and take your time. Keep in mind that there is a minute rest before each set of box jumps. Switch arms as desired for the lunges. And don’t draw blood on the double unders (reduce the reps if you have to)!

Compare to:NEW WORKOUT!

Optional ‘Cash Out’or Hypertrophy: none

“By the Numbers” Book References: Rope climb p. 461, Box jump p. 351, Walking Lunge p. 220, Double Unders p. 213


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