/ Programme Specification
  1. Programmes:Please insert the titles of the programmes covered by this specification document, stating clearly the qualification and desired subject of study e.g. BA Honours in Fine Art or M.Des in Interior Design.

Programme Title / Click here to enter text. /
Head of School / Click here to enter text. /
Head of Department/Programme Leader / Click here to enter text. /
Programme Contact / Click here to enter text. /
Minimum Duration of Study (in months) / Click here to enter text. /
Maximum Duration of Study (in months) / Click here to enter text. /
Mode of Study (Full-time, part-time, etc) / Click here to enter text. /
Award to be Conferred / Click here to enter text. /
Exit Awards (at each stage) / Click here to enter text. /
Source of Funding (e.g. SFC, etc) / Click here to enter text. /
2. Academic Session: Please enter the academic session in which this new programme will start (or revision to this specification will apply).
Click here to enter text.
3. SCQF Level: Please state the SCQF level.
Click here to enter text. /
3.1 Credits: Please enter the number of credits, which could be e.g. 180, 360, or 480.
Click here to enter text. /
4. Awarding Institution:
Click here to enter text. /
5. Teaching Institutions: If more than one institution is involved in the delivery of the programme, please list those involved.
Click here to enter text. /
6. Lead School/Board of Studies: Please enter the School to which the programme belongs, and therefore the Board of Studies which has the responsibility for quality assurance of the programme. If more than one school is involved in the delivery of the programme, then please record only the lead school. Please discuss with Academic Services if help is required.
Click here to enter text. /
7. Programme Accredited By: Please provide details of relevant Professional or Statutory Bodies if applicable. Please note any relevant PSRB benchmarks.
Click here to enter text. /
  1. Entry Qualifications

8.1Highers / Click here to enter text. /
8.2A Levels / Click here to enter text. /
8.3Other / Click here to enter text. /
8.4IELTS Score Required on Entry / Click here to enter text. /
9. Programme Scope: This field should provide an overview of the content of the programme, bearing in mind that the detail will be identified in course specifications.
Click here to enter text.
10. Programme Aims: Please remember that the aims should be written in a student-friendly way.
The aims of the programme are:
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10.1Stage 1 Aims:
Click here to enter text.
10.2Stage 2 Aims:
Click here to enter text.
10.3Stage 3 Aims:
Click here to enter text.
10.4 Stage 4 Aims:
Click here to enter text.
10.5 Stage 5 Aims:
Click here to enter text.
11. Intended Learning Outcomes of Programme: This field should describe the programme's intended learning outcomes, reflecting the core attributes of a graduate of the programme. The intended learning outcomes should summarise what all students should be able to do or to demonstrate, in terms of particular knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes, and should be written at a level that reflects the final award.
After full participation in and successful completion of the programme, students should be able to:
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11.1 Intended Learning Outcomes of Stage 1
Knowledge and Understanding
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Applied Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Professional Practice: Communication, Presentation, Working with Others
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11.2 Intended Learning Outcomes of Stage 2
Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Applied Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Professional Practice: Communication, Presentation, Working with Others
Click here to enter text.
11.3 Intended Learning Outcomes of Stage 3
Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Applied Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Professional Practice: Communication, Presentation, Working with Others
Click here to enter text.
11.4 Intended Learning Outcomes of Stage 4
Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Applied Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Professional Practice: Communication, Presentation, Working with Others
Click here to enter text.
11.5 Intended Learning Outcomes of Stage 5
Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Applied Knowledge and Understanding
Click here to enter text.
Professional Practice: Communication, Presentation, Working with Others
Click here to enter text.
12. Assessment Methods: This field should provide an overview of the assessment methods used in the programme and their relevance, bearing in mind that assessment takes place at course level.
Click here to enter text.
13. Learning and Teaching Approaches: This field should identify the learning and teaching approaches for the programme.
Click here to enter text.
14. Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Statements and Other External or Internal Reference Points:
Click here to enter text.
15. Additional Relevant Information: Please identify distinctive features such as library and IT facilities, student support systems, employability, and/or student involvement.
Click here to enter text.
16. Programme Structure and Features: Please use this field to provide an easily understood description of the programme structure. This can take the form of a diagram but should include stage, term, credit, level and assessment weighting in % terms by examination and coursework. Also, indentify any core or optional elements.
Click here to enter text.
17. Can exemptions be granted?This is different from APEL, which is considered below.
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
18. Does the programme comply with GSA APEL policy?
Yes No
If no, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
19. Are there any arrangements for granting advanced entry?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
20. Are there any arrangements for allowing students to transfer into the programme?
Yes No
If yes, please explain stating requirements and levels to where this can apply:
Click here to enter text.
21. Are there any arrangements for allowing students to transfer into other programmes?
Yes No
If yes, please clarify:
Click here to enter text.
22. What are the requirements for progressing from each stage?
Click here to enter text.
23. Please confirm that the programme follows GSA Examination Board policy and procedures, including External Examiner participation:
Yes No
If no, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
24. Please explain programme management and committee arrangements up to, but not including, Boards of Study:
Click here to enter text.
25. Please explain thesystems and arrangements regarding:
a) Quality assuranceof the management, operation and monitoring of the programme
Click here to enter text.
b) Student feedback and representation
Click here to enter text.
c) Programme based student support
Click here to enter text.
Date of production/revision: / Click here to enter a date. /
Date of Policy Production/Revision / December 2013

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