(Looking for job in New Hampshire, USA)
Phone: +420 799794078
Viber: +380631248003
Skype: sngavrilenko
Serhii Havrylenko
Programmer of web/desktop applications and windows/web services.
(ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, C#, Entity Framework, AJAX, jQuery, MSSQL, JavaScript, Linq, WinForms, WPF, WCF, WebAPI)
Please read last section, I can start new job at the December of 2018 only.
March 2018 – up to current time
NVision CZ, Praha, Czech Republic,
Programmer in telecommunication company (C#, ASP.NET Core, jQuery, JavaScript, team of 5 programmers)
- Fixes and improvements of exists system for monitoring telecommunication’s equipment (Frontend only: JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML).
- Participation in development of new version hardware monitoring system (C#, ASP.NET Core, jQuery, MD Bootstrap)
October 2016 – January 2018
Novusdata s.r.o., Praha, Czech Republic,
Programmer of Czech’s gas network informational system (C#, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Entity Framework, Linq, T-SQL, WCF, WebApi, jQuery, JavaScript, WinForms, WPF, TFS, team of 6 programmers)
- Telemetry device driver (SCADA) development. Telemetry devices are industrial computers belong gas network. Periodically (once an hour) they collect data from sensors of different types: temperature, pressure, consumption, gas quality and store sensors values to own memory. Once in day telemetries bring myself online through GPRS modems and waiting for incoming connections. This driver (installed on server) tries to connect to telemetries in multithreaded mode and if connection was successful, receives archived sensors values, current values and provides clock synchronization. Communication between SCADA and telemetry devices works by IEC 60870-5-104 protocol through UDP. Driver parses sensor values and sends to high level application for further processing. Demo:
- Fixes and new features development of application for gas-network system by customer’s requests (
2008 – September 2016
“EterioSoft” (own company)
I did work as programmer-freelancer. I have created software by client’s requests from scratch up to end and provided support for them.
Programmer, project manager, tester
Projects with my participation:
- Application for Securon security company (
- Migration form ASP.NET +PostgreSQL to the latest technologies: ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL, Entity framework, Linq, Ajax, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap.
- Integrations with MoneyOnline and SberBank payment systems;
- Integration with Surgard equipment.
Demo video Screenshots and description: (2013-up to current time)
- Feedback’s service for government organizations. Accepts client’s feedbacks about received services, collects them, builds statistic and shows reports. By these reports it is possible to understand “thin” places and fix them. It is my idea how to improve quality of government services. Working prototype created and offered for implementation to government services, but no interest/responses received (2016 y.) ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL, Linq, Ajax, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap. Presentation:
- Data converter - cell phone tariffs comparer. Application imports data from Excel files, converts it to cross-referenced tables and stores into database. Later it prepares output report data and allows to create reports for analyze, comparison and best offers creation (ASP.NET MVC, EF, Office Interop (Excel reader/writer), SSIS) (2015 y.)
- Hospitals salary calculator. Company Tenent provides service for USA’s hospitals which shows preferences of new salary calculation algorithm. This algorithm depends on physician’s productivity. Hospitals upload current values about phisican’s work hours and system prepares comparison table which shows how salary will be changed due to new calculation algorithm. Phisicians can analyze and decide if it would be profitable to move to the new algorithm. (ASP.NET MVC, C#, Entity framework, Linq, jQuery, Bootstrap). (2015 y.)
- Cartingclub software (application for company). Optimization of data structure, migration from MySQL+SQL queries from code to MSSQL + stored procedures and EF, development of new features (2014-2015 y.).
- EterioInfo content management system (my idea). Allows to create sites like (ASP.NETMVC, EF, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, 2013 y.).
- Software for redistribute loses in electric lines of Dofinovka garden society. (C#, WinForms, MSSQL, LINQ, EF, 2014 y.) Description: Report examples:
- Dofinium LMS learning management system, full development cycle. Description (ASP.NET MVC (C#), MSSQL, EF, LINQ, AJAX, JavaScript, 2013-2014 y.)
- EterioShop– internet shop with wholesale options. Examples of shops built on this platform: MVC (C#), MSSQL, EF, LINQ, AJAX, JavaScript, 2012-2013 y).
- StudPortal – LMS for educational organization Application allows to create “plans” (sets of educational materials) and provides them to students. It accepts back completed tasks and redirects them to teacher for verification (ASP.NET MVC (C#), MSSQL, EF, LINQ, AJAX, JavaScript, 2011-2012 y.)
- Windows chat with shell module – (C#, WinForms, MSSQL, 2012 y.) allows to send messages 1 to 1 user, 1 to many, send files and execute shell commands remotely (Restart, Power off, Get directory content, etc.). Description:
- EastEuroDate dating social network (ASP.NET C#, MSSQL, JavaScript, 2011 y. created for company from United Kingdom, does not work anymore)
- Eterio-Sites - simple CMS, own idea (ASP.NET C#, MSSQL, JavaScript, 2009-2010 y.) Sites examples Description:
- Eterio.com(own idea)simplemessage board (ASP.NET C#, MSSQL, Stored procedures, 2009-2010 y.)
- Automated tests and data parsers (C#, Java, XPath, Selenium RC. 2008-2016 y.)
September 2008 – July 2011
Company creates and serves weighing equipment of railway carriages and cargo automobiles. Company has full range of related directions, there are own production of weight machine hardware, software, sensors, ADC, scale mounting, adjustment and service.
Programmer. C# (Windows forms), MSSQL
Development of auto scale/railway scale operator’s work place. Application takes sensors signal through ADC, converts it to mass and shows. Program accepts operators command for mass measure, zero set, etc. Development of reports, functions for export data to upper level applications, integrations with other systems.
- Development of comparator software
- Development of container scale software
- Development of auto scale software
- Development of digital mass sensor HBM C16i driver and other drivers
- Development of railway scale software
- Fixes in algorithm of carriages mass measurement in movement
- Development of specific functionality by client’s requests. Integration with customer’s systems.
August 2007 – July 2008
Lohika ltd
Company provides full range of software development services.
Automated tests developer. Java, Selenium RC, TestNG, Maven
- Development of automated tests for internet auction
Development of test framework –functions library what can be used in different projects.
Development of data driven test framework.
July 2006 – July 2007
AltSoft software company
Company creates Windows applications and web-projects almost for cell phone network, ASP.NET, C#, MS SQL, up to 6 programmers.
Project manager, tester
- Project management and documentation development
- Manual testing
November 2002 - May 2006
Own software company, custom software development by client’s requests. VC++, MFC, C#, PHP, MSSQL, MySQL, JavaScript. Up to 4 programmers.
Project manager, tester
- Project management
- Manual testing (Windows applications, web projects)
1999 – 2001
Jobs not related to programming: system administrator, manager of the ISP, computers / parts sales manager, realtor and jeweler).
Summary list of knowledge and experience
Programming languages and technologies / C#, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebForm (used about 5 years ago); WinForms; XML, XPath, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, WCF, WPF (not so big experience), no DevExpress please!Databases and tools / MS SQL, Entity Framework, LINQ, T-SQL, Profiler, DTA
IDE / Visual Studio 2003-2017
Version control / TFS (SourceSafe and SVN used before)
Other products / Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver (used for automated UI test development)
Academy of refrigeration (Академия холода)(Odessa, Ukraine, 1994–1999)
- Automation in refrigeration industry.
- Department of informational technologies;
- Automated operation of technologic processes and productions
Industrial automation college (ОТПА) (Odessa Ukraine, 1990-1994)
- Industrial automation
Personal info
I am 42 years old, married and we have daughter 15 years old. Born in Ukraine and live in Czech Republic since September 2016. Detailed portfolio with descriptions of almost projects
I have won a green card and planning to move to USA at the December of 2018. I am looking for a job in Nashua, NH or nearest area. My best job is development and support long-term projects related to industrial automation, service for many users, bank, automotive industry or other interesting direction. Modern technologies are preferred. All offers will be reviewed and answer provided.
Updated on 22 August 2018 y.