Criteria and Documentation Examples

1: Parents who are missing, unavailable due to illness or hospitalization

The parent is documented in NJS as missing

A search request has been made

There is no other caregiver available to plan for the child

Caregiver is unable to participate due to mental status, significant cognitive delays or physical illness which significantly impairs functioning and decision making (supervisory approval is required).

Family is transient, and documented efforts have been made to engage them regarding the teaming process.

Example for scenario 1:

This worker received a phone call from the biological mother, Ms.Cynthia Morales. Ms. Morales reported that she is unable to attend her scheduled Family Team Meeting (FTM) as she is currently hospitalized at Cooper Hospital for pneumonia. She explained that she was admitted last night, and there is no plan for discharge at this time. Ms. Morales agreed that she would be willing to plan another FTM when she is treated and discharged from the hospital.

Ms. Morales reported that Nathan’s father, Ruddy Santos, was deported to Dominican Republic two years ago. She denied having any contact with him since prior to his deportation. Ms. Morales relayed that she never met any of his family and was unfamiliar with any of his friends. She stated that she is aware that he is from Santiago, Dominican Republic and was born on January 15th. Ms. Morales stated that Mr. Santos should be 37 years old as he is one year older than her.

The Division worker has confirmed that Mr. Santos was deported to the Dominican Republic on April 4, 2011. His current whereabouts are unknown. He has been listed as missing in New Jersey Spirit and a formal search request was initiated for him on November 1, 2013.

2: In a treatment program which prohibits or limits visitation

Parent is in a treatment program which has a blackout period

Program restrictions prohibit teaming from occurring

Example for scenario 2:

This worker contacted New Jersey Drug Rehabilitation and spoke with John Williams, Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor(CADC) at the facility. Mr. Williams reported that Ms. Rhonda Chase, biological mother, is unable to speak with the worker at this time as she is in a black out period and cannot have contact with anyone, including the Division. Worker explained to Mr. Williams that workerwould like to offer Ms. Chase aFamily Team Meeting (FTM). Worker explained the purpose of an FTM and how Ms. Chase would benefit from participating in one. Mr. Williams stated that he supports the Division’s teaming process and feels that it will be beneficial for her in her recovery process. He continued to state that he would be interested in participating in an FTM and reported that an FTM can occur at the treatment facility as they do have meeting rooms available. Although Mr. Williams felt that an FTM would help Ms. Chase, he continued to state that an FTM is not permitted at this time because of the mandatory blackout period, but he agreed to speak with her about it and have her contact the worker once the blackout period has been successfully completed.

3: Incarcerated in a facility which prohibits or limits visitation

The incarceration facility was contacted and will not accommodate an FTM (even on the phone)

Example for scenario 3:

This worker contacted the Camden County Correctional Facility in an attempt to schedule a Family Team Meeting (FTM) with Mr. Tony Carlson. Worker spoke with Ms.Tanya Phillips, social worker at the facility. Ms. Phillips advised that the facility does not have the ability to hold meetings and does not have the capability for the inmate to call out in order to be a participant in the meeting. Ms. Phillips stated that Mr. Carlson is receiving substance abuse treatment and is a part of their literacy program which helps illiterate inmates learn to read.She that the worker can visit with Mr. Carlson individually; however the facility does not permit group meetings for security reasons.

4: Cancellation of the meeting by the parent

A prep occurred with the family and team members were contacted to attend

The client did not appear for the FTM and cannot be reached on the day of the FTM

The client calls and states that he/she will not be able to attend and is unable to re-schedule for a date before the prescribed deadline

The FTM was offered within a reasonable timeframe (within 15 days for the Initial FTM timeframe and within 60 days of the Quarterly Team Meeting timeframe)

Example for scenario 4:

On October 13, 2013, this worker had a scheduled Family Team Meeting (FTM) at the County Library for 2:00pm with the David family. The meeting was scheduled during the prep which took place on October 7, 2013 (please refer to documented prep in NJ SPIRIT). Ms. David contacted this worker today and informed worker that she needed to cancel the meeting because she was called into work. Ms. David relayed that she was not originally scheduled to work, but her boss offered her overtime. She explained that the overtime pay will help the family financially as she has been struggling to pay the light bill this month. Worker told Ms. David that worker understood her need to postpone the meeting. Worker further explained that worker would contact hernext week, after Ms. David receives her new work schedule, tochoose a new date and time for the FTM.

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Appropriate Use of an Unavailable for an FTM