Programme for the Intensive course
‘Comparative Studies in Education with a Focus on Inclusion in a Baltic-Nordic Context (CSEI)’
Groupwork: Live, Saara, Kristine, Jurgita, Line
Decide class
Decide the challenges
Decide the subject
Decide the didactics
2 hours class:
- Storyline subject Bullying
Main Goal: Develop skills in empathy and sympathy
Yesterday’s goals:
- I can make a character
- I can write about my character
- I can work in a group
Today’s goals:
- I know where Iran is on the map
- I can be a part of an activity
- I can answer through my character
Current plan: 45+45 minutes:
1) Principle walks in There is a new guy tell about him (teacher in a role)
2) New guy/character made by teacher “I am…” (teacher in a role)
3) Geographic lesson (topic)
4) Bullying in the break. The other classes made fun of the new guy (phone call - principle)
5) Activity: “Who likes apples”
6) Empathy and sympathy lesson (topic)
7) Activity: “Give face away”
8) Activity: “Hot chair”
9) “What have I learn?“ feedback post-it note
10) Homework for tomorrow: remember to write diary.
After lesson: 30 minutes where we talk about the rest of the storyline reflection.
School in Denmark
In classroom:
-4th grade
-12 students and 5 teachers
-students are from Denmark, also few students are from different countries
-two aggressive students
-students are playing storyline
In storyline:
-9th grade
-17 characters from Denmark, Poland, Turkey, Somalia, Iran, Iraq and China
-different personalities
-every character have a different biography
-two characters are aggressive
Storyboard / 4th grade / Den danske skuleHistory / Key questions / Activities / Organization / Plan of work (teacher goals) / Criteria / Product / Didactics
Day 1: / How is a class?
How is kids in this age?
Are they teenagers? /
- The making of the characters. Everyone in class will make one each. They will not only make it, but also give the character a personality. They will create a person they can talk true during the week.
The criteria’s will be said and written on the smart board. This is because the class should see them during the work.
The teacher can say some examples of how the kids can write about their characters. /
- I can make a character
- I can write about my character
- I can work in a group
The kids have to make the character look as good as possible. They have to use the time, and be thorough. / The product will be the doll and the doll`s character.
Today, day 2: This will be the day we use in Kaunas / What is bullying?
How can the bullying stop?
Where is Iran?
What is empathy?
What is sympathy? / Current plan: 45+45 minutes (the whole day?):
- Principle walks in There is a new guy tell about him (teacher in a role)
- New guy/character made by teacher “I am…” (teacher in a role)
- Geographic lesson (topic) Where is Iran on the map?
- Bullying in the break. The other classes made fun of the new guy (phone call - principle)
- Activity: “Who likes apples”
- Empathy and sympathy lesson (topic)
- Activity: “Give face away”.
- Activity: ”the hot seat”.
- Homework for tomorrow: remember to write in your diary. The teacher will of course write in the diary of the character that is new and bullied this day.
To organize this the school have to work together as a team. There must be a school where the teacher can ask the principal for help, also in the classroom. /
- I know where Iran is on the map
- I can be a part of an activity
- I can answer through my character
- I know what empathy and sympathy is.
Today the criteria’s will be that the kids can work together as a class.
The kids also have to answer true there character and they have to pretend to be older. /
- Geography lesson: different learningstyles.
- The didactics of the empathy and sympathy lesson: theory is made by Tønnesvang and Benny Hansen. Tønnesvang is a Danish psychologist and professor and Hansen is a Danish pedagogue and he also make lectors about sympathy, empathy and behaviors. We chose this lector because it is important that the kids know about different behaviors so that they can think before they act and also be aware of there own behavior.
- Activities:
- we chose these activities to make the purples work together, and we want them to learn about sympathy and empathy. We are more alike than we may think, and that’s the most important thing that we want to learn the kids during these activities.
The rest of the week / What will happened next?
Will there be a new loop or happening?
What will the topics be (in addition to bulling), and how will the lessons be?
Geographic lesson
Time: / What: / How: / Why:Ca. 5 min / We will make a thinking-map of Iran. / The kids will tell us what they know about Iran and I will put it in the thinking-map / The purples always know something. Important to make them think about and reflect about the topic.
Ca. 3 min / Look on the map. Where is Iran on the map. / I will show the purples a map of the middle east and also one of only Iran. “What do you see?” “which countries around?” / We need to place it correct and I want the purples to see and hear about the country. Different learning styles- Dunn and Dunn.
Ca. 3 min / Look at the flag. / The purples will describe the flag. “What do you see?” / It`s important that the purples will use their eyes and their vocabulary to describe the flag.
Ca. 2min / Fast repitation about the lesson. / “What have we learned?” / To end the topic in a good way. In Norwegian we call it: “korke timen”- “to put a cork on the bottle”.
What? / How? / Why?We going to play a game, which we named „who likes apples“ / We will show some things and if puples likes one of them they rase him hands. / Because we want to show that people arenot so diferent as they think.
We going to play a „hot chair” / One person sits on the chair and others say a good things about this person / Because pupils are able to know what other people think about them. And puples have to empathize to another person.
We will play a role – playing game “GIVING THE FACES” to understand different emotions what people feels when he is bulled in school, work or some other place. / In the beginning teacher asks students “How do you fell when you are bulled?” and students need to call the emotions how they feel in than kind of situation and mean while teacher write down these emotions on blackboard. Then all students make a circle and one after the other show one emotion(for example sad, depressed, unhappy, unnecessary, lonely ect.) and give that emotions around the circle, to understand how people fell and look when he is sad, depressed ect. / Because we want than students understand how people feel when he, she or somebody else are bulled in school. Main goal of this game is to learn sympathy and empathy.
Didactics of the activities: we chose these activities to make the purples work together, and we want them to learn about sympathy and empathy. We are more alike than we may think, and that’s the most important thing that we want to learn the kids during these activities.
Self-worth = self-confidence + self-esteem.
Tønnesvang (psychologist and professor at Århus psychological institute in Denmark) defines the term "self-worth as a complex concept composed by "self-confidence" and "self-esteem".
So we have: Self-worth = self-confidence + self-esteem.
Self-confidence has to do with what we as humans can, or what we do. For example you can be good at math, soccer or to paint and so on. If you think you are good at math and other people confirms one in this view, the greater one's confidence in this area will be. You self-confidence is controlled by the situation. You can be very good at math and have a high self-confidence there, but maybe you are not so good at playing football, and therefore your self-confidence would be low in that situation. Of course the situation can change. You can practice your football skills, and become better, and your self-confidence can grow or fall.
Self-esteem on the other hand, has something to do with what we as humans are, how we experience and relate to ourselves as human. Self-esteem is therefore how we see ourselves as humans: Who am I, am I good enough as I am? More precisely, we can define self-esteem as the individual's ability to figure out how we feel about ourselves and how we see ourselves.
If you have good self-esteem, you will also feel Empathy. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person’s place. When you develop your self-esteem, you will develop your ability empathize too.
Sympathy: understanding, compassion.
Empathy: the ability to put themselves in another person’s place. Accept other person's feelings and take it into account.
To have a good self worth you have to have high self-confidence (what we can) and high self-esteem (who we are) too. You can divide your self-confidence and self-esteem into the two pipes in the drawing.
A human does not always have a certain amount of self-confidence or self-esteem. It can change. Our behavior can have a huge importance on these changes and on our self worth. If you had a bad day, you are more likely to be aggressive. (red or yellow behavior) if you’re having a good day you might show green behavior. And you’re pipes which contains self-confidence and self-esteem will be filled. (you can see examples on how you’re pipes will look like with the different kinds of behaviors down below) (see the different behaviors down below)
The green behavior - The green behavior indicates that the person who haves this behavior, have high self-esteem. People who “shows” the green behavior, is able to show empathy and will have to apply infringement and bullying as a means to divert attention from themselves and seek to resolve conflicts in a constructive way.
When a person has a high self worth the pipes would look like this:
The red and yellow behavior - The reason that the red and yellow behavior is treated as a group, is because both behaviors are expressions of the same type of self worth problems - low self-esteem, but high self-confidence - but translates differently for boys (who often uses red behavior) and girls (who often uses yellow behavior). This is because the boys with this behavior primarily use physical outward reaction, but the girls with this behavior often use psychological outward reaction. (you can of course have both reactions or none of them.)
These behaviors are often expressions that attempts to compensate for a person’s low self worth by getting more confidence from its surroundings by exposing others to bullying. By bulling others their will often be a group of "bagclappers," which will give the bully recognition for his "courage” to dare to bully. You typically choose to be "bagclapper," as part of a strategy for not risking ending up as the person being bullied.
People (mostly boys), which is marked by the red behavior will typically find that they are better than everyone else and will use threats and violence to resolve conflicts.
People (mostly girls), which is marked by the yellow behavior will typically see themselves as more cunning than all others and will typically seek to resolve conflicts by gossiping and lay ambushes for others.
When a person (boy or girl) has a low self worth it is characterized by a relatively high self-confidence but low self-esteem, it looks like this in the pipes:
The gray behavior - the gray behavior reveals that the person who shows this kind of behavior has a very low self worth characterized by the fact that the person has very low self-confidence and low self-esteem. Persons, who have such a poor self-esteem, will typically perceive themselves as being stupid and incompetent and resolve conflict by running away. The signals that people with the gray behavior shows, will often result in them being "victim" of those who have the red and yellow behavior.
People with gray behavior will often be maintained in their "victimrole" by people with red and yellow behavior if nothing is done to break this pattern. We see that there is a connection between the types of behavior. When a person has a low self worth with both a low self-confidence and low self-esteem, it looks like this in the pipes:
We could now use this information to play the game: “the hot chair” we could tell the pupils that they have to say something nice to the person in “the hot chair” so that they can help building up other classmates self worth and fill up eat others “pipes”. The pupils should be told about the different kinds of behavior, and they can easily see that the green behavior is the one to follow.
I have tried this myself in a fourth grade. And they learned a lot from it, and they became aware of all the different kinds of behaviors, and some became more aware of them self.
It is also important to tell them that behavior can change over short time. Maybe something happened during a break that could have changed a pupil’s mood. If a person you normally always make fun WITH (not fun at) does not think it is fun right now, something during this persons day might have changed the persons mood. And the person whose mood have changed might snap at you and tell you to stop, because the person is not in a good mood. It is very difficult to see when the mood is changing on another person, but don’t be mad if your god friend are snapping at you, there might be a god explanation. The person with the changing mood could also say in a calm voice: “I am in a bad mood right now, but it has nothing to do with you :D ” or “I just need a couple of minutes alone” or a lot of other things.
So remember to accept other people, and try to be aware on others mood and take it into account and have empathy. Moods/behaviors can change a lot during a day, and it is so dame difficult to figure out. Especially when you are a teenager. But it is very important stuff to know. It helps us understanding other people better and take others feeling into account. (empathy) ;)
I hope you guys understand what I mean. It is very difficult stuff to translate, but I hope you get the point anyways :D I will explain it again when we meet in Kaunas if we are going to use this. :D
Annex 1.1
Red behavior
How red behaviors sees itself:
I'm the best!
I have the right to decide for others!
I am smarter than others!
I will consider myself!
How red behavior is towards others:
I step on others!
I stick bad words on others!
I blame others for everything!
I threaten and scare!
I am violent and hits!
How red behavior fixes conflicts:
I'm going to attack!
How red behavior speaks to others:
I sound angry or harsh and cold.
I yell and command.
I interrupt others.
I do not listen to others.
I blow myself up and stare angrily.
Words red behavior uses:
Idiot! Sissy! Pigs! Gay! Spaz! Witch!
Cowards! Perker! Etc.
Annex 1.2
Yellow behavior
How yellow behavior sees itself:
I am cunning !
I have the right to decide for others!
I'm smarter and better than others!
I only need to account myself!
How yellow behavior is towards others:
I heel and bully others and make them laugh!
I slander and gossip about others!
I lie and cheat!
I do not keep a promise!
I sacrifice others!
How yellow behavior fixes conflicts:
I lay ambush!
How yellow behavior speaks to others:
I speak contemptuously and ironic.
I use a condescending tone.
I make other unsafe and insecure.
I look condescendingly on others.
Words/phrases yellow behavior uses:
You are not too smart! Do you think that we want to listen to you?
You think that you're smart, huh? Should that be funny?
Annex 1.3
Grey behavior
How gray behavior sees itself:
I'm stupid! I'm not good at anything!
I dare not to decide anything!
I do not know what I want!
I do not take account of myself!
How gray behavior is towards others:
I put up with everything.
I suck up to the others.
I'm a coward and cry often.
things is none of my business.
I try to make myself invisible.
How gray behavior fixes conflicts:
I run away!
How gray behavior speaks to others:
I speak quietly and uncertain.
I sound apologetic.
I sound indecisive.
I speak disparagingly about myself.
I look down at the floor while I'm talking.