Program Reflections on Student Learning(updated for Springand Fall 2013)
To be completed each semester by each department/group within each division/area OR by any group interested in improving student learning at the college.
Type and submit electronically to your Division Office Manager, who will forward to the appropriate person.
- Meet with your department/group and discuss the student attainment of SLOs or supporting objectives.
If you are unsure how to begin the discussion, respond to the following questions:
- What did you talk about last time in your Program Reflections? Were any changes made? Did you notice any changes in student learning that might have been caused by those changes?
- To what degree are students attaining the SLO(s) that you have decided to focus on this semester?
- Where would you like to see improvement?
- What kinds of programmatic changes could be made to instigate improvement in student learning?
- What challenges do we face that impact our ability to support student learning, provide access to student learning, and/or provide opportunities for student learning?
- What can we do to overcome these challenges to advance student learning at MPC?
- Brainstorm ways to improve student learning. Use the factors discussed as a guide.
- Record the results on the “Program Reflections on Student Learning” Form.
Include all forms in your department/unit’s Program Review package.
- If you are unsure on the kinds of programmatic changes you might implement to instigate improvement, consider the following list:
- Instructional approaches
- Consistency between sections
- Assignments and/or activities
- Assessmentmethods
- Alignment of course objectives or SLOs
- Prerequisites, co-requisites, and/or advisories
- Availability of course offerings
- Buildings and grounds appearance and safety
- Instructionaltechnology (e.g., website, distance education)
- Library services
- Assessment/placement processes
- Learning centers (English and Study Skills Center, Reading Center, Math Learning Center, Business Skills, Academic Support Center, TRiO Learning Center)
- Bookstore procedures
- Counseling
- Financial Aid
- Supportive Services
- Health Services
- Campus communication
- Equipment and supplies
- Staff (knowledge, training needs, availability, etc.)
- Questions or tasks that will come up during Program Review
Program Reflections Form on Student Learning
Updated for Spring and Fall 2013
Department/Group Name / Semester / DateDepartment/group members present
Note improvements that have taken place due to past efforts or plans discussed in Program Reflections.
Write SLOs/GEOs or objectives from course outline of record that you discussed this semester.
Summary of department/group discussion about student learning. Provide references to specific SLOs and GEOs.
Results of the reflections dialog: Description of goals, action plans, or other aspects of program review resulting from the analysis of student learning (budget dependent or non-budget dependent).