Get Back To Being You!

CancerFit® Class Warm Up

Standing (to be completed after a 5-10 minute cardiovascular warm-up)

  • Body Inhales (3x)-from standing position, bend knees drop arms to thighs. In a sweeping motion, draw arms up and over head as knees straighten.
  • Shoulder Rolls(6-8xeach direction)-circle shoulders forward backwards
  • High Knees(10-15x)-Slow march in place, bringing knees up and down (aim for hip height, extend arms in front of the body to touch them each time)
  • Side Toe Taps-toe tapping side to side/ opposite arm reaching side to side
  • Upward Stretch (5x)-Bring arms up above head, fingertips touching. Bending from torso, stretch with fingertips reaching toward the right side, then center, then to the left side, center (repeat)
  • Arm Cross and Above Stretch(1x/side, holding each position 15-30seconds)-Extend arm in front of body. Bend opposite arm and place it behind elbow of forward arm. Pull extended arm across the body to stretch deltoids (1) release bent arm, bring extended arm over head, bend at elbow and reach behind the head, pulling behind the elbow with opposite arm (2)
  • Standing Hamstring Stretch(1x/side, holding each position 15-30seconds)-Step forward with right leg, then center bodyweight over the left leg. Keeping flat back, forward resting bodyweight on upper left thigh. Pull toes of right foot up toward ceiling until hamstring is engaged. Repeat on opposite side
  • Standing Calf Stretch(1x/side, holding each position 15-30seconds)-In same position as above, center body weight over forward leg. Slide back leg further behind body, resting upper body on the thigh of forward leg. Press heal of back leg toward the ground, increase split distance to deepen stretch
  • Standing Quadriceps Stretch(1x/side, holding each position 15-30seconds)-Using wall or bar for support, balance weight on left leg and bend right leg at knee. Reach behind back with right arm for the right foot. Pull Foot in towards backside until stretch is present. Repeat on opposite side
  • Arms Circles(5x per position)- Arms out to sides, small circles forward (1), big circles Forward (2), Reverse direction big circles backward (3), small circles backward (4)
  • Wrist Circles(5x each direction)-Extend arms in front of body, wrist circles clockwise(1), wrist circles counterclockwise(2)
  • Forearm/Wrist Stretch(1x/side, holding each position 15-30seconds)-keep right arm extended, use left hand to pull fingers of right hand up and back(1) then down and back(2)
  • Standing Cat and Camel Stretch (5x)-bend knees and place hands on upper thighs. From flat back position, inhale deeply. Exhale, rounding through the spine and hollowing out the core
  • Standing Chest Stretch(1x, holding 15-30seconds)-From standing position, Inhale bringing both hands into the chest, exhale as arms are extended to the front. Inhale, drop thumbs toward the floor and pull arms through to the back of the body. Claps hands behind back and drop shoulders, opening the chest. Raise arms toward ceiling to increase the stretch.

*Offer modifications as needed. Cue proper form and execution. Stretch to the point of tension, never pain!
CancerFit® Class Cool Down

(Core work should be done just prior to this Cool Down—optional to lead this as a group activity! **Avoid common crunches, as they are often performed incorrectly and many alternate methods of training core are available and more effective!)

On Mats (15-30 second hold for each stretch)

Lying on Back

  • Full-body abdominal stretch(3x)-Arms above head, fingertips touching, toes pointed opposite direction stretch from the middle outward, elongating torso inhaling as body lengthens
  • Knee Rockers(5x/side)Bring both knees to chest. Allow legs and torso to alternate from side to side, keeping shoulders steady on floor
  • Single Leg to Chest(1x/side)-Extend one leg outward along floor as the other leg stays in at the chest
  • Single Raised Leg Stretch(1x/side)-Straighten bent leg and extend toward ceiling. Grasp hands behind raised thigh and pull towards chest
  • Single Leg Cross Overs(1x/side)-In same position as above, allow raised leg to fall across body to the opposite side
  • Lying Side Quad Stretch(1x/side)-lying on one side, bend top leg at knee, grab foot with top hand. Bring heel toward backside

Roll onto stomach

  • Cobra Stretch(1x)-keep lower body on floor while pushing upper body toward ceiling using the hands
  • Swimmer(5x/side)-extend arms above head. Raise right arm and left leg at same time, then switch sides-looks like a swimmer kicking in water (Modification, on all four hands and knees)
  • Cat and Camel(5x)-From all Fours, inhale flat back, exhale and pull belly button to spine
  • Childs Pose(1x)-from all fours, lower bottom to ankles, extending arms in front of body on floor. Lower head to ground and hold stretch(arms can come to sides if unable to extend overhead)


  • Head Rolls (5x/side)-drop chin to chest, roll head toward right shoulder, back to chest, then to left shoulder
  • Modified Hurdler Stretch(1x/position)-Bring one leg into groin, extend opposite leg. With flat back, bring chest toward knee(1), release and extend both legs. Bending at the hips, extend arms and reach for toes(2), Repeat on opposite side
  • Trunk Rotators(1x/side)-extend one leg, bend opposite leg and place foot across outstretched leg. Rotate torso towards the bent knee, pulling with outstretched-side arm across bent knee


  • Repeat the following Warm Up stretches: Shoulder Rolls, Arm Cross and Above Stretch, Standing Chest Stretch, Ending with Body Inhales

*Offer modifications as needed. Cue proper form and execution. Stretch to the point of tension, never pain! For the cool down stretches, offer a seated version for participants who are unable to get down to the floor.