College, Dean:
Department, Department Chair:
Program, Program Coordinator (if appropriate):
Requested by:
HR Liaison:
What Faculty position type? (tenure system, lecturer, fixed length, research, etc):
What (proposed) title?
Does this position replace someone who has left (resignation/retirement) this year?
Proposed date to advertise the position:
Proposed date for new hire to start at USM:
Proposed Salary Range based on market data (please consult with HR for CUPA data), including benefits (current benefit rate is 52.4%):
Enrollment Data:
Enrollments data can be found at
Number of majors for each of last three years:
Number of minors for each of last three years:
Number of graduates for each of the last three years:
Departmental Data:
Please list all full-time faculty, and their teaching load (for Fall 2017/Spring 2016):
Average departmental advising load (for Fall 2015/Spring 2018):
Faculty to Major Ratio (for Fall 2017/Spring 2018):
Average section size (for Fall 2017/Spring 2018):
Number of credits necessary to complete the major:
Program is accredited by:
Last accreditation date:
Next accreditation date:
Rationale: Job Description (to be used as the Job Posting)
Justification narrative: The narrative should include arguments in favor of the position (including any relevant market data and job data), the expertise sought and why, and what courses would be offered by this position.
Service to other disciplines:
Faculty position requests are generated by the academic department, working closely with their Dean and the College HR liaison. The Dean advocates for the position with the Provost, who must bring the position forward to two groups – the USM University-Wide position review team, and also the UMS Chief Academic Officers.
The Chief Academic Officers review faculty positions typically once a year – in August. Once the Chief Academic Officers have reviewed the materials, they make a position search recommendation to the Chancellor. Ultimately, the decision to move forward with faculty searches rests with the Chancellor.
The tracking below is primarily for USM use, as a frequently asked question is “what is the status of the faculty position request.”
Received by Dean Office on:
Received in Dean Office by:
Submitted to Provost Office on:
Submitted to Provost Office by:
Received in Provost Office by:
Received in Provost Office by:
Submitted to HR for University-Wide Position Review on:
Submitted to HR by:
Submitted to CAOs for System Consideration on:
Submitted to CAO’s by:
Approval from the System on:
Approval from the System received by:
Approval Communicated to Dean, Department, and HR on:
Approval Communicated by:
Position entered into HireTouch on:
Position entered into HireTouch by:
As of11/27/17
v. 5 – for FY19 Hiring Cycle