Wilkes University Curriculum Committee
Minutes 02/181/5
11:00 a.m. in 108 Kirby Hall
Attendance: Morgan Clevenger, Rachel Duda, Emma Hao, Susan Hritzak, Karen Frantz Fry, Heidi Jarecki, Sean Kelly, Joe Kultys, Fanhui Kong, Del Lucent, Phil Simon, and Pei Zhang.
Minutes from December 16, 2014 were reviewed and approved (Fry, Simon); passed unanimously.
Joe Kultys was welcomed as the new Associate Registrar. Susan Hritzak indicated Rachel and Joe should be included on all correspondence relating to the Curriculum Committee. Susan is transitioning to focus on other responsibilities.
Guests introduced themselves: Dr. Mark Stine, Communications; Dr. Marleen Troy, Department of Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences; Dr. Ed Foote, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Dr. Ed Schicatano, Psychology Department; Dr. Yong Zhu, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Jamal Ghorieshi, Professor & Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering.
New Proposals
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Philosophy: Incidental Change to Seminar Course (Hao, Clevenger); passed unanimously. Incidental change to Philosophy 216; passed unanimously by electronic vote.
Communications Studies Department Curriculum Revision (Lucent, Fry). Dr. Mark Stine discussed that their faculty have spent 2 years revising the program to meet needs for the next 10 years. Renaming program majors is required to be current with other universities. Participants discussed the major and contrast in traditional media versus new media. Additionally, technology was discussed and has been addressed by the Provost. Assessment for COM 303 was discussed; additional criteria matching the Faculty Handbook are required. Dr. Simon accolade the communications faculty for their thoroughness in proposal preparation. Passed unanimously.
Dr. Stine will make one revision for COM 303.
Coursework for new B.S. major in Neuroscience proposed (Fry, Lucent). Dr. Ed Schicatano addressed a few questions for the need of the major. Wilkes University has had a minor in Neuroscience for 10 years. Additionally, adding 2 positions was discussed. Dr. Schicatano mentioned approval from APC and Provost Skleder. Barbara Bracken has raised concerns about the demand on the Math Department to support the major. Librarian Jarecki noted the challenge of lack of library resources that could be problematic for the program. Passed unanimously.
B.A. in History: Digital History Concentration and new certificate in Digital History (Fry, Zhang). No new courses are proposed. A concentration of existing classes is utilized from history and communications to create the new major. Tabled to March 2015 to invite Dr. John Hepp to answer various questions (Clevenger, Lucent); passed unanimously.
College of Science and Engineering
Dr. Marleen Troy discussed the need for the addition of SUS 401, SUS 402, SUS 403, and SUS 404 course designations for the Sustainability Management Certificate Program. These courses already exist but are needing to be co-listed for both undergraduate and graduate programming. No new courses. Motion to accept additional administrative codes (Clevenger, Simon); passed unanimously.
A course Substitution in B.S. in Mechanical Engineering is proposed (Simon, Fry). Drs. Jamal Ghorieshi and Yong Zhu discussed the need to change the status of two courses: ME 317/EE 314 Robotics course from an elective to a required course in both programs for Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. A concern was raised regarding the lack of general open course opportunity in the program, which conflicts with Wilkes University’s goal of liberally educating students. Passed unanimously.
Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
Addition of Pharmacy Care Lab to Spring P2 Pharm D Curriculum (Fry, Simon). Dr. Edward Foote indicated the introduction of the lab, which is 1 credit. It was noted that several 2 credit courses would be needed to not push students to 19 credits with additional cost. Passed unanimously.
Change of Credit for PHA 411 Biopharmaceutics and Clinical and Pharmacokinetics from 4 credits to 3 credits (Kong, Hao). Dr. Edward Foote discussed the need to teach students what they currently need in pharmaceuticals, and the content can be provided in 3 credits. Passed unanimously.
School of Nursing
School of Education
Jay S. Sidhu School of Business and Leadership
Librarian Jarecki mentioned the challenges with restricted resources for the Farley Library and indicated she has raised the issue with President Leahy and Provost Skleder. It was moved to write a letter to the administration addressing the continuing concern regarding additional resources needed for programs, particularly new ones (Simon, Lucent); passed unanimously.
Next Meeting: March 24, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in 108 Kirby Hall. Adjourned at 12:02 p.m. (Fry).
Respectfully submitted,
Morgan R. Clevenger, Secretary