European Biobed Workshop

Malmö September 2004



27. September


Take the train when you arrive at the Copenhagen Airport (CPH). There is about 25 km from the airport to Malmö Central Station so it only takes about 20 minutes. If you arrive at Malmö Sturup (Maybe from Sweden and UK) there is a bus to Malmö Central Station. From the station in Malmö there is only 500 meters to the hotel. Se the map in the PowerPoint file.

Train: You can go direct from the arrival hall at CPH down to the train which leaves every 20 minutes and the price to Malmö is 70 DKK ~ 10 EURO.

(Don’t take a taxi. The price is about 10 times the price of the train)

Arrival at:

The Hotel Mayfair,

Adelgatan 4



Phone: +46 4010 1620


You will probably arrive during the afternoon or the evening. There is no food service at the hotel, but when we know the time of your arrival we will book a table in CasaMia – a very good Italian restaurant only 400 meters from the hotel. Se map on PowerPoint file.

The presentations

Each presentation should be

-  PowerPoint or similar. It would be very nice and useful to all participants if you could make some explaining comments to every side in a text file.

-  A bibliography

Send the presentations to me before 24. September and I will place it on the computer for presentation. You can also bring the presentation on a CD or other media.

After the workshop the presentations will be made available for all participants on a CD if the author allows it.



Time keeping

To secure that every presentation has time reserved in the program we will start the next presentation on time according to the program. So don’t make the presentation too long. If you have a very important message please present it before your time is up. If you want time for questions or discussions you need to adjust your presentation that you stay within the scheduled time frame of the program.

28. September

Breakfast is served from 6,30

Program for the workshop:

8,00 – 8,15 Jens Husby: Welcome and Introduction

Eskil Nilsson will be the moderator of the day.

8,15 – 8,45 Lennart Torstensson: The start and Biobeds in Sweden

8,50 – 9,00 Eskil Nilsson: Why it became possible to use biobeds in Sweden

9,05 – 9,30 Poul Henning Pedersen: Handling of washing water and rests and why biobeds has not been a Danish solution so far?

9,35 – 10,05 Bill Basford: UK Practical experience

10,10 – 10,30 Harald Kramer: Situation of sprayer cleaning in Germany - is there a chance for biobeds?

10,35 - 11,05 PeterJaeken: On farm processing of PPP contaminated water in fruit production.

11,05 – 11,30 Coffee break

11,30 – 12,00 Niels Henrik Spiild: Biobed - research in Denmark

12,05 – 12,35 Jean-Claude Fournier: A survey of INRA (French National Research Institute on Agronomy) studies on Biobeds

12,35 – 14,00 Lunch

14,00 – 14,30 Maria del Pilar Casstillo: Parameters that influence degradations

14,35 – 15,05 Paul Fogg: Mechanisms and dynamics within a biobed

15,10 – 15,20 Maria del Pilar Casstillo: Biobeds in Peru and Guatemala.

15,20 – 15,50 Coffee break

15,45 – 16,15 Bruno Pietrantoni: Promoting Development of Biobeds/ Phytobacs by BayerCropScience in France.

16,20 – 17,00 Eskil Nilsson: Experience from practise and research and how do we go from here in the countries ?

1800 End of the workshop

19,30 Departure from the hotel to dinning at “Aarstiderna i KOCKSKA HUSET”

29. September

Breakfast is served from 6,30

8,00 Departure from the hotel by buss. As we are not coming back to the hotel you have to bring you belongings.

We will see about 8 - 10 biobeds in the area of Malmö

We will see some good ones and some not so good. The first person we will visit is Göran Olsson, who was one of the idea people behind the biobeds. Göran Olsson build the first biobed and he is the leader of the Swedish organisation under “European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture”.

15,00 Arrival at the Copenhagen Airport (CPH) for departure


8.00 Bus leaves hotel.

1. Göran Olsson, Sjöstorp, Dalby The First Biobed

2. Danisco Sugar, Staffanstorp Biobed

3. Skabersjö Gods Biobed with plant protection centre

4. Br Jacobsson, Tygelsjö, Old and new Biobed

5. Isgren, Tygelsjö Small Biobed for lift-mounted sprayer

6. Nilsson, Tygelsjö Axon-filter and Biobed


7. Nilsson Maskinstation, Gessie Concrete plate with tank, contractor

8. Ekesbo, Gessie Biobed, wrong placed

14.20  Departure

Shopping or sightseeing.

The will be no time for shopping or sightseeing in Malmö in the program, but you can off cause arrive earlier in the day if you want to do some shopping or sightseeing.


EURO is not used in the Sweden or Denmark. Sweden uses Swedish “kroner” and Denmark uses Danish “kroner”. It is possible to pay with credit card in many places but ask in advance.

We are looking forward to a good and profitable workshop.

On behalf of

Bayer CropScience

Jens Husby


Global / Margot Boergartz / Safe Use Assurance Manager / BCS Monheim
Belgium / Pieter Vanasbroeck / Registration manager / BCS Belgium
PeterJaeken / Head department of ecology / Research station for fruitgrowing
Denmark / Jens Husby / Project Manager / BCS Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
Niels Henrik Spliid / Senior scientist / Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
Poul Henning Pedersen / Head of Section, Senior Advisor / Danish Agricultural Advisory Service
France / Bruno Pietrantoni / Registration manager (herbicides) / BCS France
Jean-Claude Fournier / Senior scientist / French National Research Institute on Agronomy
Harald Kramer / Landwirtschaftskammer, North Rhine Westphalia
Maria del Pilar Casstillo / Researcher / Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Eskil Nilsson / Advisory Consultant / Visa Vi
UK / Steve Higgenbotham / Environmental Stewardship Manager / BCS UK
Till 1.Okt. / Paul Fogg / Research Scientist / Cranfield University
Bill Basford / Senior Consultant - Mechanisation / UK research advisory organisation, ADAS
After 1. Okt. / Paul Fogg / Principal Consultant / UK research advisory organisation, ADAS


JH D:\Profiles\BDJH\My Documents\TEXTBEH\Safe use\Biobed\Program.doc