Migrants’ working group : October 1st & 2nd, Bruxelles

Présentation of the project EIF «CO PROD MIGRANTS = CNCE»

European Charter of integration cities : Integrating Cities Commitment —

3 The city facilitates engagement from migrant communities in its policy-making processes and removes barriers to participation

  1. Context

Historically, Nantes has been a low immigration region. Out of the large ways of influx of immigrants and far away from any frontiers, our city has known little immigration. Since the beginning of 2000s, influx evolve quickly and it tends to catch up on French major cities. Metropolisation increased, our territory attracted and immigrants diversified : then our collectivity needed to involved in the definition of a volontarist policy in terms of welcoming, integration of foreigners coming to Nantes.

«Mission égalité, intégration, citoyenneté» is integrated into Nantes’ public policy, with regards to foreigners. It leads to optimize the reception, access to civil rights, citizenship of immigrants in Nantes, and fight against origins’ discriminations.

II Reminder of the public policy of Nantes City.

→ 4 strategical axis > 12 operational objectives > 42 actions

Four strategical directions :

>1 Welcome, access to rights and integration

1st objective : to improve the welcome of newcomers

2nd objective : to facilitate the access to rights of foreigners

3rd objective : to insert immigrants in integration path

>2 : To promote foreigners’ citizenship and intercultural communications

4th objective : to favorize access to citizenship and foreigners’ participation

5th objective : to favorize access to culture and intercultural exchanges

6th objective : to support migrants’ initiatives into codevelopment

>3: To prevent and fight against discriminations and racism

7th objective: to run an internal approach of discriminations' prevention

8th objective: to prevent discriminations in all city intervention's fields

9th objective: to strengthen the Right, to back the victims of discriminations

> 4: Resources and running of the public policy

10th objective: apply tools of observation, of evaluation

11th objective: to spread actions of awareness, training, communication

12th objective: participation in national and international networks

III Coprod Migrants

«CNCE» in the centre of the Coprod Migrants' project

In 2004, our community created an authority of foreigners' participation called the CNCE ([Nantes Councilfor theCitizenship of Foreigners). The main objective of this authority is to lead the city to build a welcome and integration's public policy with foreigners themselves. This authority is made up of:

a college of municipal elected representatives

a college of associations and organizations responsible of questions linked with welcome and integration of foreigners, or questions of discriminations

a college of foreigners non-EEC or nationals of countries with a transitional regime (Romania, Bulgaria) who possess a residence permit. They are 40 from different countries non-EEC, of every social group and all the territory of Nantes City.

Nantes expands an action that consist into a better association between migrants and the offer and the construction of local integrational policies. To do that, it strengthen the co-construction and co-production of tools related to integration with migrants.

Working Subjects of CNCE / Topics accepted within the framework of Coprod Migrants

• Welcome, access to rights, information
• Participation to local life
• Languages / • Employment
• Education
• Housing
• Health / • Old migrants
• Sports and leisure
• Culture
• Co-development

Why Coprod Migrants?

for a new approach of participation. Our city possesses an experience in animating spaces of dialogue and cooperation with migrants. It searched to reinforce its action with an amelioration in terms of quality, so a global action developped in 2012, with the setting up of specific tools promoting the foreigners' welcome and integration on its territory.

For the setting up of «mandats de coproduction» with migrants. Actions planned will be articulated around what we call «mandats de coproductionmigrants». Theses mandats consist in setting up participation's processes with migrants until the setting up of specific actions on the subjects we deal with.


Discussed mandats are wanted and decided between the participation's instance (CNCE), the elected representatives and examples of public policies.

Which subjects?

Welcome. Mandat Coprod CNCE 2012

Fulfilment of an observation illustrated (strengh and weaknesses) of the foreigners' welcome, and of their first approaches and realisations of a welcoming «bouquet d'offres».

Ageing of migrants

Realisation of sensibilisation's tools to old migrants issues: film «Regards de nantais: bien vieillir à Nantes» from collecting testimonies of Nantes on the theme of "old age" (the age of retirement at the end of life). These films will be used to reach out to families and professionals of aging.

«Avis-citoyen(citizenship-advice)» "welcome foreigners"

The home is a central point in the integration of new foreign Nantes. But to provide a suitable home and quality, it is necessary to know their specific needs. In early 2012, an original work of inventory has been conducted within the framework of the project "Coprod-Migrants CNCE."

Since 2004, the issue of welcoming new foreign Nantes is one of the concerns of the CNCE. About 5000 of them arrive every year on the territory of Nantes. They come to study, to work, to join their families. The project consisted CNCE Coprod Migrants crossing the vision of migrants with the offer.

One «avis-citoyen» = two productions

1)The first task was to make an inventory of needs and resources for the realization of a graph highlighting the passing of time and the difficulties encountered. This drawing was the basis of discussions and debates, challenged. Throughout the sessions, the project has matured and has been shaped and colored by two designers. (slide)

2)Scenario proposals completed the inventory represented visually. (slide)

«Avis-citoyen(citizenship-advice)» "Ageing of migrants"