Kean University
College of Education
Video AnalysisAssessment Data
Submitted by University Supervisors of Professional Interns
Program: All Programs Semester: Fall 2013
1 = Unacceptable(Not Competent)
Teacher candidate demonstrates little or no competence. / 2 = Beginning
(Beginning Competence)
Teacher candidate demonstrates competence with significant assistance and prompting. / 3 = Developing
(Developing Competence)
Teacher candidate demonstrates developing competence with some assistance and prompting. / 4 = Capable
Teacher candidate consistently demonstrates competence without any assistance or prompting. / 5 = Accomplished
(Highly Competent)
Teacher candidate consistently demonstrates a high degree of competence functioning independently.
1. Speaks language of instruction clearly
UG / PB / GR
Capable / 21
16% / 4
Accomplished / 108
84% / 14
78% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
2. Uses language of instruction proficiently
UG / PB / GR
Capable / 27
21% / 4
Accomplished / 102
79% / 14
78% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
3. Demonstrates good voice quality and articulation skills as well as effective non-verbal behavior
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 5
Capable / 29
22% / 1
Accomplished / 95
74% / 17
94% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
4. Demonstrates rapport with students
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 2
Capable / 20
15% / 1
Accomplished / 107
83% / 17
94% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
5. Demonstrates competency in content area
UG / PB / GR
Capable / 35
27% / 2
11% / 1
Accomplished / 94
73% / 16
89% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
6. Motivates and actively engages students while instructing from a variety of classroom locations
UG / PB / GR
Beginning / 1
Developing / 3
2% / 1
Capable / 58
45% / 5
Accomplished / 67
52% / 12
67% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
7. Organizes lessons into logically sequenced learning activities
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 2
Capable / 43
33% / 3
Accomplished / 84
65% / 15
83% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
8. Gives clear directions and explanations as appropriate
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 2
2% / 1
Capable / 44
34% / 3
Accomplished / 83
65% / 14
78% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
9. Meets objective(s) of lesson
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 2
2% / 1
Capable / 32
25% / 1
6% / 1
Accomplished / 95
74% / 16
89% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
10. Monitors and adjusts instruction as necessary
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 2
2% / 1
Capable / 58
45% / 4
22% / 2
Accomplished / 69
53% / 13
72% / 2
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
11. Reinforces content of lesson with appropriate closure
UG / PB / GR
Beginning / 1
Developing / 4
3% / 3
Capable / 58
45% / 4
22% / 3
Accomplished / 66
51% / 11
61% / 1
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
12. Facilitates smooth and related transitions between activities
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 4
3% / 1
Capable / 50
39% / 4
22% / 3
Accomplished / 75
58% / 13
72% / 1
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
13. Uses a variety of questions: higher order, open-ended, probing, etc.
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 10
8% / 1
Capable / 76
59% / 8
44% / 1
Accomplished / 43
33% / 9
50% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
14. Promotes critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 9
7% / 2
Capable / 73
57% / 10
56% / 1
Accomplished / 47
36% / 6
33% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
15. Practices effective classroom management
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 8
6% / 1
Capable / 50
39% / 2
11% / 1
Accomplished / 71
55% / 15
83% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
16. Uses effective assessment strategies
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 6
Capable / 70
54% / 7
39% / 1
Accomplished / 53
41% / 11
61% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
17. Responds appropriately to students’ prompts
UG / PB / GR
Capable / 37
29% / 4
22% / 1
Accomplished / 92
71% / 14
78% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
18. Communicates enthusiasm
UG / PB / GR
Developing / 2
2% / 1
Capable / 35
27% / 1
Accomplished / 92
71% / 16
89% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
19. Exhibits professional demeanor in conduct and dress
UG / PB / GR
Capable / 18
Accomplished / 111
86% / 18
100% / 4
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
20. Provides students with constructive feedback on learning
UG / PB / GR
Unacceptable / 1
Beginning / 0
Developing / 1
Capable / 47
36% / 2
11% / 1
Accomplished / 80
62% / 16
89% / 3
Total / 129
(100%) / 18
(100%) / 4
Comments (copied exactly as entered online)
As we discussed, slow down your movement within the classroom. Continue to slowly move about the room and walk up and down the aisles. Use more wait time after you ask a question. It is not necessary to repeat a question multiple times. You have shown marketable improvement since this video was filmed. Keep up the good work.
MIchael taught a well structured lesson in basic soccer skills. His explanations & demonstrations were crisp, clear, & concise. Students participated well & progressed in their skill tasks. Mr provided positive & corrective feedback throughout the lesson.
Matt fluent instructional style was evident in his video. He is clear and concise when he speaks. He has the students' rapt attention at all times. He is particularly adept at informally assessing a class's progress or lack of such, and giving feed back to the group with whom he is working. He is well received by all students as he instructs and behavior is non issue in his classes. The lesson plans for this class mirrored the class activity. Class management was strong. I am still looking for a quicker pace and a little more concise time management. A well presented video which matches Mr. overall approach to his internship.
After viewing the video Ms. will continue to work on controlling her class. She will accomplish this by sitting the students down and re-directing them during the lesson.
• Try to position yourself so your back is not to anyone for a long period. / • You should use a “Skill Cue grading Rubric” to grade informally / formally every day as many students as possible. This method provides written proof of whether learning is taking place or not. In addition, a Rubric grading system will allow you to modify your future lesson planning approach for better success. / • The cognitive objective was not met to verify that every student understood. /
Robert video was one of the best physical education videos I have seen. It reflected his skill at presenting rhythmic activities and dance games to first grade students. Mr. is a large "football" type of man. The contrast of his size and presence with the singing and very apropos teaching and cuing he did to present the four different activities was not lost upon this viewer. He taught in blocks with appropriate attention to all students. His progression was at a good pace and when the music began almost all students were in sync. As each activity developed most students were in perfect timing and all were close. The student enjoyment level and enthusiasm was very high. There was no need for disciplinary techniques, student attention was 100%. Many students would slightly improvise during the dancing which told me of their enjoyment and excitement. I have asked Mr. k to incorporate spontaneous student response where possible as a means of finding new rhythmic expressions. This was an enjoyable video to watch. Great job, Mr.k!!!
Ms. produced and self-evaluated evaluated two (2) video lessons. Both lessons were excellent as reflected in the assessment above.
Overall, a good video lesson. The introduction will be revised and edited into the video.
Kathleen presented a lesson on bar graphs utilizing the smart board. She provided helpful demonstrations and actively engaged the children. Kathleen utilized a variety of activities to attain her goals.
Ms. video taped lesson included an introduction. Her lesson plan was detailed and CCCS were properly noted. All instructional materials supported the lesson's stated goal.
Marisa has the best interest of her students in her focus and noted in her lesson delivery. She is working towards lesson delivery with more hands-on activites, connecting student's personal experiences to the lesson of the day, and using graphic organizers to reduce the teacher talk/lecture style of delivery. She is trying to address student needs by using student answers to move seamlessly to the next level of comprehension. Marisa is learning the timing of lesson closure to accommodate students who need to leave earlier than regular class dismissal. She seeks student understanding before moving to the next standard or outcome sought. Marisa is doing well in Mrs. Martino's classroom and is earnest to learn and do well by the students in the class. She used the video to better her classroom instruction and delivery.
Maria speaks clearly...only at the end of words spoken she needs to project into the room by staying centered in the classroom when giving directions and not move around. Maria also notes that she needs to repeat students questions and/or ask students to respond with greater projection. Maria saw she needed to move to the tables to maintain students engagement. Also to release responsibility to the students who she noticed could rise to the occasion and participate. Maria is aware of and working to stop the use of the phrase "OK guys" to command student attention. We talked about other classroom management techniques that she is looking forward to trying and providing feedback when I come to our next observation. Maria is working in a very efficent and well run classroom. She is learning many strategies and eager to take control of all the classes over the ensuing weeks. The Smart Board has shown her strength in using technology to maintain classroom control and student involvement. Maria is also learning to use less distractions caused by her hand gestures when trying to make a point. The smart board and other techniques are helping as well as her own awareness of her presence in the classroom and the need to move to student work tables to keep a few students on task. Maria is appreciative and an involved student teacher in Mrs. Glatzer's classroom..
Mrs. will be incorporating more positive responses when accepting student responses.
Marvelous energy and enthusiasm--volume effective for size of room and audience--heard clearly throughout---knows how to vary rate, pitch, and volume for greatest impact--capable downshifting from whole group to an individual. She adjusts rapidly to monitor behavior--aware of all going on around in class, even if not directly looking at class--accepts non-unanimous responses in choral speaking, could provide even more feedback to students not participating--seven males in class but all responses are in treble clef. Not afraid to use students as props to get them involved--encourages active participation --constantly trying to engage students. Effectively tutors students with remediation needs while keeping an alert eye on rest of class. Highly dramatic and dynamic voice which animatedly gives life to all the inflections necessary for clear enunciation of Spanish. A real pro---most of the class conducted in target language. It was a pleasure watching her use her second language to teach students her primary language which is soon to become their secondary language.
Ms. will continue to work on her pacing while teaching.
Ms. demonstrated a much improved instructional voice during this lesson. The lesson was organized. An introduction must be added to the beginning of the lesson as required in the instructions. Questioning techniques were discussed during our conference.
Nicely paced, organized lesson. The introduction needs to be reworked to clarify objectives and the assessment strategies to be utilized.
Excellent use of instructional technology/instructional media. The introduction must be re-edited to include objectives and assessment strategies. Earlier concerns with voice projection, quality and articulation have been addressed and the improvement is noted in the video lesson.
Marvelous energy, enthusiasm--effective volume for size of room and number of students--heard clearly throughout the session--knows how to vary rate, pitch, and volume when instantly downshifting from whole group to individual instruction. She responds immediately to adjust behaviors and is aware of all going on around the classroom--even if not directly looking at or addressing the class. Accepts incomplete participation in choral responses. Seven males are in the class but responses are invariably in the treble clef. She is not afraid to use students as props to dramatize vocabulary work and encourages active participation. Mrs. Reilly is constantly seeking to engage students. She effectively tutors one student with needs while keeping an alert eye on the rest. Highly dramatic and dynamic voice which animatedly gives vitality to all the inflections necessary for clear communication in Spanish. Most of the class was conducted in the target language! Bravo!
Although Ms. designed activities to capture student interest, she needed to include much more content. Our discussion focused on ways to strengthen the lesson by conducting research (the size of the space capsule, what astronauts do in space, experiments, etc.) and by connecting the activities to the research.
Alyssa's video-taped lesson was prepared extensively, and demonstrates her enthusiasm and her positive interaction with her students. It is obvious that all the children are paying close attention to Alyssa as she poses questions and receives appropriate answers.
Bernadette structured this science lesson using cooperative learning with groups of four , Though the groups were a bit noisy and not always focused, the students seemed to be learning a great deal and enjoying the experience. In retrospect, Bernadette probably would use smaller groups to learn in this manner. However, Bernadette was well prepared and the lesson went well.
Ms. has steadily demonstrated growth over the period of her internship. Her lesson plans are always well developed and include activities that actively engage the students while incorporating current topics and trends. We are working on developing questioning techniques that will include more students - for example the "Pair and Share" technique and "Discuss with a partner". Ms. does exhibit a professional demeanor and interacts with the students in a positive manner and she will make a greater effort to project her voice and utilize proximity as a teaching tool. It is encouraging to see Ms. Smith check for understanding both formally and informally during her lessons. She is teaching in an 85 minute block period and she is sure to include some student movement as part of her lesson whether it involves forming groups, working at the board or making some type of presentation.
Ms. demonstrates an accomplished teeaching performance in the video.
Explanations clear, thorough, pace good, excellent patience. Do Now tied nicely into the lesson, previous knowledge evident. Utilized relevant examples, i.e., cars/corvette, names. Managed class procedures very well-modeled the work, allowed for independent work and also for students to use the board to show their work-- all effective and productive.
Ms. demonstrates an accomplished performance in this video.
The videotaped social studies lesson on "Native American Cultural Regions: Artifacts" correlated with four strands of the NJCCCS in the social studies area-, as well as cross-curricular literacy skills. The objective was to describe how the Native Americans adapted their way of life to their geographic areas by studying artifacts in order to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the Native Americans and their land. Nancy effectively used an anticipatory set to introduce the activity for the lesson: A Think Dot Game. The game was designed to focus student attention on seven cultural regions using dice to select specific artifacts to study. Nancy proceeded through the explanation, modeling, guided practice, checking for understanding, and independent practice. After looking at four artifacts, Ms. reviewed as closure the region, map, group, resources and environmental features with the whole group, She provided positive reinforcement and extended the learning into preparation for the next lesson, All forms of assessment were addressed and reviewed. The questioning techniques addressed various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and engendered higher-order thinking skills. Nancy also provided modifications for those students needing extra reinforcement. Students were very motivated and thoroughly engaged in the lesson. Various cues were utilized and pair/share was successful. The objective was met and the lesson was well-done.
Ktisten presented her lesson in a clear articulate voice.She was both verbally and physically animated and demonstrated good rapport with her students.The lesson was organized into logically sequential learning activities and she employed effective assessment strategies.She provided sstudents with constructive feedback on learning and responded appropriately to student prompts.
Because of technical/audio problems,it was difficult to gauge voice quality.Also, there was no introduction to the lesson.Overall,the instructor taught to her stated objective, ,demonstrated competency in content area,actively engaged students,demonstrated good rapport,and exhibited professional demeanor in conduct and dress.
This lesson was successfully presented and all areas were accomplished at a high level of proficiency. Ms. Brown-Tsai has progressed extremely well in all areas of her internship.
Mr. presented a very successful Math lesson. He has developed very good classroom management strategies and he presents a very professioinal presence when instructing the students. He has progressed very well throughout his internship.
Ms. successfully presented a phonemic awareness lesson in keeping with the Open Court Reading Program. This lesson in sounding/blending demonstrated her competency in this first grade core program. Ms. utilized the carpeted area in the front of the classroom for this lesson. She referred to the posted objective at the beginning of the lesson and again at the lesson's closure. Ms. introduced the "r controlled" /a/ sound, and explained the "bossy r" to her first graders. She correctly printed, sounded and blended several lines of words to demonstrate this /ar/ as well as two sentences. Ms. demonstrated a good rapport with her students and practiced good classroom management techniques.
Mrs. presented a technology driven review of specific reading terminology that has been developed over the first months of this school term. The lesson objective was posted in student-friendly terms and utilized by the teacher. This objective directly supported the appropriate Core Standards. Mrs. created and presented a Power Point Presentation to assess her students' knowledge of terms, such as: metacognition, schema, genre, visualization, turn and talk, text to self, text to text, text to media, conferencing, theme, stop and jot, story elements, cultural fiction, literary language and author's purpose. During this lesson, Mrs. successfully engaged all students and promoted evaluative thinking. The teacher spoke with a smile and encouraged the learning of all students.
Ms. presented a technology enhanced lesson, "Sentence Monsters," the day before Halloween. Students were focused throughout this interactive Power Point Presentation. This lesson was organized, with all materials ready for use. Core Standards related to grade two grammar were directly supported with this student-friendly objective: "I can tell if a sentence is complete or incomplete. I can identify the subject and predicate." This lesson was well-written, well-presented, and obviously enjoyed by all students who remained attentive throughout. Ms. utilized the posted lesson objective at the beginning and end of the lesson. She teaches with a smile and encourages all students to participate in lesson activities. Ms. made use of established classroom management techniques during this lesson with a well-articulated teacher's voice. Use of Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain was evident as questioning ranged from the Knowledge level to the Evaluation level. Well done!