Walk through the activity and answer the questions on a separate piece of paper.

  1. Start Knoppix and make sure that you can connect to the Mr. Nickels router and the internet ( go to Konqueror Web Browser and try If you cannot connect to the internet

-Click Knoppix Icon from the menu (the penguin)

-Choose Network/InternetNetwork Card Configuration

-Click No to obtain address automatically

Now we will change our IP address so that others can identify us on the network

For each prompt enter the following

address 192.168.2.XXX #(enter a number instead of XXX )




a)What does ‘address‘ represent?

b)What does assigning this address tell the network?

  1. Open up a new shell (Konsole) from the icon on the task bar

- Maximize the window

- Choose settings > Font > Shrink Font

  1. Type su from the prompt.

a) What does ‘su’ stand for?

b) From the internet: What privileges does ‘su’ give you instead of operating normally?

  1. Type in the command ifconfig –a

a)From the internet: What doeth0 and lorepresent?

b)List HWaddr (MAC address) and an inet addr (IP address) associated with each item

  1. The ping command is a useful tool for testing a network configuration

Type in the command and Ping your neighbour’s IP address they just set in the previous step

Example: ping

a) Type your neighbours IP address ______

b) Explain how Pinging works over a network in full detail regarding packets sent.

  1. NetCat is an extremely versatile and useful tool in unix for network applications.

From the command prompt type man netcat

a)Many options can be used to specify how this command works (example –n, -l, -p) List and describe four of these options

b)What are ports?

c)What do ports 80, 21 handle?

  1. To create a client server network with yourself open another shell and type the following commands

Shell 1: netcat -l -p YYYY (example port 1111)then…

Shell 2: netcat YYYY (same port as before)

a)Type in the sentence:“Congrats you’ve made your first messenger program”

b)Show this work to Mr. Nickel and get him to sign ______

  1. To create a client server network choose one of your neighbours and type the previous commands from Question 8, but change the IP address ( to your neighbours IP address

a)Type a sentence. Show this work to Mr. Nickel and get him to sign ______

  1. You can capture the output from your neighbour to a file using the following commands

Transferring a file is similar to transferring text. Setup a listener server as a file receiver and a client as a sender.

Listener: (Receiver)

nc -vv -l -p YYYY > dump.mp3

(note that the file must be in the current directory – to navigate through directories us cd)

-vv is make the transaction very verbose, so that you will know what is happening.

Client: (Sender)

nc 192.168.1.XXX YYYY < dump.mp3

File transfer using nc usually fast, because it do not do encryption/decryption over the communication. It is good for transfer file from point to point or in LAN. You can do it over internet but you need to make sure you have do port forwarding on the listener port.

a) Have Mr. Nickel sign ______