Social Media Strategy
Profit Centers/Value Propositions/Services:
Social Media Goals:
(For best return on investment (ROI), goals will be SMART or Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timeframe with metrics reviewed monthly. After one quarter of use, goals should be achieved, if not, analyze behavior and readjust goals.)
- x
- x
- x
Audience (WHO)
People that you currently have as clients additionally those who you would like to have as clients or referral sources.
Target 1:
Target 2:
Target 3:
Messaging (WHAT)
Keywords (Important Words to Use):
Create content using the following keywords while speaking directly to or upon the concerns and needs of Targets.What they want and need to hear from you. What you will be saying.
Target 1:
Target 2:
Target 3:
Calendar & Content Planning (WHEN)
See Master Social Media Document. Also see WHERE section below for suggestions about frequency per individual channels.
Consider the important seasons, times of year, daily, times of day, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually when communicating with your target audience.
Channels to Use & Tactics (WHERE)
Channels currently in use:
Channels to deploy:
Frequency – 1-2 times per month, can increase as high as once per week
Technical details:
- Monday is best day for blog posts
- 800 words+ using important keywords for SEO categorization
- Include at least one image per blog, preferably at top, less than 800 pixels
- Comment on other industry blogs
- Promote blog on other SM channels, recycle content
- Lead back to point of conversion/call to action
- Include SM share buttons
- Use ALT tags on images for ADA compliance and enhanced SEO
- Include contact info in author information (usually at bottom)
- Write pieces with different audience members in mind. The same subject can be addressed for each target resulting in multiple blog entries.
Post Ideas
Email Marketing
Technical Details:
- Send emails no more than once per week
- Best time to send is 5-7amPST. Mondays are best, Tues/Fri afternoon are worst.
- Have easy-to-spot colorful points of conversion (such as a colorful button): Learn More, Book Monty to Speak, Sign up for Mailing List, Watch Videos
- Include social channels that are links to website, LinkedIn, etc.
- Speak to their pain/need
- Include the social share bar so they can share with their friends
- Test before sending, click on every link
- Images and videos are particularly powerful
- Link text instead of including full length links
- Headlines need to be eye catching and promise value
Content in Emails
Frequency – 3x per week up to 1x per day
Technical details:
- Don’t post with less than 3 hours between each, they cannibalize each other
- Tag vendors
- Videos & photos are the most popular
- Links are the poorest performer so don’t overpost links
- Revisit the goals for event to make sure the posts align
- 5th grade reading level, not too heavy or long
- Batch process and schedule posts using FB’s built in scheduler. Sit down and schedule out multiple photos, next time schedule out links, next time schedule out repeat messages.
- Variety in posts, example: Monday-photo in morning, link in afternoon; Tuesday-video in morning, photo in evening; Wednesday-photos in morning, link in afternoon, link in evening
- Advertising and/or boosting posts is necessary for visibility. Start with smallest budget to see what does and doesn’t work. Promote that which supports goals and bottom line.
- Users of FB don’t like #hashtags very much. Use sparingly.
- Text (remember this needs to be conversational and easy to read)
- Photos
- Links (worst performing, use with care, promote what is yours)
- Video posts (under two minutes)
LinkedIn Company
Frequency – Personal up to 1x per day
Company both 1-2x per month
Technical Details:
- Groups are a great way to be exposed to new people
- Using a scheduler such as Hootsuite or Buffer allows for maximized postings to personal, company, and groups in the same dashboard
- Post here the same way to email or blogs
- Very serious, business minded audience, scientific outlet
Google+ HOLD
Frequency – Approximately once per week
- Connect your YouTube account to your profile
- Personal profiles often work better to promote brand, more human
- Use hashtags for discoverability
- Network in the “digital room”
- Send messages to members, sparingly
- Share your original or found content in Groups
- Tag people
- Use formatting
Bold-*this*becomesthis Italic – _this_ becomes this o Strikethrough--this-becomesthis
Frequency – As frequent as 11x per day, realistic is 1-2x per day
Technical Details:
- 140 characters is the length of a tweet but try for 120 so it’s easily retweetable
- Interact as much as possible with others, those get the best interaction
- Use for metrics
- Follow people that are in your industry, smart, and thought leaders
- Use hashtags
- Follow hashtag chats and trending topics for ideas
- Post media that fits the space
- DON’T DM (direct message) others unless you are already having a conversation or need to share contact info
- 6am-6pm Pacific times are best
Frequency – One per month
Technical Details:
- If you upload videos to YouTube and share them on FB page, it’ll be a link instead of an embedded video. Upload videos to both places individually.
- Videos should be 2-5 minutes long. Two minutes should be the goal.
- Put Links in caption of videos to link to other content such as blogs, how to book Monty to speak, buying books.
- Most important parts of tax organizer
- Ask the Expert (use frequently asked questions for a starter list, ask clients to make suggestions, then they can see the video you filmed at their request, creates a sense of ownership/loyalty)
- What we need to know about estates
- What we need to know about trusts
- Samples of speaking engagements (edited)
- Testimonials
- Saying hi from the team
- Explore book themes
- Photos turned into a movie (Flipagram is a good app for this)
Frequency – Approximately once per day – once per week
Technical Details:
- Photos with human faces are 38% more likely to be engaged with
- Use hashtags 1-3 per post maximum, it’s THE way to get found
- Apps to get the most out of IG
Frequency – minimum once per week, maximum 20x per day
Technical Details:
- Pins (posts) here drive extreme amount of traffic to site and other channels
- Promote through other channels
- Create boards that are subject specific
- Use captions of boards and pins to their highest advantage, keywords matter
- Interact with other boards
- Answer questions of users and followers from everywhere by referring them to a specific board
- Pin content other than your own, use variety in sources
- Drive back to points of conversion
- Measure impact, Google Analytics,
- Use to create your own graphics
Measure Performance
See Metric Report, Tie to Goals
Crisis Planning
See Crisis Plan
Marketing Checklist
Have you put your social media channels:
- On marketing collateral?
- On your websites?
- In your email signatures?