PRIORITY Data Systems and National Grange Mutual have worked together to bring you personal auto and home application/quote upload into the Main Street America Group’s processing system from your Internet-based comparative rating system.
Instructions for Uploading a Quote to National Grange Mutual from
1. Rate an auto or home quote comparatively on as usual, including National Grange in the carriers you are rating.
2. Once on the "Rate Summary" screen and you have determined you would like to write the business with National Grange, select the Main Street America Group company logo. If required information is missing, the “Personal Auto Application” or “Homeowners Application” will open. Complete the necessary information, and select “Submit this application/quote to National Grange”.
NOTE: “Agency Code” is a required field on the application. This is the 6-9 digit “Agency Code” used in the Agent Access system on the “Basic Policy Information” screen.
3. The Agent Access site will launch, and you will login as you normally do. Your quote will be stored on the site, and you can proceed with policy issuance as usual.
Tracking National Grange Mutual Uploads:
Uploads can be tracked on the “Upload Log Information” page. Here you will see the Line(s) of Business, the Date Uploaded, the Customer Name, and the Company Uploaded to.
· Login to
· On the ”Agency HomePage”, select “Account Management”.
· Select “View Upload Log”
You will also be able to see when an application has been uploaded from the Client Manager when you select the plus sign (+) next to a quote in the “Policies / Quotes” section.
Try It Today!
If you need assistance with the upload process, please feel free to contact PRIORITY'S Customer Support Department at 800.478.6652 or .