1. /2. / Name / Prof. (Dr.) P.K. UPADHYAY
3. / Date of Birth / 02nd June,1963.
4. / Designation / Professor, A.H. & Dairying
5. / College
Department / College of Agriculture
Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying
6. / Contact Info / Office Details / Personal Details
Phone: 0512- 2534122
Mobile: 0512-2534808 (Fax)
Email: / Phone: ---
Mobile: 09450344489 Email:
7. / Year of joining at CSAU & T / Date Month Year
12th November, 1991
8. / Date of last Promotion / Date Month Year
12th November, 2008 (Under Consideration)
9. / Responsibilities assigned / Teaching, Research and Extension.
Others (Specify): Dean, Students’ Welfare
10. / Awards Received / National:-
*SAP Fellowship Award-2015 from Society of Agriculture Professionals (CSAUA & T,Kanpur ) in 4th National Symposium (IAFNS-2016) held on 20-21 February, 2016 at ICAR-IGFRI, (Jhansi).
*SRDA Gold Medal,2010 from Society For Recent Development In Agriculture for understanding and recognition in the field of “Animal Husbandry” on the occasion of National Symposium on “Emerging Trends In Agricultural Research” held on 11th-12th September,2010 at Project Directorate for Farming Systems Research (PDFSR), Modipuram, Meerut (U.P.).
*Fellow Award got from Society For Scientific Development In Agriculture And Technology for outstanding contribution in the field of “ANIMAL SCIENCE & DAIRYING” on the occasion of National Symposium on achieving Millennium Development Goals: Problems & Prospects during 25-26 October, 2009 held at BundelKhand University. Jhansi (U.P.).
*Third prize in poster session in “Technological Innvations For Resource Starved Farmers In Glibel Perspective” from 28th – 30th April, 2008 organised by under the auspices of the society of Agriculture Professionals (CSAUAT,Kanpur ) and C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur, held at Directorate Of Extension, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur.
International:- N/A
11. / Publications since joining CSAU & T (give numbers only) / Books
Technical Bulletins
Review Articles
Research Papers
Popular articals
Others (specify)
Book Chapter
Research Abstracts / :
: / 02
12. / Books published / 1. Pashudhan-Vikas, Poshadan Evam Prabandhan.
Dr.P.K. Upadhyay, Dr.H.P. Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar Singh and Manoj Kumar Mall.
2. Pashu Swasthay Sudhar Hetu Poshtik Chhare Ka Utpadhan.
Dr.H.P. Chaudhary, Dr.P.K. Upadhyay, Ashok Kumar Singh and Manoj Kumar Mall.
13. / Technical Bulletins published / 1. Livestock & Poultry Management for B.Sc. Ag.(Hons.).
Dr.P.K. Upadhyay (Practical manuals)
2. Livestock & Poultry Housing and Management for M.Sc.
( Ag.) A.H. & Dairying (L.P.M.).
Dr.P.K. Upadhyay (Practical manuals)
3.Laboratory Of Dairy Chemistry.
Dr.P.K. Upadhyay (Practical manuals)
4.Crop and Animal Management in Aberrant Weather Conditions in Central U.P.
Dr. Anuruddh Prasad Dubey, Dr. P.K. Upadhyay
& Dr .M.P.Yadav.
14. / List of ten best papers published in National journals ( > 5 NAAS rating journals) during last ten years / N/A
15. / List of ten best papers published in National journals ( > 3 NAAS rating journals) during last ten years / 1. Navita Singh,Rashmi Singh & P.K.Upadhyay (2009). Incorporation of Chakka By Papaya Pulp In The Manufacture of Shrikhand. Journal of Dairying Food & Home Science.Vol. 28 (2): June, 2009: 115-118.
2. Ramjee Gupta, P.K.Upadhyay, V.P.Singh & S.P.Verma (2009). Studies on Variation of Milk Constituents Of Cross-bred cows During Different Seasons. The Asian Journal Animal Science. Vol.4(2):Dec.2009-May 2010 :159-160.
3. Ramji Gupta,P.K.Upadhyay & Vijay Singh (2011). Effect of Sugar and cardamom on the Quality and shelf-life of Kachchagola Sandesh. Research Jouranal Of Animal Husbandry And Dairy Science.Vol. 2 (1&2): April & October 2011: 43-46.
4. Vijay Singh, Ramji Gupta, & P.K.Upadhyay (2011). Replacement of Concentrate Mixture By Berseem Forage (Trifolium alexandrium) in cross-bred Cows. Research Jouranal Of Animal Husbandry And Dairy Science.Vol. 2 (1&2): April & October 2011: 80-82.
5. P.K.Upadhyay, H.B.Dwivedi, Ramji Gupta & Mayank Dubey (2011). Reproductive Performance of Sahiwal and Its Crossbreds with Jersey and Holstein-Friesian. Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences.(An International Journal).Vol.3(2): December 2011: 118-120.
6. Mayank Dubey,S.P. Singh & P.K.Upadhyay (2011). Effect of Protein and Energy levels on Nutrient Utilization and Milk Production in Crossbred Cattle. Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences.(An International Journal). Vol.3(2): December 2011:149 - 150.
7. Ramjee Gupta & P.K. Upadhyay (2014). Detection of Adulterants In Milk Sold In Different Agencies of Kanpur City. Progressive Research Journal. (A International Journal). Vol. 9, special issue, 2014.
8. S.P. Srivastwa, Manoj Kumar, Ramjee Gupta, P.K. Upadhyay & D.V. Singh (2014). Effect of High Fibre Diet Incorporated With Enzyme Mixture On The Egg Production. Progressive Research Journal. (A International Journal). Vol. 9, special issue, 2014.
9. Samer Jeet Singh, Anoop Singh, M.P. Singh, P.K. Upadhyay & R.B.Singh (2015). Nutritional Study of Simmering Concentration methods Based Of Nutritional Product. Research In Environment And Life Sciences. Vol. 8, No.1, February, 2015.
10. Ramji Lal, M.P.S.Yadav,A.S.Chauhan and P.K.Upadhyay (2016). Effect of Sugar and storage Periods on Shelf life of Whey Beverage. J. Experiment Zoology India, Vol.19,No.1,pp.355-357.2016.
List of ten best publications in International Journals during last ten years (ISI Impact factor) / N/A
17. / Membership of Professional Societies / Life membership of the following :
1. The Society For Recent Development In Agriculture.
2. The Society of Agriculture Professionals, Chandra Shekher Azad University Of Agriculture & Technology,Kanpur-208002 (U.P.) .
3. Pracheen Chhatra Samiti of Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Chandra Shekher Azad University Of Agriculture & Technology,Kanpur-208002 (U.P.) .
4. Animal Nutrition Association, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243122.
5. Vice-President and Member of the Executive Council of The Society of Agriculture Professionals, Chandra Shekher Azad University of Agriculture & Technology,Kanpur-208002 (U.P.) .
18. / Conference / Seminar/ Symposium attended in the last 10 years (Name/Place/Year) / 1. 37th Indian Social Science Congress “ Management of Natural Resources in Relation to Sustainable Agri-Ecosystem under Climate Change” held on 24th December,2013 at V.C. Committee Room, C.S.A.U.A & T., Kanpur. Jointly organized by Society for Green Vegetation Research & C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur.
2. National Symposium on “Emerging Trends In Agricultural Research” held on 11th-12th September,2010. The Hi-Tech Horticultural society & Society For Recent Development In Agriculture at Project Directorate for Farming Systems Research (PDFSR), Modipuram, Meerut (U.P.).
3. National Symposium on “Achieving Millennium Development Goals: Problems & Prospects” held on 25-26 October, 2009. The Society For Scientific Development In Agriculture And Technology, held at BundelKhand University. Jhansi (U.P.).
4. National Symposium on “Technological Innovations For Resource Starved Farmers In Global Perspective”, held on 28th – 30th April, 2008. The Society of Agriculture Professionals (CSAUAT,Kanpur ) and C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur, held at Directorate Of Extension, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur.
5. National Symposium on “Safety Assessment And Consumer Protection With Reference To Dairy And Food Industry”, held on November 28th and 29th, 2007. Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chenni.
19. / Conference / Seminar/ Symposium organized as President/ Co-odinator/Secretary (Name/Place/Year) / N/A
20. / Foreign countries visited / N/A
21. / Training organized in the last 5 years / N/A
22. / Training attended in the last 5 years / 1. Trainer’s Training Programme on “Integrated Development of Tree Borne Oilseed In Wasteland/Degraded Land” held on 16th-17th February,2013 at Department of SCWM / Forestry, C.S.A.U., Kanpur & NOVOD Board, Gurgaon.
2. Trainer’s Training Programme on “Production Technology, Post Harvesting, Processing, Value Addition and Marketing of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants” held on 27th & 28th January,2010 at Department Of Forestry,C.S.A.U., Kanpur & National Medicinal Plant Board, New Delhi.
3. Training Programme on “Production, Technology, Processing,Value Addition And Marketing of Medicinal And Aromatics Plants” held on 28th to 29th March,2008 at Directorate Of Human Resources Development,C.S.A.U.& T., Kanpur.
4. Training Programme on “Communication Skills and Personality Development” held on Training Programme on “Communication Skills and Personality Development” at Directorate Of Human Resources Development,C.S.A.U.& T., Kanpur.
23. / Externally funded projects handled (Title/Agency/Duration/ Amount) / NATP Project (REIVLP : 18) entitled “ Technology Assessment And Refinement Of Pulse Based Rainfed Agro-Eco System Through Institution Village Linkage Programme For Bundelkhand Region (U.P.)”
24. / List of Current research projects / N/A
25. / Patent held / N/A
26. / Varieties/Technologies Developed in the last 10 years / 1. The different feeding systems are concerned moist feeding is best as compared to other systems i.e. traditional and dry feeding .
2. The main constraints faced by dairy owners were higher feeding, lower milk production due to improper feeding and also improper management and high temperature of the Kanpur city was found in rearing the crossbreds.
3. The more profitable and suitable month and season of calving were found to be August and Winter calvers , because August and Winter calvers were higher milk producers in Sahiwal cows .
4. The crossbreds were better in economic traits in comparison to purebred. The crossbreds yield more milk and stayed more in herd than purebreds . This indicated that crossbreds (Holstien - Friesian x Sahiwal ) were better adaptable to local agro - climatic conditions than Sahiwal purebred cows.
5. The effect of different mineral mixtures which are fed to the animals has shown best performance in respect to milk production , while they were not shown adverse effect on the milk composition of milch animals. So, the mineral mixture is essential to fed for milch animals to get maximum milk production.
27. / Significant contributions in the area of specialization (not more than 5) / 1. Teaching B.Sc.Ag.(Hons.), B.Sc., Forestry, M.Sc.(Ag.) and Ph.D. students for the last 25 years.
2. Preservation of Murrah buffalo germ plasm for high milk Production.
3. Actively engaged in Technology Park of the university for the demonstration of modern and scientific rearing of animals i.e. cows, buffaloes goats , poultry etc.
4. Convener of Research Advisory Committee of the
Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying.
5. Active Member of anti-ragging committee of C.S.A. University, Kanpur.
6. Incharge of book club of the departmental library and working as Treasure of Pracheen Chhatra Samiti of Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying.
7. Active member and expert as an Animal Husbandry &
Dairying Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC)
Advisory Committee of the C.S.A.University Of Agriculture
& Technology, Kanpur.
28. / Participation in the college/university building activities / 1. Dean Students’ Welfare
2. Additional DSW
3. Warden
4. In-Charge (Dairy & Poultry)
5. In-charge (Deptt. Store) / :
: / 03.06.2016 to till date.
21.11.2015 to 02.06.2016.
09.07.2009 to till date.
April, 2005 to Augest,2008
May,1998 to till date.
29. / Resource Generated during last 5 years / N/A
30. / Any other significant academic/research achievement / 1. M.Sc.(Ag.) Thesis Guided:- 21
2. M.Sc.(Ag.) Thesis Co- Guided:- 35
3. M.Sc.(Home Science) Thesis Co- Guided:- 07
4. Ph.D. Thesis Guided :- 02
5. Ph.D. Thesis Co- Guided :- 10
6. Ph.D. (Home Science) Thesis Co- Guided :- 01
7. Members in Board of Studies:-
*Banaras Hindu University Varansi.
*Pt. Deen Dyal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University,Gorakhpur.
*Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.
8. Examinership of different Universities.
9. Member/advisor of Whether watch advisory committee of the
university for rearing, feeding, breeding and health of
Animals .
(P.K. UPADHYAY) Date: 17th March, 2017.