Horizon 2020

Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions

PROFILE FORM – Expression of Interest

Organization Name / Department / Laboratorio de Bioingeniería- Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas en Electrónica (ICyTE) CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata / Organization Short Name
Organization Type / University
Public Research Centre
Large Scale Enterprise
Small and Medium Scale Enterprise / Public Body
International NGO
National NGO
Research Fields / Chemistry CHE
Social and Human Sciences SOC
Economic Sciences ECO
Information Science and Engineering ENG
Environment and Geosciences ENV
Life Sciences LIF
Mathematics MAT
Physics PHY / Sub-Fields / Keywords:
Life Sciences
Electronic Engineering
Short Description
of the Organization / Department / The Institute for Scientific and Technological Research in Electronics, funded by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Argentina (CONICET), is located in the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Mar del Plata. This institute houses more than 30 researchers, 20 doctoral and postdoctoral fellows, and shows a good scientific and technological production. Its areas of interest are closely related to the development of technologies of regional impact, ranging from renewable energies, communications, robotics, help to the disabled, bioinformatics and bioengineering.
The Bioengineering Laboratory is a section of this institute dedicated to research and development activities in this area.
In the educational aspect the academic department manages two degree courses: Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering. Thus two doctoral degrees: in Engineering with an Electronic orientation and the Doctorate in Bioengineering. All of them have been very well evaluated by the National Commission of Evaluation and University Accreditation of the Argentine Republic. (CONEAU)
Previous Related Projects / Research Experience / Research experience. Projects directed:
·  Bioengineering: Acquisition and processing of dynamic speckle patterns. (2017-2018)
·  Analysis, processing and modeling of dynamic patterns with Computational Intelligence techniques (2015-2016)
·  Low cost and high usability portable systems for the acquisition and processing of biomedical signals ( 2016-2017)
·  Computational Intelligence: Development of systems for the characterization and identification of temporal space of biological data. 2013-2014
·  Development of health and daily life assistance systems. 2014-2015
·  Argentine Cluster Scientific Coordinator Erasmus Mundus Project EUREKA SD Project Enhancing University Research and Education in Areas Useful for Sustainable Development Erasmus Mundus Program. Http://www.eureka-sd-project.eu/ (2013-2016)
·  Coordinator member of the Agro-Bigdata Ibero-American Network and Decision Support Systems (Dss) for a Sustainable Agricultural Sector. BIGDSSAGRO. CYTED. 2016. P515RT0123. Coordinator Lluis Miquel Pla Aragones
·  Coordinator of the Ibero-American Network for Research in Optimization and Decision Models and their Applications (iMODA). Coordinator José Luis Verdegay (University of Granada, Spain). Sponsored by the AUIP. Start: 2016
·  Responsible Group Member: PICT 2008. Metrology of speckle laser and dynamic vortices: Applications in Biotechnology and Engineering. Project funded by ANPCYT. PICT-2008-1430.
·  Computational Intelligence: design and optimization of models: 2011-2012 Faculty of Engineering UNMDP. 15 / G318. Faculty of Engineering UNMDP.
·  Unit research headst of the Ibero-American Network of Knowledge Discovery. Area: Information and Communication Technologies. Funded by the Ibero-American Network of Science and Technology for development. CYTED. 2008-2011.Coordinator: Dr. Rafael Alejandro Espin Andrade
Short Description of the Project idea
(if foreseeable) / Bioengineering: decisions support based on the recognition of dynamic speckle patterns. Development of systems and devices
The speckle is an optical phenomenon that occurs when a coherent light beam illuminates a rough surface in relation to the wavelength of the radiation. Interference between multiple random paths of different lengths produces a speckle image. If the surface is active the speckle varies in time and is called dynamic. Dynamic speckle patterns are observed in materials characterized by space-time instability.
In particular, in biological materials, these patterns are produced by physiological processes which in most cases are the main source of the dynamic dispersion of light (biospeckle diagram). Based on the experience of the group in the generation of algorithms for the treatment of this type of information, this project aims to generate advances in this technology that culminate in the design and development of innovative systems. These systems will use embedded device technology to measure biospeckle laser replacing the classic laboratory optical bench. The systems will be designed ad-hoc for different applications in the field of Bioengineering (such as Biomedicine and Environmental Engineering) to support the decisions of field experts.
The speckle of ultrasound images is usually considered a source of noise, however it is also widely accepted its correlation with the micro-structure of the underlying tissue. This concept encourages us to consider it a fundamental source of information to be exploited with the aim of studying the characterization of tissues and physiological states not easily recognizable. As a particular case, without discarding others from the human or animal clinic, it is proposed to evaluate the pulmonary status from ultrasound videos, which entails the interpretation of different artifacts and their evolution. The system to be developed would have the capacity for a quick and objective analysis of pulmonary status, suitable for use both in the operating room and in intensive care units, making it easier for the physician to monitor the aeration status. The opportunity to develop a system under the paradigm of Computational Intelligence, which provides an adequate solution to this requirement, is envisaged.
Consequently, the general objective is the development of systems applied to cases of interest; with the goal of promoting the training of human resources in the area of ​​technologies that support medicine, agronomy and care for the environment.
The profile of the researcher we are seeking to include in this project is that of someone who presents experience and skills in some of the following areas:
Bioengineering, Biomedicine, Environmental Engineering, Electronics, Optics, Medicine, Large data analyst, Pattern recognition, Scientific research, Project management methodologies, Life sciences. The researcher should be able to develop his / her activity in a multidisciplinary environment, with strong interaction of engineers, physician, biologists and physicists. It will be appreciated to have experience in the development of equipment / systems with portable and low cost technologies.
Related Call / Global Fellowships [MSCA-IF-GF] https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/msca-if-2017.html
Contact Person / Dra Lucía Isabel Passoni
Position in the Organization / Head of Bioengineering Laboratory- ICyTE
Head of Electronica and Computing Engineer Department
Tel / +54-9-223-4816600 Int. 231/252
Email /