
Elżbieta H. Oleksy


Małachowskiego 4a m.1Narutowicza 54/11

90 -158 Łódź, Poland90 -136 Łódź, Poland

tel: 4842 678 91 58tel: 4842 631 97 60

fax: 4842 631 95 82


Curriculum Vitae


Professor, title received from the President of the Republic of Poland, 1999

Habilitation, Łódź University, 1991

Ph.D., Poznań University, 1979

M.A., Łódź University, 1971


2000-dateDean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź

1997-dateChair, Department of American Studies and Mass Media, University of Łódź.

1994-2000Academic Dean of the Faculty of International Studies, University of Łódź.

1993-1999 Associate Professor, University of Łódź.

1992-date Director, Women's Studies Center, University of Łódź.

1985-93Adjunct Professor, University of Łódź.

1990-91Visiting Professor, Southern Seminary College, Buena Vista, Virginia.

1989-90Visiting Professor, University of Pittsburgh (Fall semester).

1975-85Senior Lecturer, Head of Literature Section, Pedagogical University of Bydgoszcz.

1972-75Teacher of English, University of Łódź.

1971-72Teaching Assistant, University of Łódź.


1999Rektor of Łódź University Award for Research.

1998Rektor of Łódź University Award for Research.

1997Gold Medal of Merit from the President of the Republic of Poland.

1996-97The Fulbright Commission Scholarhip (10 months), University of Pittsburgh.

1996The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship (4 months), University of Mississippi.

1996Gold Medal of the University of Łódź.

1995Rektor of Łódź University Award for Teaching Excellence.

1994Award for Research, Minister of Education of Poland.

1993Rektor of Łódź University Award for Research.

1990The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship (4 months), State University of New York at Buffalo.

1987Rektor of Łódź University Award for Research.

1983-84American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, State University of New York at Buffalo.

1981Research grant from J. F. Kennedy Institute, Free University of West


1980Award for Research, Minister of Higher Education of Poland.

1977-78Junior Fulbright, State University of New York at Stony Brook.

1976British Council Fellowship, University of Cambridge, England.

1976Distinguished Teacher of the Academic Year 1975-76, Pedagogical University of Bydgoszcz.


Minister of Education’s Expert in the field of “international relations”.

Center of Foreign Languages Colleges, University of Warsaw — member of Scientific Board.

Committee of Acreditation and Teaching Assessment at the University of Łódź — Chair.

National Council of Higher Education — member of the International Relations Committee (1997-1998).

Polish Association for American Studies — Vice President (1993 - 1996).

Polish Fulbright Alumni Association — Vice President (1995 - 1997).

The University of Łódź Senate — elected member (1994 - 1996, 1999 - ).

Polish Parliamentary Women's Caucus — member of Program Committee (1993 -


Center for the Advancement of Women Foundation, Warsaw — member of Program Committee.

Polish Coordinator of an Academic Link between the Women's Studies Center, University of Łódź and the Women's Studies Department, Roehampton Institute, London (1993 - 1999).

Women's International Studies Europe — member of Steering Committee and Polish representative.

The Walker Percy Society — member.

Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe — Polish representative.

Studies on Women Abstracts — member of Editorial Board.

American Literary Scholarship (Duke University Press) — co-editor of ”Central Europe and the Baltics” section.

Gender, Theory and Culture (Sage Publications) — member of Editorial Board.

The Walker Percy Educational Project — member of the Board.


Gender in Film and the Media. East-West Dialogues, co-ed., New York and Hamburg: Peter Lang, 2000.

Mass media w społeczeństwie obywatelskim, ed., Łódź University Press, 1999.

Kobieta w Krainie Dixie. Literatura i Film, Łódź University Press, 1998.

Problematyka kobiet na świecie, ed., Łódź University Press, 1996.

American Cultures: Assimilation and Multiculturalism, ed., Bethesda: International Scholars Publications, 1996.

Walker Percy’s Feminine Characters, ed. with Lewis A. Lawson, Troy, New York: Whitston, 1995.

Special Issue of Women's Studies International Forum, guest ed., New York: Pergamon Press, 1994.

Plight in Common: Hawthorne and Percy, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1993.

Theistic Existentialism in American Letters: Hawthorne and Percy, Łódź: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, 1989.

Battle and Quest. The American Fable of the Nineteen-Sixties, Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers, 1983.

Philological Studies, ed., Bydgoszcz: Bydgoszcz University Press, 1987.


“‘A Sparrow with a Broken Wing ... and a Shot of Vodka’: Visualizations of Women in Polish Post-War Culture,” in: Gender in Film and the Media. East-West Dialogues,

eds. Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Elżbieta Ostrowska, Michael Stevenson, New York and Hamburg: Peter Lang, 2000, 109-120.

“Introduction,” in: Gender in Film and the Media. East-West Dialogues, eds. Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Elżbieta Ostrowska, Michael Stevenson, New York and Hamburg: Peter Lang, 2000, 109-120.

“Towards an Evaluation of Women’s Studies Teaching Manuals in Europe,” in: The Making of European Women’s Studies, eds. R. Braidotti and E. Vonk, Utrecht: ATHENA, Advanced Thematic Network in Activities in Wome’s Studies in Europe, 2000, 36-49.

“Active Heroines in Polish Film. Construction of Feminity through the Language of the Cinema,” in Language - Mobility - Identity, eds. Agnieszka Bron, Michael Schemmann, Lit Verlag Münster-Hamburg-London: Bochum Studies in International Adult Education, 2000, 214-229.

“Central European Contribution” (with Zoltan Abadi-Nagy), in: American Literary Scholarship: An Annual, 1997, ed. Gary Scharnhorst, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1999, 476-490.

“Plight in Common? Women's Studies in the New Democracies,” in: Winds of Change: Women and the University Culture—Conference Proceedings Vol. 2, eds. Cohen, Dinah et al., Sydney: University of Technology, 1999, 549-552.

“Akredytacja i doskonalenie jakości kształcenia w szkolnictwie wyższym,” in: Wyższe uczelnie stymulatorem przemian systemowych w Polsce; Rola stypendystów Fulbrighta: doświadczenia - bariery - szanse, eds. Bronisław Marciniak, Elżbieta Pakszys, Juliusz Tyszka, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1999, 47-55.

“Monstrousess and Authorship. Willa Cather's Sappihira and the Slave Girl,” in: Telling It Slant: Polish Insights into American Culture and Literature. Essays in Honor of Professor Andrzej Kopcewicz on His 65th Birthday, eds. Marek Wilczyński and Magdalena Zapędowska, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1999, 99-111.

“Gender-Theatre-Cinema,” in: “The European Journal of Women’s Studies,” SAGE Publications, London, Vol. 6, 1999, 501-502.

“Filmowe wizerunki kobiet Południa USA,” in: Humanistyka i płeć III: Publiczna przestrzeń kobiet: obrazy dawne i nowe, eds. E. Pakszys and W. Heller, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1999, 141-172.

“System kredytowy w uczelni wyższej,” Magazyn Studencki, no. “O”, Łódź, 1998, 25-27.

“Wizerunek kobiet w amerykańskiej kulturze masowej,” in: Portrety kobiet i mężczyzn w środkach masowego przekazu i podręcznikach szkolnych, ed. Renata Siemieńska, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe “Scholar”, 1997, 63-69.

“Cross-discipline and Cross-race: Women’s Bonding in Contemporary Southern Fiction and Film,” in: Canons, Revisions, Supplements in American Literature and Culture, ed. Marek Wilczyński, Poznań: Bene Nati Press, 1997, 262-269.

Review of a book by Catherine Clinton Half Sisters of History, Women’s StudiesInternational Forum vol. 19, no. 6, New York: Pergamon Press, 1996.

“Kraina Dixie,” Verte. Tygodnik Kulturalny, Łódź, 1996, 1-2.

“Wstęp,” in: Problematyka kobiet na świecie, ed. Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Łódź University Press, 1996, 3-9.

“Creating New Poland,” in: Kvindeoffentlighed i Europa, Kopenhaga: KVINFO, 1996, 72-75.

“Introduction” to American Cultures: Assimilation and Multiculturalism, ed. Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Bethesda: International Scholars Publications, 1996, 5-11.

“Eudora Welty's Rondo: The Golden Apples,” in: American Cultures: Assimilation and Multiculturalism, ed. Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Bethesda: International Scholars Publications, 1996, 75-86.

“Dyt nye Polen: Patriarhatet slor til igen,” Europa , 1995, 6.

“Feminizm i kobiecość,” Verte. Tygodnik Kulturalny , 1995, 1-4.

“From Silence and Madness to the Exchange that Multiples: Walker Percy and the Woman Question,” in: Walker Percy’s Femine Characters, ed. Lewis A. Lawson and

Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Troy, NY: Whitston, 1995, 122-134.

“Introduction” to Feminine Characters in Walker Percy’s Fiction, Troy, NY: Whitston, 1995, 1-7.

“Sophie's Choice: The Depiction of Poles in American Popular Imagination,” co-authored with Andrea Bernard, in: Images of Central Europe in Travelogues and Fiction by North American Writers, ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, Tubingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1995, 261-268.

“Talent i płeć,” in: Łódzki Kalejdoskop Literacki, Łódź, 1994, 22-30.

“Women's Studies in Poland: Problems and Perspectives,” Women's Studies Quarterly 3&4, 1994, 171-80.

“Introduction” to Women’s Studies International Forum, ed. Elżbieta H. Oleksy, New York: Pergamon Press, 1994.

“The Structure of Kinship: Ellen Glasgow and Zora Neale Hurston,” in: Studies in Literature and Language: In Honour of Adela Styczyńska, Łódź University Press, 1994, 111-116.

“Hawthorne's Fathers and Sons,” Folia Literaria 36, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Łódź, 1994, 34-57.

“Kobieta w życiu publicznym, gospodarczym i kulturalnym: Słowo wstępne,” in: Sprawozdania Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego z czynności i posiedzeń naukowych, vol. XLVIII, 1994, 149-153.

“The Inexorable Plot of Racism: The Case of Abigail Howland,” in: Rewriting the South: History and Fiction, ed. Lothar Hoennighausen and Valeria Gennaro Lerda, Tuebingen: Franke, 1993, 382-391.

“From Silence and Madness to the Exchange that Multiplies: Walker Percy and the Woman Question,” The Southern Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 3, 1993, 58-69.

“Kierkegaard's Existential Pathos and The Scarlet Letter,” Folia Literaria. Acta Universitatis Lodziesis 34, 1993, 69-102.

“A Talk with Walker Percy,” in: More Conversations with Walker Percy, ed. Lewis A. Lawson and Victor A. Kramer, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1993, 124-135.

“Poland,” European Women's Studies Quide, Utrecht: WISE, 1993, 115-117.

“The Keepers of the House: Scarlett O'Hara and Abigail Howland,” in: Louisiana Women Writers: Reviewing a Tradition--New Essays and a Comprehensive Bibligraphy, ed. D. H. Brown and B. C. Ewell, Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1992, 169-85.

“Hawthorne's Monstrous Doubles,” The Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, vol. XVIII, no. 2, 1992, 15-19.

“The Ineffable Socialities in Writing: Hawthorne and Percy,” Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, vol. XXIV, 1992, 91-105.

“Walker Percy's Demonic Vision,” in: Walker Percy: Novelist and Philosopher, ed. Jan Nordby Gretlund and Karl - Heinz Westarp, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1991, 199-210.

“Babskie pisanie,” Bestseller. no. 13, 1991, 25.

Review of a book by Joseph C. Voelker Art and the Accidental in Anne Tyler, American Literature, vol. 62, no. 4, 1990, s. 749.

Review of a book by Terry Otten The Crime of Innocence in the Fiction of ToniMorrison, American Literature, vol. 62, no. 4, 1990, s. 750.

“Alienacje Walkera Percy,” Literatura na świecie 5-6, 1987, 400-410.

“Walker Percy's Existential Hero,” American Studies 4, 1987, 55-61.

Review article of Walker Percy's The Second Coming, Philological Studies 22, 1987, 111-115.

“Kesey and Pynchon: A Trip to the Wasteland,” Revue Belge de Philologie et D'histoire LXIV, 1986, 531-542.

“Dwie funkcje,” Literatura na świecie 8, 1984, 239-243.

“Perceval and Gawain: K. Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Th. Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49,” in: Preceedings of the Second AprilConference of University Teachers of English, ed. Irena Kałuża, PWN, 1984, 167-179.

“Philosophical Dualism in John Barth's The End of the Road,” Philological Studies 10, 1982, 122-157.

“Tempora Mutantur et Fabulae Mutantur in Illis: Some Reflections on Postmodern American Fiction,” Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 14, 1982, 315-323.

“Theological Dualism as a Traditional Allegorical Paradigm in William H. Gass' Omensetter's Luck,” Traditions in the 20th Century American Literature, ed. Marta Sienicka, Poznan: Poznan University Press, 1981, 213-221.

“Neobajka. Refleksja nad nową powieścią amerykańską,” Literatura 48, 1980, 14.

“Emotive Ambivalence in Norman Mailer's An American Dream,” in: Philological Studies 8, 1980, 67-83.

“Allegory: A Mode of Contemporary American Fabulation,” in: Philological Studies 6, 1979, 89-110.

“Daisy Miller Versus Maggie Verver - An Analysis of Two Contrasting Attitudes,” in: Philological Studies 6, 1977, 124-136.


“‘A Sparrow with a Broken Wing ... and a Shot of Vodka': Constructions of Femininity in Polish Visual Culture,” plenary lecture at the “Gender - Theatre - Cinema: A Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Conference in Film and Theatre Studies,” April 1999.

“Plight in Common: Women’s Studies in the New Democracies,” a paper at the panel discussion at the World Congress “Winds of Change. Women and the University Culture,” University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, July 1998.

“Akredytacja i doskonalenie jakości kształcenia w szkolnictwie wyższym,” a paper at the Polish Fulbright Alumni Association Symposium “Wyższe uczelnie stymulatorem przemian systemowych w Polsce; Rola stypendystów Fulbrighta: doświadczenia - bariery - szanse,” Poznań, January 1998.

A paper at the panel discussion “Women’s Studies: Building a Global Future” at the conference “The University in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Perspectives,” Łódź, November 1997.

A paper at the panel discussion “American Studies Association International Women’s Task Force” at the American Studies Association Congress, Washington, October/November 1997.

Participation at the panel discussion “Women’s Studies in Europe: Problems and Perspectives” at the Women’s International Studies Europe Conference, Coimbra, July 1997.

“Polish Women and Integration with the European Union,” a key-note address at the conference of the Parliament of Europe “Feminine Future in the European Union,” Elsinor, Denmark, November 1995.

“Cross-discipline, Cross-race: Women’s Bondingin Contemporary Southern Fiction

and Film,” a paper at the Polish Association of American Studies Conference,

Poznań, October 1995.

“Cross-racial Bonding in Fiction and Film of Contemporary American South,” a paper at the Southern Studies Forum Conference “Race in the South," Cambridge, September 1995.

“Wizerunek kobiet w amerykańskiej kulturze masowej,” a plenary lecture at the conference “Portrety kobiet i mężczyzn w środkach masowego przekazu oraz podręcznikach szkolnych,” University of Warsaw, May 1995.

Participation at the preliminary panel to “Fourth World Conference on Women”

(Beijing, China, September 1995), Vienna, September 1994.

“Back to the Future: Women's Studies in Poland,” a key-note address at the Women's Studies Network (UK) Annual Conference, University of Portsmouth, July 1994 and at the Women's Studies Conference at Uppsala University, May 1994.

“Gender and the Image of American Metropolis in the 1970s and 1980s,” a plenary lecture at the conference “Wielkie miasto: czynniki integrujące i dezintegrujące,” University of Łódź, May 1994.

“Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Disgraced Rival,” a key-note address at PASE Conference, University of Warsaw, April 1994.

“Sophie's Choice: Poland in the American Popular Imagination,” a paper at the conference “Images of Central/Eastern Europe in North American Travelogues and Fiction,” Vienna, April 1994.

“The Foreign as Feminine in the Figuration of American Identity,” workshop co-organized with Andrea Staskowski at the European Association for American Studies Biennial Conference, Luxembourg, March 1994.

A series of talks on Polish feminism of the 19th century, Polish women writers, and women's studies in Poland at Roehampton Institute, London, November 1993.

“Polish Women Writers,” Department of Feminist Studies, Odense University, Denmark, December 1993.

“Women's Studies in Poland: Problems and Perspectives,” a paper at the International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Costa Rica, March 1993.

“Women's Studies in Central Europe,” a mini-conference on women in Central/Eastern Europe, State Univ. of New Jersey, RUTGERS, February 1993.

“Lodz: The City of Women,” a paper at the conference “East European Women,” Frankfurt and Potsdam, October and December 1992.

“The Structure of Kinship: Ellen Glasgow and Zora Neale Hurston,” a paper at the Association for American Studies Conference, Sevilla, April 1992.

“Walker Percy's Fiction,” a plenary lecture at the Polish Fulbright Programme, April 1992.

“Eudora Welty's Rondo Masterpiece: The Golden Apples,” a paper at the conference “One Day up in Tishomingo County. The Southernness of Eudora Welty's Fiction,” Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, March 1992.

“The Inexorable Plot of Racism: The Case of Abigail Howland,” a paper at the conference “Rewriting the South: History and Fiction,” Univeristat Bonn, September 1991.

“From Silence and Madness to the Exchange that Multiplies: Walker Percy and the Woman Question,” a paper at the Southern American Studies Association Conference, Williamsburg, February 1991.

“The Keepers of the House: Scarlett O'Hara and Abigail Howland,” a paper at the American Literature Association Conference, San Diego, June 1990.

“Cherchez la Femme: Walker Percy's Women,” a paper at the conference Gender and the Campus Culture, Pittsburgh, April 1990.

“Walker Percy's Demonic Vision,” a paper at the conference “Walker Percy: Novelist and Philosopher,” Odense Universiteit, August 1989.

“Gambling on Faith: Walker Percy and Pascal's ‘Wager’ ,” a paper at the Austrian Association for American Studies Conference, Salzburg, November 1987.

“Solitude a Deux: Intersubjectivity in Hawthorne and Percy,” a paper at the International Conference of Anglicists, Krakow, March 1986.

“Perceval and Gawain: K. Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Th. Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49,” a paper at the Second April Conference of University Teachers of English, Kraków, April 1982.

“Walker Percy's Existential Hero,” a paper at the American Studies Conference, Jadwisin, June 1981.

“Theological Dualism as a Traditional Allegorical Paradigm in William H. Gass's Omensetter's Luck,” a paper at the conference “Traditions in the 20th Century American Literature,” Kiekrz, December 1979.


- with Raymond Federman: “Awangarda na bocznym torze?,” Literatura na świecie 10-207 (Warsaw, 1989), 310-320.

- with Walker Percy: “A Talk with Walker Percy,” Folia Literaria 29, 1990, 153-168.

- with Walker Percy: “Ostatni dżentelmen z Luizjany,” Literatura na świecie 5-6 (1987), 411-422.

- with John Coetzee: “Czy ciemiężca dzieli los uciskanego?,” Literatura na świecie 10 (1986), 190-195.


University of Antwerp (1983), State University of New York at Buffalo (1984 and 1990), Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge (1984), University of Lyon II (1986), University of South Florida at Tampa (1990), State University of New Jersey RUTGERS (1993), Bay Path College (1993), University of Surrey, Roehampton (1993 and 1999), Odense University (1993), Uppsala University (1994), Ruskin College, Oxford (1994), University of Mississippi, Oxford (1996 and 1997), University of Colorado, Boulder (1996), University of Pittsburgh (1996 and 1999), Oregon State University (1996), University of Oregon (1996), State University of New York at Buffalo (1997), University of Adelaide (1998), University of Tampere (2000), University of Joensuu (2000).


Gender-Film-Media, Kraków: Rabid.

“Wizerunki kobiet w polskim kinie powojennym,” in: Gender-Film-Media.

“American Feminism and Pedagogy,” American Studies International.

“The Oppositional Gaze,” Women’s Studies International Forum (New York: Pergamon Press).

“Action Heroine in Polish and American Film,” in: Festschrift for Professor Irena Janicka-Świderska, Łódź: University Press.