Computing & Data Management (CMD)Assignment 2

Computing & Data Management (CDM)


Presenting data with presentation software

Student name / Click here to enter text. /
Assessor / Click here to enter text. /
Assessment ID / CDM-2
Due Date / Click here to enter a date. /
Total Marks Available / 18
Marks Gained / Teacher to mark /
Final score (%) / Teacher to mark /
Date Marked / Teacher to mark /
Weighting / This assignment will form 12.5 % of your overall assessment mark





Competency mapping

Part A – Getting the content

Part B - The presentation structure

Part C – Distributing using multiple formats

Worked examples

Submission of work

Marking Guide

Where to get help



Other resources



This is a formative assessment that allows you to demonstrate your skills and understanding of the use of presentation software for distributing information to both internal and external customers and stakeholders in your industry.

The most common presentation software used in industry today is Microsoft’s PowerPoint program, but you are able to use any program you have access to, including free online software such as Zoho.

Whatever program you use, it is your responsibility that to ensure that your assessor has the ability to view the program


Once collected, summarised and interpreted, information needs to be presented to people who require the information. As such, you need to learn about a few different methods for presenting information which will include documents and, in the case of this assessment task, the use of presentation software which can be saved and used in a myriad of ways.

Don’t panic…

You are NOT required to do a public presentation of your work. Your work is to be electronically submitted for marking ONLY. Public talks are done in other subjects at C4 and Diploma level.


Overall, the assessment consists of the following skills;

◗Opening, saving and closing your software

◗Enter content, either manually or using cut, copy and paste functions

◗Apply built in styles to change appearance

◗Apply header, footer, slide number, date and time properly

◗Distributing a saved presentation in different formats

Competency mapping

This assessment task relates to the following elements and performance criteria (PC) from the units listed in the table below;

Unit / Elements / Performance Criteria / Comments
MSS024004A / 3 / 3.1-3 / Formative assessment only

Part A – Getting the content


The information that goes into a presentation can come from a multitude of sources. Usually this will be in the form of a document, such as a report or similar, but could be from anywhere.

You will find information from the internet (Wikipedia is fine for this) that relates to a topic involving the science of metrology, specifically, the seven base units used in the SI system of units (our metric system).


Use the internet (or other sources) to obtain the following information about the SI system base units.The topics you cover include the following seven quantities;





◗Electric current

◗Luminous intensity

◗Amount of substance

For each of the base units, you are to establish the following key information about each unit;

◗The unit’s name

◗The unit’s symbol

◗The unit’s historical definition

◗The unit’s current definition

◗A photo or other image of unit


We want you to do this quickly and easily, so don’t get essay’s, just get the basic info.

Part B - The presentation structure


Knowing the information required to present is only half the battle. Now you need to assemble the information into a professional looking presentation.

A good presentation has many components, most of which you will learn in other subjects so only a summary is provided here. To ensure that your presentation is of a minimum standard;

◗Use a constant design throughout the entire presentation

◗Don’t clutter or crowd the slide

◗Don’t use fancy transitions and animations (just use ‘appear’ or ‘fade’ for example)

◗Keep the number of slides to a minimum (unless told to use a set number!)

◗Make sure any pictures or animations used are relevant

◗Never be ‘rude’. Avoid unintentional discriminatory or offensive materials.


The structure of the presentation must consist of the following slides and follow the prescribed structure set out below. Once you have built the structure of the presentation, you will need to populate it with the content you found in Part A.

◗A title slide

◗A table of contents (just a simple list, not a ‘proper’ one, and do this last!)

Each unit described must incorporate 3 slides;

◗An introduction slide with the units name and picture (or animation)

◗Two slides with the content for the unit

Each slide (except the title slide) must have the following features;

◗Footer with your name in it

◗Auto-date function

All up, your presentation will have 17 slides;

◗Title slide

◗Table of contents slide

◗14 contents slides (2 for each base unit)

◗References slide

Part C – Distributing using multiple formats


Once your presentation is complete, it needs to be sent to people who may or may not use it in different ways for different purposes.

Using MS PowerPoint as an example, typically, you save a PowerPoint with an extension of .ppt or .pptx depending upon the version of the software used. But there are many other ways that a presentation can be saved, including;

◗as a .swf which is used for internet based presentations,

◗as a .pps or .ppsx which is used when the PowerPoint is not to be edited

◗as a .pdf to be used online or printed out for readers to write on

◗as well as saving as a template, or with macros or one of many other saving formats

For the sake of this assessment, we shall assume that you are going to use the presentation for printing out, loading on a website, and distributed as a file but not for the intention of being edited.


Once your presentation is complete, save it (or print it to pdf) in the following formats;

◗As a .ppt or .pptx

◗As a .pdf (one slide to a page for uploading to internet)

◗As a .pdf (6 slides to a page for printing out for readers)

◗As a .pps or .ppsx so that it cannot be edited

But what if I don’t use PowerPoint?

Well, then explore what your programs equivalent is and save it in those formats.

◗Once you have all your files, zip them and submit to your teacher for assessment.

Worked examples

Consider the images below. These show you a glimpse of what you are expected to do in this assessment. You are free (to an extent) to use whatever design you want, don’t think you need to use the design shown in the images.

An example of the title slide

An example of the content slides

The example also shows where the footer is located, also see below. Note that getting the footer to display can cause students a bit of grief, so yell out to your assessor if you require help.

An example of the references slide

An example of a contents slide can be seen below

Submission of work

Marking Guide

Marks for this assessment are gained by your ability to produce a presentation that meets the following marking criteria;

Marking criteria / Marks available / Comments by teacher after marking
Title slide / 1 / Marker’s use only /
Table of contents / 1 / Marker’s use only /
7 unit image/title slides / 7 / Marker’s use only /
7 unit content slides / 7 / Marker’s use only /
Reference slide / 1 / Marker’s use only /
Use of built in design / 1 / Marker’s use only /
Meets minimum standards / 6 / Marker’s use only /
Saved in all four formats / 4 / Marker’s use only /

Where to get help

Contact your teacher if you run into any trouble with this assessment. You would be surprised how flexible we are at accommodating your needs, but communication is the key. If you don’t let us know you are having trouble, we may have trouble trying to help you.


◗See Student Assessment Guide for full list

◗Your teacher can help

◗Microsoft run a good beginners course on how to use powerpoint at;


Students are to submit all assessments by the due date to the subject teacher by email using the following filename format;


Visit for more information on submitting assessments, file names and available file extensions that you can use.

Other resources

Note that some of these resources might be available from your teacher or library

You can use general internet searches for this assignment as the task required is very common.

Refer to the subject material page for a list of resources.

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