Professor Michael Morgan FRS

Department of Optometry and Visual Science

Applied Vision Research Centre

The CityUniversity

London EC1V 0HB

1. Name Michael John Morgan

2. Current Position:. Professor of Visual Psychophysics, The CityUniversity

3. Appointed 1/10/2000

4. Age, Gender and D.O.B 62, Male, 25/8/42

5. Place of birth : Cardiff, Glamorgan

6. Degrees: B.A. (Cambridge, 1964: First Class in both parts of Natural Sciences Tripos)

M.A (Cambridge, 1968);

Ph.D (Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge), 1969

Sc.D (Cambridge, 1994)

7. Career

University of Cambridge: Assistant in Research (19651971)

Fellow & Tutor, Queens' College (19671974), University Lecturer ('7178)

Professor of Psychology and Head of Department, University of Durham (19781981); Professor of Psychology, UniversityCollegeLondon ('81'89)

Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh (1989-1993)

Professor of Visual Psychophysics, Institute of Ophthalmology and Department of

Anatomy/Developmental Biology, UniversityCollegeLondon (1993-2000).

Professor of Visual Psychophysics, CityUniversity (2000-)

Overseas appointments: Assistant Professor, McGillUniversity ('69'70)

Visiting Professor, UCSD (San Diego) (1987);

Visiting Professor, McGillUniversity (JanMarch, 1988);

Visiting scientist, SmithKettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco MayJune 1993

8. Research Interests: Experimental Psychology, especially Vision.

9. Grant Support

Experience and resistance to satiation in the rat (MRC, 197376).

Social interactions in the rat and later behaviour (SERC, 197780).

Visual perception and eye movements (MRC, 197881).

Mechanisms of spatial interpolation and acuity in the visual perception of

movement (MRC, 197982).

Visual pattern acuity and interpolation (MRC, 198387)

The intensity response function and early stages of human spatial vision

(MRC, 198387).

Mechanisms of size judgements in human vision (MRC, 19871990).

Psychophysical investigations of human motion perception (MRC, 1987


MRC "A computational investigation of natural surface reflectance"

£55,512; 1/1/90 for 3 years; Grant holders: M.J. Morgan; Prof. D.J.

Wallace (Physics); Dr. E. Milton (Southampton)

SERC "The role of edge corners and curves in lowlevel vision" £25,601; 3

year grant, terminating 31/12/90; Grant holders: M.J. Morgan, Prof. R. Watt (Stirling)

SERC "Recognition of faces using principles of lowlevel vision"

£130,931;1/12/8930/11/93; Grant holders: M.J. Morgan, Prof. R.J. Watt (Stirling)

SERC "Integration of spatiallydistributed image features" £65, 444 (1990-1994)

BBSRC: "Second stage filtering in human vision" (1994-1997)

MRC: "Visual constancy and self-calibration in displays simulating optic flow" (1995-1998)

MRC Programme Grant: "Functional anatomy of the visual cortex (5 years from 1/6/95) (joint with Prof. Lund).

Biomed 2 Programme of the European Community: Visual Information Processing of Movement. 380,000 ECU's (1997-2000).

BBSRC: Mechanisms of elementary motion detection in human vision. (£163116; 2/10/98-2/10/2001).

EPSRC Mechanisms of Selective Attention and Texture Processing in Early Vision (£167K; 1/10/200-29/09/04)

EPSRC Mechanisms of Selective Attention and Signal Detection in Human Vision (£77K 1/3/2002 for 254 months).

10. Teaching

I have taught courses in Cambridge, Durham, UCL, McGill and UCSD,

covering Perception, Animal Learning, Animal Behaviour, The Structure

and Function of the Nervous System, History & Philosophy of Psychology.

I have also taught a variety of laboratory classes in Experimental

Psychology. In Queens' College Cambridge I was also Tutor to Medical

Students. I taught a Vision module in the Neurosciences

Honours Course at Edinburgh, and was joint organizer (with Prof. A.

Manning) of a course on "Brain & Behaviour".

11. Postgraduate students supervised:

(1) I.C.McManus ('74'78; now senior lecturer at UCL/IC) (2)

D. Rapp ('75'78) (3) P. Hepper ('78'81; now senior lecturer at Queen's

Belfast) (4) A. Humphries ('78'81) (5) S. Chivers ('78'81) (6) A. Sidwell

('78'81; now at APU) (7) V. Sharpe ('82'86) (8) W. Smith ('86'89; now at

U. of Surrey) (8) T. MacPherson('86'90; now at U. of Surrey) (9)

A.Paakkonen ('90'93) (10) P. Lunn (1991); (11) U. Köppl (1992)

12. Administrative experience:

Head of Department, University of Durham; Director of Postgraduate

Studies, UCL; Technical Staffing, UCL. Scientific Affairs Board, British

Psychological Society; Neurobiology and Mental Health Board, MRC;

Animal Sciences and Psychology Subcommittee (SERC); British

Psychological Society working party on Corporal Punishment; Committee

member and European liaison officer of Experimental Psychology Society;

SERC Biological Sciences Committee (1990 British Psychological Society

Working Party on the Undergraduate Curriculum in Psychology; Chairman

of Image Interpretation Initiative of SERC.

13. Editorial Work on Journals:

Editorial Boards of: Perception, Quarterly Journal . of

Experimental Psychology, British Journal of Psychology, Vision Research,

Journal of Theoretical Biology, and the new electronic journal ‘Vision’

14. Invited talks

I have given Research Talks at most major British Universities, and abroad

at the Universities of Rochester, UCSD, UC Irvine, Freiburg, Paris,

McGill, Dalhousie, NYU, CityUniversity (NY), Oklahoma, and Western


Presidential Address to Psychology Section of BAAS.

Other invited talks include: The Westheimer Symposium, Berkeley, 1989;

Royal Society meeting on Vision, 1980; British Psychological Society,

1987; ColdSpringHarbor Course on Computational Vision, 1987 & 1989;

Rank Prize Funds meeting on Visual Coding and Efficiency, 1987; Fyssen

Foundation meeting on Vision, Paris, 1987; Rousell meeting on Chirality,

Paris, 1971; Societé francaise de Psychologie, Paris, 1989; British Machine

Vision Association, London 1990; CIBA Foundation meeting on Laterality

(London, Feb 1991)

:“Y-a-t-il une metrique pour l’espace visual?’ College de France, Jan 1998

15. Examining

During the period 1975 to the present, I have been external examiner for

PhD degrees at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Ulster, St Andrews,

Leeds, London, Sheffield, Western Australia and Edinburgh, and External

Examiner for Undergraduate Psychology Degrees at Oxford, Cambridge,

Reading, St. Andrews, Sheffield, Exeter, Brunel, and Manchester

Universities. Over the summer of 1992 I shall be examining two PhD's at

the University of Oxford, and one (on the development of asymmetry in

Amphibia) at the University of London. I have also examined PhD

dissertations at the Universities of Paris and Louvain.

Current: Part II Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge

16. Miscellaneous

President of the Psychology Section of the BAAS in 1987. I was the invited

organiser of the Rank Prize Funds (Optoelectronics) meeting on

"Hyperacuity". I was coorganizer (with A. Derrington) of an SERC Summer School

in Image Interpretation. Suggested and chaired

CIBA symposium "Higherorder processing in the visual system" (1993).

Elected President of The Experimental Psychology Society, 1993.

President's Award of the British Psychological; Society, 1993.

Elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 2005

17. Languages

I am fluent in French , and I hold a certificate of competence in German from the University of Heidelberg.


(1) Books

Morgan, M. J. (1977). Molyneux's Question: vision, touch and the philosophy of perception.

Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Morgan, M.J. (2003) The Space Between Our Ears' (winner of the Wellcome Turst Book Prize). London: Weidenfled and Nicholson. See

(2) Research publications (chronological order)


Humphrey, N. K. and Morgan, M. J. (1965). Constancy and the geometric illusions. Nature 206, 744745.

Morgan, M. J. (1968). Negative reinforcement. In (L.Weiskrantz Ed) The analysis of behavioral

change. NY:Harper & Row.

Morgan, M. J. (1969). Motivation. Cambridge Research. 5, 1113.

Morgan, M. J. (1969). Estimates of length in a modified MullerLyer figure. Amer.J.Psychol. 82, 380384.

Morgan, M. J. and Firsoff, G. I. (1970). A comparison between the reinforcing and discriminative functions of

a stimulus. Learning and Motivation 1, 248260.

Morgan, M. J. (1970). Fixedinterval schedules and delay of reinforcement. Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 22, 663673.

Corballis, M. C., Miller, A. and Morgan, M. J. (1971). The role of leftright orientation in interhemispheric

matching of visual information. Percept.Psychophys. 10, 385388.

Morgan, M. J. (1972). Fixedratio performance under conditions of delayed reinforcement. J.exp.Analysis

Behav. 17, 9598.

Lea, S. E. G. and Morgan, M. J. (1972). The measurement of ratedependent changes in responding. In

(J.Millenson and R.Gilbert Eds) Reinforcement:behavioral analyses. NY: Academic Press.

Morgan, M. J., Oliver, R. F. and O'Donnell, J. (1973). Embryological development of leftright asymmetry in

the frog. J.comp.Neurol. 149, 203214.

Morgan, M. J. (1973). Effects of preweaning environment on learning in the rat. Animal Behav. 21, 429442.

Morgan, M. J. (1974). Effects of random reinforcement sequences. J.exp.Analysis Behav. 22, 301310.

Morgan, M. J. (1974). Resistance to satiation. Animal Behav. 22, 449466.

Morgan, M. J. (1978). Genetic models of inheritance should be asymmetrical. Behav.Brain Sci. 2, 325336.

Morgan, M. J. (1974). Do animals like to work for their food?. Learning and Motivation 5, 353368.

Morgan, M. J. and Thompson, P. (1975). Apparent motion and the Pulfrich effect. Perception 4, 318.

Morgan, M. J. (1975). Stereoillusion based upon visual persistence. Nature 256, 639640.

Morgan, M. J., Einon, D. F. and Nicholas, D. (1975). The effects of isolation rearing on behavioral inhibition

in the rat. Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 27, 615634.

Bruce, V. G. and Morgan, M. J. (1975). Violations of symmetry and repetition in visual patterns. Perception 4, 239249.

Sahakian, B., Robbins, T. W., Morgan, M. J. and Iversen, S. D. (1975). The effects of psychomotor

stimulants on stereotypy and locomotor activity in sociallydeprived rats. Brain Research 84, 190205.

Einon, D. F., Morgan, M. J. and Sahakian, B. J. (1975). The development of intersession habituation and

emergence in sociallyreared and isolated rats. Devel. Psychobiol. 8, 553559.

Morgan, M. J. and Einon, D. F. (1975). Incentive motivation and behavioral inhibition in sociallyisolated

rats. Physiol. and Behav. 15, 404409.

Tye, N. and Morgan, M. J. (1975). Chlordiazepoxide and preference for free food in the rat. Pharm. Biochem

and Behav. 3, 11491151.

Morgan, M. J. (1976). Embryology and inheritance of asymmetry. In (S.Harnad Ed) Lateralisation in the

nervous system. Academic Press.

Morgan, M. J. (1976). Pulfrich effect and the filling in of apparent motion. Perception 5, 187195.

Morgan, M. J. and Einon, D. F. D. (1976). Activity and exploration in thyroiddeficient and sociallyisolated

rats. Physiol. and Behav. 16, 107110.

Einon, D. F. and Morgan, M. J. (1976). Habituation of object contact in sociallyreared and isolated rats.

Anim.Behav. 24, 415420.

Morgan, M. J., Lea, S. E. G. and Nicholas, D. (1976). Choice of extinction signalling stimuli by rats

Learning and Motivation, 7, 3149.

Einon, D. F., Stewart, J., Atkinson, S. and Morgan, M. J. (1976). Effects of isolation on barbiturate

anaesthesia in the rat. Psychopharm. 50, 8588.

Morris, R., Einon, D. and Morgan, M. J. (1976). Persistent behaviour in extinction after partial deprivation in

training. Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 28, 633642.

Morgan, M. J., Ward, R. M. and Brussel, E. M. (1976). The aftereffect of tracking eye movements. Perception

5, 309317.

Morgan, M. J., Fitch, M. D., Holman, J. G. and Lea, S. E. G. (1976). Pigeons learn the concept of an 'A'.

Perception 5, 5766.

Morgan, M. J. (1977). Differential visual persistence between the two eyes: a model for the FertschPulfrich

effect. J.exp.Psychol. 3, 484495.

Einon, D. F. and Morgan, M. J. (1977). A critical period for social isolation. Devel. Psychobiol. 10, 123132.

Morgan, M. J., Einon, D. F. and Morris, R. G. M. (1977). Inhibition and isolation rearing in the rat:

extinction and satiation. Physiol.Behav. 18, 16.

Mollon, J., Polden, P. and Morgan, M. J. (1977). Electrooptic shutters and filters. Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 29,


Morgan, M. J. and Turnbull, D. F. (1978). Smooth eye tracking and the perception of motion in the absence of

real movement. Vision Research 18, 10531059.

Corballis, M. C. and Morgan, M. J. (1978). On the biological basis of human laterality: I. Evidence for a

maturational leftright gradient. Behav.Brain Sci. 2, 261336.

Morgan, M. J. and Corballis, M. C. (1978). On the biological basis of human laterality: II. The mechanisms

of inheritance. Behav.Brain Sci. 2, 261336.

Einon, D. F. and Morgan, M. J. (1978). Early isolation produces enduring hyperactivity in the rat.

Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 30, 151156.

Einon, D. F., Morgan, M. J. and Kibbler, C. (1978). Brief periods of socialization and later behaviour in the

rat. Devel. Psychobiol.. 11, 213.

Einon, D. F. and Morgan, M. J. (1978). Habituation under different levels of stimulation in sociallyreared and

isolated rats: a test of the arousal hypothesis. Behav. Biol. 22, 553558.

Morgan, M. J. and Ward, R. M. (1978) . Perceptual effects of smooth eye movement in the absence of a target.

Nature, 274, 158159.

Morgan, M. J. (1979). Motivational processes. In (A.Dickinson and R.Boakes Eds) Mechanisms of

Learning and Motivation. Earlbaum (pp 171201).

Morgan, M. J. (1979). Perception of continuity in stroboscopic motion: a temporal frequency analysis. Vision

Research 19, 491500.

Morgan, M. J. (1979). The two spaces. In (N.Bolton Ed) Philosophical problems in Psychology.

London: Methuen. pp 6888.

Morgan, M. J. and Nicholas, D. J. (1979). Discrimination between reinforced action patterns in the rat.

Learning and Motivation 10, 122.

Einon, D. F., Will, B. E. and Morgan, M. J. (1980). Effects of postoperative environment on recovery from

dorsal hippocampal lesions in young rats. Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 32, 137148.

Morgan, M. J. (1980). Analogue models of motion perception. Phil.Trans.Roy.Soc. B 290, 117135.

Morgan, M. J. (1980). Spatiotemporal filtering and the interpolation effect in apparent motion. Perception 9,


Morgan, M. J. (1980). Phenomenal Space. In (B.D. Josephson and V.S. Ramachandran Eds) Consciousness

and the Physical World. Oxford: Pergamon. pp. 177192.

Morgan, M. J. and Ward, R. M. (1980). Conditions for motion detection in dynamic visual noise. Vision Research

20, 431435.

Morgan, M. J. and Ward, R. M. (1980). Interocular delay produces depth in subjectivelymoving noise patterns.

Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 32, 387395.

Morgan, M. J. (1981). How pursuit eye movements can convert temporal into spatial information. In

(D.F.Fisher et al.Eds) Eye movements:Cognition and Visual Perception. HillsdaleNJ:


Morgan, M. J. (1981). Vernier acuity and stereopsis with discontinuously moving stimuli. Acta Psychologica

48, 5767.

Harris, L.R., Morgan, M.J. and Still, A.W. (1981). Moving and the motion aftereffect. Nature (Lond),293,


Morgan, M. J. and Watt, R. M. (1982). Hyperacuity for luminance phase angle. Vision Research 22, 863866.

Morgan, M. J., Findlay, J. M. and Watt, R. J. (1982). Aperture viewing: a review and a synthesis.

Quart.J.exp.Psychol. 34A, 211233.

Morgan, M. J. and Watt, R. J. (1982). . Effects of motion sweep duration and number of stations upon

interpolation in discontinuous motion. Vision Research 22, 12771284.

Morgan, M. J. and Watt, R. J. (1982). Mechanisms of interpolation in human spatial vision . Nature 299,


Morgan, M. J. and Watt, R. J. (1982). The modulation transfer function of a display oscilloscope. Vision Research

22, 10831085.

Morgan, M. J. (1983). Mental rotation: a computationally plausible account of transformation through

intermediate steps. Perception 12, 203211.

Morgan, M. J., Watt, R. J. and McKee, S. P. (1983). Exposure duration affects the sensitivity of vernier acuity

to target motion. Vision Research 23, 541546.

Watt, R. J. and Morgan, M. J. (1983). Mechanisms responsible for the assessment of visual location:theory

and evidence . Vision Research 23, 97109.

Watt, R. J. and Morgan, M. J. (1983). The recognition and representation of edge blur:evidence for spatial

primitives in vision . Vision Research 23, 14651477.

Watt, R. J., Morgan, M. J. M. and Ward, R. M. (1983). The use of different cues in vernier acuity . Vision

Research 23, 991995.

Watt, R. J., Morgan, M. J. M. and Ward, R. M. (1983). Stimulus features that determine the visual location of

a bright bar Invest.Ophthal.Vis.Sci. 24, 6671.

Morgan, M. J. and Watt, R. J. (1983). On the failure of spatiotemporal interpolation: a filtering model. Vision

Research 23, 9971003.

Casco, C. and Morgan, M. J. (1984). The relationship between space and time in the perception of stimuli

moving behind a slit. Perception 13, 429441.

Morgan, M. J. and Watt, R. J. (1984). Spatial frequency interference effects and interpolation in vernier acuity Vision Research 24, 19111919.

Watt, R. J. and Morgan, M. J. (1984). Spatial filters and the localization of luminance changes in human

vision . Vision Research 24, 13871397.

Morgan, M. J., Mather, G., Moulden, B. and Watt, R. J. (1984). Intensityresponse nonlinearities and the

theory of edge localization . Vision Research 24, 713719.

Morgan, M. J. and Ward, R. M. (1985). Spatial and spatialfrequency primitives in spatialinterval

discrimination . J.opt.Soc.Am. 2, 12051210.

Morgan, M. J. and Aiba, T. S. (1985). Vernier acuity predicted from changes in the light distribution of the

retinal image Spatial Vision 1, 151161.

Watt, R. J. and Morgan, M. J. (1985). A theory of the primitive spatial code in human vision. Vision Research

25, 16611674.

Morgan, M. J. and Aiba, T. S. (1985). Positional acuity with chromatic stimuli . Vision Research 25, 689695.

Morgan, M. J. (1986). Positional acuity without monocular cues Perception 15, 157162.

Morgan, M. J. (1986). The detection of spatial discontinuities: interactions between contrast and spatial

contiguity . Spatial Vision 1, 291303.

Morgan, M. J. and Moulden, B. (1986). The Munsterberg figure and twisted cords . Vision Research 26,


Mather, G. and Morgan, M. J. (1986). Irradiation: implications for theories of edge localization. Vision Research

26, 10071015.

Morgan, M. and Regan, D. (1987). Opponent model for line interval discrimination: interval and vernier

performance compared . Vision Research 27, 107118.(MRC)

Casco, C. and Morgan, M.J. (1987) Detection of moving local density differences in dynamic random patterns

by human observers. Perception, 16, 711717.(MRC)

Morgan, M. J. and McManus, I. C. (1988). The relationship between handedness and brainedness. In

(F.C.Whurr et al Eds) Aphasia. London: Whurr (pp. 85130).

Morgan, M. J. and Hotopf, N. H. (1989). Perceived diagonals in grids and lattices. Vision Research,29,1005


Morgan, M.J. and Benton, S. (1989) Motion deblurring in human vision. Nature, 340, 385386.(MRC)

Casco, C., Morgan, M.J.and Ward, R.M. (1989) Spatial properties of mechanisms for detection of moving dot

targets in dynamic visual noise. Perception, 18, 285291.(MRC)

Morgan, M. J. and Watt, R. J. (1989). The Weber's Law for distance is not an artefact of eccentricity. Vision

Research,29,145714 (MRC)


Morgan, M.J., Hole, G.J. & Ward, R.M. (1990) Evidence for positional encoding in hyperacuity.

J.opt.Soc.Am.,A, 7,297304. (MRC)

Shapley, R., Caelli, T., Grossberg, S., Morgan, M.J. and RentschlerI.(1990) Computational Theories of

Perception. In: (L. Spillman and W. Wooton, Eds.) Visual Perception: The Neurophysiological

Foundations. (Academic Press)

Morgan, M.J., Hole, G.J. & Glennerster, A. (1990) Biases and sensitivities in geometrical illusions. Vision

Research, 30, 17931810.(MRC)

Morgan,M.J. & Casco,C. (1990) Spatial filtering and spatial primitives in early vision. Proc. Roy. Soc.


Morgan, M. J. (1990). Hyperacuity. In (D.Regan Ed) Spatial Vision. London: Macmillan.


Morgan, M.J., Ross, J and Hayes, A. (1991) The relative importance of local phase and local amplitude in

patchwise image reconstruction. Biological Cybernetics, 65, 113119

Morgan, M.J. & Glennerster, A. (1991) Efficiency of locating centres of dotclusters by human observers.

Vision Research, 31,20752083.

Morgan, M.J. (1991) The asymmetrical genetic determination of laterality: flatfish, frogs and human handedness.

In: (G.R. Bock & J. Marsh, Eds.) Biological Asymmetry and Handedness. Chichester: Wiley (pp 234250).


Morgan, M.J. (1992) Spatial filtering precedes motion detection. Nature, 355, 344346.

Morgan, M.J. & Cleary, R. (1992) Effects of contrast substitution upon motion detection in spatially random

patterns. Vision Research,32, 639643.(MRC)

Morgan, M.J. & Cleary, R. (1992) Effects of colour substitutions upon motion detection in spatially random

patterns. Vision Research, 32, 815821.(MRC)

Morgan, M.J. & Fahle, M. (1992) Effects of patternelement density upon displacement limits for motion

detection in random binary luminance patterns. Proc.Roy.Soc.B.,248,189198.

Morgan, M.J., Adam, A. & Mollon, J.D. (1992) Dichromats break colourcamouflage of textural boundaries.

Proc. Roy.Soc.B., 248, 291295.

Morgan, M.J. (1992) On the scaling of size judgments by angular cues. Vision Research, 32,14331455


Harris, J. & Morgan, M.J. (1993) Stereo and motion disparities interfere with positional averaging. Vision

Research,33, 309312

Morgan, M.J. & Cleary, R.F. (1992) Ambiguous motion in a 2frame motion sequence. Vision Research, 32,


Ross, J., Speed, H.D. & Morgan, M.J. (1993) The effects of adaptation and masking on incremental thresholds

for contrast. Vision Research, 33, 20512056

Bowns, L. & Morgan, M.J. (1993) Facial features and axis of symmetry extracted using natural orientation

information. Biological Cybernetics, 70, 137-144.


Morgan,M.J. & Paakkonen, A. (1994) Effects of motion on blur discrimination. J.Opt.Soc.Am.A., 11, 992-1002.

Morgan, M.J. & Mather, G.M. (1994) Motion detection in twoframe sequences with differing spatialfrequency content. Vision Research, 34,197208.

Morgan, M.J., Ward, R.M. & Cleary, R.F.(1994) Motion displacement thresholds predicted from the displacement of centroids. Vision Research, 34, 747749

Morgan, M.J. & Ingle, G. (1994) What direction of motion do we see if luminance but not colour is reversed during displacement? Psychophysical evidence for a signed-colour input to motion detection. Vision Research, 34, 2527-2535.


Morgan,M.J. & Dresp, B. (1995) Contrast detection facilitation by spatially-separated targets and inducers. Vision. Research, 35, 1019-1024.

Morgan, M.J., Medford,A. & Newsome, P. (1995) The orthogonal orientation shift and spatial filtering. Perception, 24. 513-524.

Keeble,D.R.T., Kingdom, F.A.A., Moulden, B. & Morgan, M.J. (1995) Detection of orientationally multimodfal textures. Vision Research, 14, 1991-2005.

Morgan, M.J. & Castet, E. (1995) Stereoscopic depth perception at high velocities. Nature, 378, 380-383.

Morgan, M.J. & Lunn, P.D. (1995) "The analogy between stereo and brightness": a reexamination. Perception 24,901-904.

Morgan,M.J. & Tyler, C.W. (1995) Mechanisms for dynamic stereomotion respond selectively to horizontal velocity components. Proc. Roy.Soc. Lond.B, 262, 371-376.

Morgan,M.J. (1995) Energetic Motion Detection. Nature (Scientific Correspondence), 378, 671-672.


Fahle, M. & Morgan, M.J. (1996) No transfer of perceptual learning between similar stimuli in the same retinal position. Current Biology, 6, 292-297.

Lunn, P. D., & Morgan, M. J. (1996). Discrimination of the spatial derivatives of horizontal spatial disparity. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 14, 1-12.