Professor J R Parratt



Parratt JR, West GB 5-hydroxytryptamine and tissue mast cells J Physiol (1957), 137, 169-178

Parratt JR, West GB Release of 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine from tissues of the rat J Physiol (1957), 137, 179-192

Parratt JR, West GB 5-hydroxytryptamine and the anaphylactoid reaction in the rat J Physiol (1957), 139, 27-41

West GB, Parratt JR 5-hydroxytryptamine and the skin Arch Dermatol (1957), 76, 336-342

Parratt JR, West GB Histamine liberation in the hamster Arch int Pharmacodyn (1957), 113, 209-216

Parratt JR, West GB The relationship of 5-hydroxytryptamine to capillary permeability in the skin of the rat J Physiol (1958), 140, 105-112

Parratt JR, West GB Inhibition by various substances of oedema formation in the hind-paw of the rat induced by 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine, dextran, egg white and compound 48/80 Br J Pharmacol (1958), 13, 65-70

Parratt JR, West GB Hypersensitivity and the thyroid gland Int Archiv Allergy (1960), 16, 288-302

Foy JM, Parratt JR A note on the presence of noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine in plantain (Musa sapientum, var paradisiaca) J Pharm Pharmacol (1960) 12, 360-364

Foy JM, Parratt JR 5-hydroxytryptamine in pineapples J Pharm Pharmacol (1961), 13, 382-383

Foy JM, Parratt JR Urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in West Africans Lancet (1962), 1, 942-943

Grayson J, Parratt JR The effect of bradykinin on blood flow and heat production in the myocardium Experientia (1963), 19, 161-162

Parratt JR A comparison of the effects of the plasma kinins, bradykinin and kallidin, on myocardial blood flow and metabolism Brit J Pharmacol (1964), 22, 34-46

Parratt JR Vasopressor responses to kallidin, bradykinin and eledoisin in hypotensive rats J Pharm Pharmacol (1964), 16, 132-133

Grayson J, Parratt JR Observations of blood flow in the myocardium Acta Anatomica (1965), 7, 416-424

Parratt JR Blockade of sympathetic beta-receptors in the myocardial circulation Brit J Pharmacol (1965), 24, 601-611

Lochner W, Parratt JR A comparison of the effects of locally and systemically administered kinins on coronary blood flow and myocardial metabolism Brit J Pharmacol, (1966), 26, 17-26

Ojo GO, Parratt JR Urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in Nigerians with endomyocardial fibrosis Lancet, (1966), i, 854-856

Grayson J, Parratt JR A species comparison of the effects of changing perfusion pressure on blood flow and metabolic heat production in the myocardium J Physiol (1966), 187, 465-489

Grayson J, Parratt JR A pharmacological study of the sympathetic innervation of the myocardial vascular bed Biblio Anatomica (1966), 9, 363-367

Grayson J, Irvine M, Parratt JR The effects of amyl nitrite inhalation on myocardial blood flow and metabolic heat production Brit J Pharmacol (1967), 30, 488-496

Parratt JR Propranolol Lancet, ii, (1967) 947-948

Parratt JR Adrenergic receptors in the coronary circulation American Heart Journal (1967) 73, 137-140

Parratt JR The effect of adrenergic neurone blockade on the myocardial circulation Brit J Pharmacol (1967), 31, 513-522

Grayson J, Irvine M, Parratt JR, Cunningham J Vasospastic elements in myocardial infarction following coronary occlusion in the dog Cardiovasc Res (1968), 2, 54-62

Parratt J R The effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline and propranolol on myocardial blood flow and metabolic heat production in monkeys and baboons Cardiovasc Res (1969), 3, 306-314

McInnes L, Parratt JR Studies on the mode of action of hexobendine, a prospective anti-anginal drug Brit J Pharmac (1969), 37, 272-282

Parratt JR The effects of histamine on the myocardial circulation Eur J Pharmacol (1969), 6, 203-208

Parratt JR, Wadsworth, RM Myocardial and haemodynamic effects of the beta-receptor blocking drug alprenolol (H56/28 in anaesthetised cats Brit J Pharmac (1969) 37, 357-366

Ledingham IMcA, McBride TI, Parratt JR, Vance, JP Changes in myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption during exposure to hyperbaric oxygen and hypercarbia in the normal and ischaemic myocardium In:- Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine Ed J Wada & T Iwa, Igaku Shoin Ltd, Tokyo (1970) p239-241

Parratt JR, Wadsworth R M The effect of catecholamine infusions on myocardial blood flow, heat production and on general haemodynamics, before and after alprenolol (H56/28) in anaesthetised cats Brit J Pharmac (1970), 38, 554-571

Parratt JR, Wadsworth RM The effect of 'selective' beta-adrenoreceptor blocking drugs on the myocardial circulation Brit J Pharmac (1970) 39, 296-308

Ledingham IMcA, McBride TI, Parratt JR, Vance JP The effect of hypercapnia on myocardial blood flow and metabolism J Physiol Lond (1970), 210, 87-105

Ledingham I McA, Parratt JR, Vance JP Myocardial vascular effects of hyperbaric oxygen in dogs subjected to haemorrhage In:- 6th Europ Conf Microcirculation, Aalborg 1970, Karger Basel (1971) p282-285

Grayson J, Irvine M, Parratt JR Effects of carbochromen and dipyridamole on blood flow and heat production in the dog myocardium before and after acute coronary ligation Cardiovasc Res (1971) 5, 41-47

Das PK, Parratt JR Myocardial and haemodynamic effects of phentolamine Brit J Pharmac (1971) 41, 437-444

Parratt JR, Winslow E The cardiovascular pharmacology of quazodine (MJ-1988), with especial reference to effects of myocardial blood flow and metabolic heat production Brit J Pharmac (1971) 42, 193-204

Ledingham IMcA, Parratt JR, Vance JP Haemodynamic and myocardial effects of hyperbaric oxygen in dogs subjected to haemorrhage Cardiovasc Res (1971), 5, 277-285

Vance JP, Parratt JR, Ledingham I McA The effects of hypoxia on myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption: Negative role of beta adrenoreceptors Clin Sci (1971) 41, 257-273

Parratt JR, Winslow E Actions of quazodine (MJ1988) on smooth muscle Brit J Pharmac (1971), 43, 612-623

Parratt JR, Ledingham I McA Experimental infarction in the dog: Changes in blood flow and in oxygen extraction induced by oxyfedrine in areas of developing myocardial ischaemia J Pharm Pharmac, (1971) 23, 201-207

Parratt JR, Winslow E Haemodynamic and coronary effects of quazodine in cats with developing myocardial infarcts J Pharm Pharmac (1972) 24, 673-680

Parratt JR, Wadsworth RM The effects of dipyridamole on the myocardial vasodilator actions of noradrenaline, isoprenaline and adenosine Br J Pharmac (1972) 46, 585-593

Parratt JR, Wadsworth R M The effects of dipyridamole on coronary post-occlusion hyperaemia and on myocardial vasodilatation induced by systemic hypoxia Br J Pharmac (1972) 46, 594-601

Parratt J R Myocardial and circulatory effects of E coli endotoxin; modification of responses to catecholamines Br J Pharmac (1973) 47, 12-25

Hutton L, Parratt JR, Lawrie TDV Cardiovascular effects of prostaglandin E in experimental myocardial infarction Cardiovasc Res (1973) 7, 149-155

Mackenzie JE, Parratt JR Effects of oxyfedrine on isolated portal vein and other smooth muscles Br J Pharmac (1973) 47, 827

Parratt JR, Ledingham IMcA, McArdle CS Effect of a coronary vasodilator drug (carbochromen) on blood flow and oxygen extraction in acute myocardial infarction Cardiovasc Res (1973) 7, 401-407

Moore G, Parratt JR Effect of noradrenaline and isoprenaline on blood flow in the acutely ischaemic myocardium Cardiovasc Res (1973) 7, 446-457

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR The effect of noradrenaline on blood flow and oxygen consumption in normal and ischaemic areas of myocardium Amer Heart J (1973) 86, 653-662

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR The effect of dipyridamole on blood flow and oxygen handling in the acutely ischaemic and normal canine myocardium Br J Pharmacol (1973) 49, 391-399

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR, Ledingham IMcA The effect of hyperbaric oxygen (2ATA) on myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption in normal and ischaemic areas of the myocardium after acute coronary artery ligation in the dog In Proceedings of the 5th International Hyperbaric Congress Edited by WG Trapp, EW Banister, AJ Davison and PA Trapp Vancouver, Simon Frazer University (1974) 2, 699-711

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR The effect of dilazep on blood flow and oxygen handling in the early stages of canine myocardial infarction: simultaneous comparison with changes in the normal myocardium Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archiv Pharmacol (1974), 281, 427-436

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR Reduction in ventricular arrhythmias following acute coronary artery ligation in the dog after the administration of creatine phosphate Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archiv Pharmacol (1974) 281, 437-441

Parratt JR, Winslow E The haemodynamic effects of quazodine, a cardiac stimulant, in experimental E coli endotoxin shock in the cat Clinical and Experimental Pharm Physiol (1974) 1, 31-42

Parratt JR, Sturgess R The effect of indomethacin on the cardiovascular and metabolic responses to E coli endotoxin in the cat Br J Pharmacol (1974) 50, 177-184

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR Changes in blood flow and oxygen consumption in normal and ischaemic regions of the myocardium following acute coronary artery ligation Cardiovasc Res (1974), 8, 204-215

Parratt JR, Marshall RJ The response of isolated cardiac muscle to acute anoxia: protective effect of adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate J Pharm Pharmacol (1974) 26, 427-433

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR Drug-induced changes in blood flow in the acutely ischaemic canine myocardium: relationship to subendocardial driving pressure Clin Exper Pharmacol Physiol (1974) 1, 99-112

Parratt JR The haemodynamic effects of prolonged oral administration of oxyfedrine, a partial agonist at beta-adrenoceptors: comparison with propranolol Br J Pharmacol (1974) 51, 5-13

Parratt JR, Marshall RJ, Ledingham IMcA Zur Beeinflussung von Stromungeschwindigkeit und Sauerstoffextraction im ischamischen Myokard Die Medizinische Welt, (1974), 25, 1152-1155

Parratt JR, Sturgess RM E coli endotoxin shock in the cat; treatment with indomethacin Br J Pharmac (1975), 53, 485-488

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR Antiarrhythmic, haemodynamic and metabolic effects of 3a-amino-5a-androstan-2b-ol-17-one hydrochloride in greyhounds following acute coronary artery ligation Br J Pharmac (1975), 55, 359-368

Parratt JR, Sturgess RM The effects of the repeated administration of sodium meclofenamate, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase, in feline endotoxin shock Circulatory Shock (1975), 2, 301-310

Abaitey AK, Parratt JR Cardiovascular effects of diethylcarbamazine citrate Br J Pharmac (1976) 56, 219-228

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR Comparative effects of propranolol and practolol in the early stages of experimental canine myocardial infarction Br J Pharmac (1976) 57, 295-303

Parratt JR, Sturgess RM The effect of a new anti-inflammatory drug, flurbiprofen, on the respiratory, haemodynamic and metabolic responses to E. coli endotoxin shock in the cat. Br. J. Pharmac (1976) 58, 547-551

Marshall RJ, Parratt JR The haemodynamic and metabolic effects of MG 8926, a prospective antidysrhythmic and antianginal agent. Br J Pharmac (1977) 59, 311-322.

Mackenzie, JE & Parratt, JR Comparative effects of glyceryl trinitrate on venous and arterial smooth muscle Br J Pharmac (1977) 60, 155-160

Parratt, JR & Sturgess, RM The possible roles of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and prostaglandin PGF2a as mediators of the acute pulmonary effects of endotoxin Br J Pharmac (1977) 60, 209-219

Abaitey, AK & Parratt, JR The effects of diethylcarbamazine citrate on smooth muscle J Pharm Pharmacol (1977) 29, 428-432

Moore, GE & Parratt, J R The effects of distension of the small intestine on myocardial blood flow in anesthetised cats: possible relevance to coronary vasospasm Basic Res Cardiol (1977) 72, 437-443

Al-Kaisi, N, Parratt, JR, Siddiqui, HH & Zeitlin, I J Feline endotoxin shock: Effects of methylprednisolone on kininogen-depletion on the pulmonary circulation and on survival BrJ Pharmac (1977) 60, 471-476

Marshall, RJ & Parratt, JR The antidysrhythmic aminosteroid, ORG 6001, reduces the ST-segment elevation produced by coronary occlusion in the dog Br J Pharmac (1977) 61, 315-317

Marshall, RJ & Parratt, JR A comparative study of beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents on blood flow and metabolism in the acutely ischaemic myocardium Proc Royal Soc Med (1977), 70, Suppl 11, 62-68

Parratt JR & Marshall RJ Are prostaglandins involved in the regulation of coronary blood flow? A review of the evidence Acta biol med Germ (1978) 37, 747-754

Marshall RJ & Parratt JR The effects of disopyramide phosphate on early post-coronary artery ligation dysrhythmias, and on epicardial ST-segment elevation, in anaesthetised dogs Br J Pharmac (1979) 66, 241-250

McCaig DJ, Kane KA, Bailey G, Millington PF & Parratt JR Myocardial function in feline endotoxin shock: a correlation between myocardial contractility, electrophysiology and ultrastructure Circulat Shock (1979) 6, 201-211

Kane KA, McDonald FM & Parratt JR The effect of the aminosteroid, Org 6001, on hypothermia-induced ventricular fibrillation in the cat Br J Pharmac (1979) 66, 609-618

McCaig, D & Parratt, JR The cardiovascular pharmacology of 7-propyltheophylline-dopamine (D4975); comparison with dopamine and dobutamine Br J Pharmac (1979) 67, 239-245

McCaig DJ & Parratt JR Haemodynamic effects of the carboxylic ionophore monensin when administered before and during shock induced by E coli endotoxin J Pharmac Pharmacol (1979) 31, 583-587

McCaig DJ & Parratt JR Failure of exogenous ATP and creatine phosphate to modify the course of E coli endotoxin shock in the cat Circulat Shock (1979) 6, 235-244

Al-Jibouri, Layla, M, Furman, B & Parratt, JR Blockade of adrenaline-induced hyperglycaemia in the anesthetized cat by continuous infusion of phentolamine and propranolol Br J Phamac (1980) 68, 461-466

McCaig, D & Parratt, JR A comparison of the cardiovascular effects of dobutamine and a new dopamine derivative (D4975) during shock induced by E coli endotoxin Br J Pharmac (1980) 69, 651-656

McCaig, D & Parratt, JR Reduced myocardial response to calcium during endotoxin shock in the cat Circulatory Shock (1980) 7, 23-30

Clark, C, Foreman, MI, Kane, KA, McDonald, FM & Parratt, JR Coronary artery ligation in anaesthetized rats as a method for the production of experimental dysrhythmias and for the determination of infarct size J Pharmacol Methods (1980) 3, 357-368

Marshall, RJ & Parratt, JR Prophylactic lignocaine and early post-coronary artery occlusion dysrhythmias in anaesthetised greyhounds Br J Pharmac (1980) 71, 597-600

Kane, KA, Lepran, I, McDonald, FM, Parratt, JR & Szekeres, L The effects of prolonged oral administration of a new antidysrhythmic drug (Org 6001) on coronary artery ligation dysrhythmias in conscious and anaesthetised rats J Cardiovasc Pharmacol (1980) 2, 411-423

Marshall, RJ & Parratt, JR The early consequences of myocardial ischaemia and their modification J Physiologie (Paris) (1980) 76, 699-715

Parratt, JR, Marshall, RJ & Ledingham I McA Interventions for improving blood flow, oxygen availability and the balance between oxygen supply and demand in the acutely ischaemic myocardium J Physiologie (Paris) (1980) 76, 791-803

Adeleye GA, Al-Jibouri L, Furman BL, Parratt JR Endotoxin-induced metabolic changes in the conscious, unrestrained rat: hypoglycaemia and elevated blood lactate concentrations without hyperinsulinaemia Circulat Shock (1981) 8, 543-550

Parratt JR Oxyfedrine as an antianginal drug Lancet (1981) i, 441

Coker, SJ, Marshall, RJ, Parratt, JR & Zeitlin, IJ Does the local myocardial release of prostaglandins E2 and F2a contribute to the early consequences of acute myocardial ischaemia? J Mol Cell Cardiol (1981) 13, 425-434

Coker SJ, Parratt JR Prostacyclin-induced changes in coronary blood flow and oxygen handling in the normal and acutely ischaemic canine myocardium Basic Res Cardiology (1981) 76, 457-462

Coker, SJ, Ledingham, IM, Parratt, JR & Zeitlin, IJ Aspirin inhibits the early myocardial release of thromboxane B2 and ventricular ectopic activity following acute coronary artery occlusion in dogs Br J Pharmac (1981) 72, 593-595

Coker, SJ, Parratt, JR , Ledingham IMcA & Zeitlin, IJ Thromboxane and prostacyclin release from ischaemic myocardium in relation to arrhythmias Nature (1981), 291, 323-324

Parratt, JR & MacKenzie, JE Possible mechanisms of action of oxyfedrine as an antianginal drug Br J Clin Pharmacol (1981) 11, 307-308

Campbell C, Parratt JR Which properties of beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs are important in the prevention of early post-infraction dysrhythmias? Br J Pharmac (1981) 74, 195-196

Coker, SJ & Parratt, JR The effects of prostaglandins PGE2, PGF2a, prostacyclin, flurbiprofen and aspirin on arrhythmias resulting from coronary artery ligation in anaesthetised rats Br J Pharmac (1981) 74, 155-159

Fagbemi, O & Parratt, JR Suppression by orally-administered nifedipine, nisoldipine and niludipine of early life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias resulting from acute myocardial ischaemia Br J Pharmac (1981) 74, 12-14

Fagbemi, O & Parratt, JR Calcium antagonists prevent early post-infarction ventricular fibrillation Eur J Pharmac (1981) 75, 179-186

Hughes B, Madan BR, Parratt JR, Polymyxin B sulphate protects cats against the haemodynamic and metabolic effects of E coli endotoxin Br J Pharmac (1981) 74, 701-708

Fagbemi, O, Kane, KA & Parratt, JR Creatine phosphate suppresses ventricular arrhythmias resulting from coronary artery ligation J Cardiovasc Pharmacol (1982) 4, 53-58

Kane, KA, McDonald, FM, Parratt, JR, Timmer, C & Vink, J Antiarrhythmic effects of Org 6001 in rats; correlation with plasma and tissue drug concentrations Br J Pharmac (1982) 75, 319-323

Fagbemi, O, Lepran, I, Parratt, JR & Szekeres, L Naloxone inhibits early arrhythmias resulting from acute coronary ligation Br J Pharmac (1982) 76, 504-506

Coker, SJ, Fagbemi, O & Parratt, JR Lidoflazine in the early stages of acute myocardial ischaemia Br J Pharmac (1982) 76, 347-354

Coker, SJ, Parratt, JR, Ledingham, IMcA & Zeitlin, IJ Evidence that thromboxane contributes to ventricular fibrillation induced by reperfusion of the ischaemic myocardium J Mol Cell Cardiol (1982) 14, 483-485

Coker, SJ & Parratt, JR Effects of dazoxiben on arrhythmias and ventricular fibrillation inducd by coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion in anaesthetized greyhounds Br J Clin Pharmac (1983) 15, 87-96S

Ball, HA, Parratt, JR & Zeitlin, IJ Effect of dazoxiben, a specific thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, on the pulmonary response to Ecoli endotoxin in anaesthetized cats Br J Clin Pharmac (1983) 15, Suppl 1, 127-132S

Coker, SJ, Hughes, B, Parratt, JR, Rodger, IW & Zeitlin, IJ The release of prostanoids during the acute pulmonary response to Escherichia coli endotoxin in anaesthetized cats Br J Pharmac (1983) 78, 561-570

Fagbemi, O, Kane, KA, Lepran, I, Parratt, JR & Szekeres, L Antiarrhythmic actions of meptazinol, a partial agonist at opiate receptors, in acute myocardial ischaemia Br J Pharmac (1983) 78, 455-460

Coker, SJ & Parratt, JR Nifedipine reduces arrhythmias but does not alter prostanoid release during coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion in anaesthetized greyhounds J Cardiovasc Pharmac (1983) 3, 406-417

Parratt, JR & Coker, SJ Cardioprotection with calcium antagonists by suppression of early ischaemic and reperfusion-induced arrhythmias Eur Heart J (1983) 4, (Suppl C) 49-54

Coker, SJ & Parratt, JR Prostacyclin-antiarrhythmic or arrhythmogenic? Comparison of the effects of intravenous and intracoronary prostacyclin and ZK 36374 during coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion in anaesthetised greyhounds J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1983) 5, 557-567

Parratt, JR Pharmacological agents to aid the clinician in combating myocardial ischaemia Eur Heart J (1983) 4, (Supl D), 91-99

Campbell, CA, & Parratt, JR The effect of beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents, with differing ancillary properties, on the arrhythmias resulting from acute coronary artery ligation in anaesthetised rats Br J Pharmac (1983) 79, 939-946

Parratt JR, Udvary E The effect of exaprolol (MG 8823) on epicardial ST-segment changes in a feline model for acute myocardial ischaemia Br J Pharmac (1983) 80, 95-105

Ball HA, Parratt JR, Rodger IW The effect of a selective 5-HT2 antagonist, ketanserin, on the pulmonary responses to Escherichia coli endotoxin Br J Pharmac (1983) 80, 296-301

Fagbemi O, Kane KA, McDonald FM, Parratt JR, Rothaul AL The effects of verapamil, prenylamine, flunarizine, and cinnarizine on coronary artery occlusion-induced arrhythmias in anaesthetised rats Br J Pharmacol (1984), 83, 299-304

Coker SJ, Parratt JR The effects of nafazatrom on arrhythmias and prostanoid release during coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion in anaesthetised greyhounds J Mol Cell Cardiol (1984) 16, 43-52

Parratt JR, Sharma N, Zeitlin IJ Prostaglandins and thromboxane in the delayed phase of shock induced by Serratia marcescens endotoxin Br J Pharmac (1984) 82, 281-288

Campbell CA, Parratt JR, Kane KA, Bullock G Effects of prolonged administration of oxprenolol on severity of ischaemic arrhythmias, enzyme leakage, infarct size and intracellular cardiac muscle action potentials J Cardiovasc Pharmac (1984), 6, 369-377

Coker SJ, Parratt JR The effects of timolol on arrhythmias and prostanoid release during canine myocardial ischaemia and reperfusion Br J Pharmac (1984), 81, 675-684

Furman BL, McKechnie K, Parratt JR Failure of drugs which selectively inhibit thromboxane synthesis to modify endotoxin shock in conscious rats Br J Pharmac (1984), 82, 289-294

Hughes B, Kane KA, McDonald FM, Parratt JR Aspects of the cardiovascular pharmacology of exaprolol J Pharm Pharmacol (1984), 36, 597-601

Fagbemi O, Parratt JR Antiarrhythmic actions of adenosine in the early stages of experimental myocardial ischaemia Eur J Pharmacol (1984), 100, 243-244

Kane KA, Parratt JR, Williams FM An investigation into the characteristics of reperfusion-induced arrhythmias in the anaesthetised rat and their susceptibility to drugs Br J Pharmac (1984), 82, 349-357

Coker SJ, Parratt JR Relationships between the severity of myocardial ischaemia, reperfusion induced ventricular fibrillation and the late administration of dazmegrel or nifedipine J Cardiovasc Pharmacol (1985), 7, 327-334

Coker SJ, Parratt JR Arachidonic acid cascade and the generation of ischaemia and reperfusion-induced ventricular arrhythmias, J Cardiovasc Pharmacol (1985), 7, 565-570

McKechnie K, Dean HG, Furman BL, Parratt JR Plasma catecholamines during endotoxin infusion in conscious unrestrained rats: effects of adrenal demedullation and/or guanethidine treatment Circulatory Shock (1985), 17, 85-94

Kane KA, Morcillo-Sanchez EJ, Parratt JR, Rodger IW, Shahid M The relationship between coronary artery occlusion-induced arrhythmias and myocardial cyclic nucleotide levels in the anaesthetised rat Br J Pharmacol (1985), 84, 139-145

Wainwright CL, Parratt JR The effect of beta-adrenoceptor blockade and of thromboxane synthetase inhibition, alone and in combination, on arrhythmias resulting from myocardial ischaemia Advances in Myocardiology (1985), 6, 573-584

Bullock GR, Lepran L, Parratt JR, Szekeres L, Wainwright CL The effects of metroprolol and dazmegrel, alone and in combination, on arrhythmias induced by coronary artery occlusion in conscious rats Br J Pharmacol (1985), 86, 229-234

Bullock GR, Lepran I, Parratt JR, Szekeres L, Wainwright CL Effects of a combination of metoprolol and dazmegrel on myocardial infarct size in rats Br J Pharmacol (1985), 86, 235-240

Hughes B, Parratt JR The effects of the protease inhibitor, aprotinin, on shock induced by endotoxin in cats Br J Pharmacol (1985), 86, 399-403

Coker SJ, Parratt JR AH23848, a thromboxane antagonist, suppresses ischaemia and reperfusion - induced arrhythmias in anaesthetised greyhounds Br J Pharmacol (1985), 86, 259-264

McKechnie K, Furman BL, Parratt JR Metabolic and cardiovascular effects of endotoxin infusion in conscious unrestrained rats: effects of methylprednisolone and BW755C Circulatory Shock, (1985), 15, 205-215

Evis MJ, Kane KA, Moore MJ, Parratt JR The effects of chronic low level lead treatment and hypertension both alone, and in combination, on the severity of cardiac arrhythmias induced by coronary artery ligation in anaesthetised rats Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology (1985), 80, 235-242