Professor IsmaïlElalamy biography
Professor IsmaïlElalamy, M.D. PhD., is a Professor of Haematology and Head of the Haematology Department at Tenon University Hospital, Paris, and current President of the French Society of Angiology. Prof Elalamy has been involved in the field of thrombosis and antithrombotic therapies since 1991, and his research interests include improving therapeutic strategies, identifying new biomarkers and the application of novel diagnostic techniques to the clinic. He was a Post-Doc fellow at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, from 1998-2003, Associate Professor of Haematology at the APHP, Paris, from 1998-2008, and has also been Head of a Research Group on Hemostasis and Thrombosis in Cancer since 2005 which is now associated to INSERM UMR S-938 (Biology and Therapeutics in Cancer). In his current position, Prof Elalamy has established an expert centre for HIT diagnosis and management in Paris, and a research centre for cancer and thrombosis, with specialized clinical and laboratory activity in platelet studies.
Prof Elalamy holds positions as Councillor of GFTC (French Group on Thrombosis and Cancer) and the EMLTD (Euro-Mediterranean League against Thromboembolic Diseases), as well as General Secretary of GITA (Interdisciplinary Group on Antithrombotic Treatments) and co-chair of the ISTH sub-committee on Control of Anticoagulation (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis). vAdditionally, he is involved in a French educational programme in North Africa, on behalf of ISTH, focusing on haemostasis and thrombosis.
Since 1998, Prof Elalamy has given over 200 symposia and plenary lectures at international congresses, on a diverse range of issues including; platelet activation, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, hereditary thrombophilia, antithrombotic strategies and resistance to anti-platelet agents. He has written over 140 peer reviewed articles and collaborated on several books on haemostasis and thrombosis, as well as editing the first French language book on Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and a practical guidebook on new Direct Oral Anticoagulants.