Gaber Saied Awad, Ph.D
Professor, Dept. of Political Science,
In Cairo University & King Saud University
1990Ph.D. (Political Science), with Excellent, GPA of3.8/4 (95%), Department ofGovernment and Politics,College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, UniversityofMaryland, U.S.A.
1986M.A. (Political Science) with Excellent, Departmentof Government and Politics, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University ofMaryland, U.S.A.
1981 M.A. (Political Science), with Excellent, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
1976B.A. (Political Science), with Honor, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University,Egypt.
2012– Till now Professor of Political Science, faculty of Law
and political Science, Department of Political
Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom
Of Saudi Arabia
2007 – 2012 Director, Center for Asian Studies, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
2003 – 2007Director, Department of Malaysian Studies, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
2001 – 2003Deputy Director, Center for Asian Studies, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
2000 – Now Professor ofPolitical Science, Department of PoliticalScience, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
1995 – 2000 Associate Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
1990 – 1995 Assistant Professor, Department ofPolitical Science,Faculty ofEconomics and Political Science, Cairo University.
1988 – 1989Lecturer, Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, University College, Collage Park, Maryland, U.S.A.
1981 – 1984Assistant, Department of Political Science,Faculty ofEconomics and Political Science, Cairo University.
1976 – 1981 Lecturer (TA&RA), Department ofPolitical Science,Faculty ofEconomics and Political Science, Cairo University.
III.Academic Honors/Awards:
1984 – 1990 Egyptian Governmental Higher Education Fellowship Mission (Ministry of Higher Education, Arab Republic of Egypt) for M.A. and Ph.D. Studies in the Unites States.
Arabic(Mother tongue)
English (Fluent)
V.Membership of Academic and Civil Associations:
Member, Political Science Committee, The Supreme Council for Culture, Ministry of Culture, Arab Republic of Egypt.
Member, Egyptian Political Science Association.
Member, Arab Political Science Association.
Member, American Universities Graduate's Association
General Secretary, Egyptian-Kazakh Friendship Association.
General Secretary, Egyptian-Uzbek Friendship Association.
VI.Major Publications and Professional Papers:
"Models of Development in Asian Tigers", Paper presented at the 8thBeijing Forum, 2-6 November 2011, Peking, China.
"Malaysia and the Organization of Islamic Conference", paper presented at the conference held by Department of Malaysian Studies under the theme: Malaysia and Major International Powers, Cairo University, April 12, 2011.
"Korean Studies in the Arab World", paper presented at the 7thForum of Korean-Middle East Cooperation under the theme: Consolidating Arab-Korea Partnership in the 21stCentury, Co-sponsored by Al-Ahram Center for Poltical and Strategic Studies & Ministry of Foreign Affaires and Trade, Republic of Korea.
"Political Parities and Party Politics in Malaysia" in Dr. Gaber Awad (ed.),Civil Society in Malaysia(Cairo:DMS, 2011).
"Comparative Politics: Continuity and Change in Teaching, Methodology and Research Interest", paper presented at the 50th
Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science 1960 – 2010, Cairo University, March 2010, later published in Dr. Alia El-Mahdi and Ahmed Ghoneim (eds.),Egypt and Faculty of Economics and Political Science in an Era of Change: 1960 – 2010(Cairo: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, 2010).
"The Vision of Leadership for Reform in Malaysia", paper presented in the 6thAnnual Conference on Malaysian Studies under the theme: Reform Issues in Malaysia, and later published in Dr. Hoda Mitkees and Dr. Hassan Basri (eds.),Reform Issues in Malaysia, (Cairo: Department of Malaysian Studies (DMS), 2010).
"Globalization and Administering Malaysia's Multi-Ethnic Society", in Dr. Hoda Mitkees (ed.),Malaysia and Globalization, (Cairo: DMS, 2010).
"African – Indian Partnership: Elements of Success", Paper presented at the International Conference on Africa – India Partnership in the 21stCentury held on New Delhi, India, on 2 – 3 April, 2008 in preparation for India – Africa Forum Summit held in New Delhi on 8 – 9 April 2008, later published onSAWTULHIND,Vol. 469, Jan. 2009.
"Malaysia and the Organizational Framework for Regional Cooperation in South-East Asia", paper presented in the 5thAnnual Conference on Malaysian Studies under the theme: Malaysia and South-East Asia, later published in Dr. Hoda Mitkees and Dr. Hassan Basri (eds.),Malaysia and South-East Asia, (Cairo: DMS, 2009).
"Administrating the Malaysian Multi-Ethnic Society", a paper presented at the Fourth International Joint Conference under the theme: Malaysia from International Perspective, and later published in Dr, Hoda Mitkess and Dr. Hassan Basri (eds.)Malaysia from International Perspective,(Cairo: DMS, 2009).
"Socio - Economic Rights in Arab Constitutions: A Comparative Study", Paper presented in the Conference held in Doha, Qatar, 12–13 May 2008 under the theme: Human Rights in Arab Constitutions, and later published in Dr. Kamal El-Menoufi and Ali Al-Mer(eds.),Human Rights in Political and Legal Contemporary Discourse(Doha: National Human Rights Committee, 2008).
"The Role of the Korean State in Development: Continuity and Change", paper presented in the 13thAnnual Conference of Asian Studies, and later published in Dr. Gaber Awad (ed.),The Role of the State in Asian Experience: Continuity and Change(Cairo: Center for Asian Studies, 2008).
"Readings in the MalaysianDevelopmentalExperiment: Lessons Drawn for the Arab World", paper presented in the Conference held in Amman, Jordan, 16 – 18 Nov., 2008, under the theme: Towards an Islamic Renaissance Project, sponsored by International Forum for Moderation under the Auspices of His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan.
Comparative Political Systems: Theory and Practice, (Cairo: Al-Ashre Press, 2008). (Text Book)
"Public Policy in Malaysia: Determinants and Characteristics", paper presented in the 4thAnnual Conferenceon Malaysian Studies under the theme: Public Policy in Malaysia, and later published inDr. Gaber Awad (ed.),Public Policy in Malaysia, (Cairo: DMS, 2008).
"Malaysia and South - South Cooperation" paper presented in the 3rdAnnual Conference on Malaysian studies under the theme: Malaysia and South - South Cooperation and later published in Dr. Gaber Saied Awad (ed.),Malaysian Foreign Policy(Cairo: DMS, 2008).
"Education in Malaysia", paper presented at the Seminar on: The Development of Higher Education in Egypt, held by the Faculty ofEconomics andPolitical Science, Cairo University, May 2006 and later published in Dr. Mona El- Baradeie and Dr. Sammy El- Sayed (eds.),The Development of Higher Education In Egypt(Cairo: Faculty of Economic and Political Science, 2006).
"Administering the Multi-Ethnic Society in Malaysia: Mahathir Bin Mohamed's Vision", paper presented in the 2ndAnnual Conference on Malaysian Studies under the theme: The Political Thought of Mahathir Bin Mohamed and later publishedin Dr. Mohammed El-Sayed Selim (ed.),The Political Thought of Mahathir Bin Mohamed(Cairo: DMS, 2005).
"The Malaysian Atlas, Senior Researcher and Co-author, Published by the Department of Malaysian Studies, Cairo University, 2005.
"The Role of the Malaysian State in Development", Paper presented at the 1stAnnual conference on Malaysian Studies organized by the Department of Malaysian Studies, Cairo University, 14-15 April 2004 and published in Dr. Kamal El-Menofi and Dr. Gaber Awad (eds.)The Malaysian Model for Development(Cairo: DMS, 2005).
"The Global War on Terrorism: An Egyptian Perspective", Paper prepared for the 6thAnnual Korean-Egyptian Joint Conference under the theme: “Korean-Egyptian Cooperation in the 21stCentury", Seoul, South Korea, 29 August - 3 September, 2002, and the 2ndJoint Egyptian-Malaysian Conference under the theme: Egyptian – Malaysian Comparative PerspectivesOn The Era of Globalization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 2004 (in English).
“India's Regional and International Relations”, Paper prepared for the File on India, published on, 2002.
“Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in Indonesia”, Paper prepared for the File on Indonesia, published on, 2001.
Participation in the Conference held by the Center for Strategic Studies under the theme of: Peace through Development in the Nile Valley, Khartoum, Sudan, 14 – 17 Jan., 2001.
"The New Eurasian Land-Bridge Projects" paper presented at the 6thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies held on Port-Saied, 13 – 15 April 2000, and later published in Dr.Mohammed El-Sayed Selim, Dr. Gaber Awad and Dr. Norhan El-Shiekh (eds.),The New Silk Road(Cairo: Center for Asian Studies, 2001).
“The Current Trends in The Study of the Role of the State in Less Developing Countries”, Paper prepared for the Permanent Academic Committee for the Promotion of Professors in Political Science, Political Science Committee, The Supreme Council of Universities, Cairo, Nov. 2000.
“Going Public as a New Presidential Strategy and its Impact on Institutional Balance between the Congress and the Presidency in the American Political System”,al-Nahda(the Renaissance),Faculty ofEconomics andPolitical Science, Cairo University, No.3, April 2000.
“The Impact of the Political Dimension on the Relation between Security and Development in Egypt, 1970-2000”, Paper prepared for “Egypt 2020 Project” under the auspices of the Third World Forum, February 2000.
“Egypt and the New Eurasian Land-Bridge,” Paper presented at the Fourth Conference for Asian Studies, Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University, December 1998, and published in Mohammed El-Sayed Selim & Ibrahim Arafat (eds.),The Egyptian-Asian Relations(Cairo: Center for Asian Studies, 2000).
Resurgence of Political Islam in the Middle East and Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study,” Paper presented at the First Thai-Egyptian Seminar held in Bangkok, Thailand 21-22 Jan. 1998, and the 1STEgyptian- Singapore Seminar 18-19 Jan, also presented to Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia January 20th1988, and later published inAsian Monographs, Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University, No.28, October 1999. (In English).
“The IntertwiningofDemographic, Political and Legal Dimensions of the Water Issue in the Middle East: The Case of the Euphrates/Tigris Basin”,Legal and Economic Studies Review, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, Beni-Suef Branch, Vol.12, No.24, July 1998. (In English).
Comment on the article written by Ano Sherfan Ehtshami and Emma C. Murphy,The Transformation ofthe Corporatist State in the Middle East,Strategic Translation Series, Volume 2, (Cairo: Arab Center for Strategic Studies, 1997).
“Economic Relations between Egypt and the Countries ofthe Gulf CooperationCouncil”, Paper presented at the Seminar on Egypt’s Regional Role in the Middle East held in Alexandria (15-17 Dec. 1994), later published in Dr. Abdel – Monem Al-Mashat (ed.),The Regional Role of Egypt(Cairo: Center for Research and Political Studies, 1995).
“The Concept ofPluralism in Western Contemporary Literature,” Paper presented at the Seminar on Pluralism in the Arab World held in Washington D.C., U.S.A., (26 Nov. - 1 Dec., 1993), later published by theCenter for Research and Political Studies of Cairo University, 1994.
“Egyptian Internal PoliticalForces and the Second Gulf War”, Paper presented at a Seminar on The Impacts of the Gulf War on Egyptian Policy held at Aswan 27-30 November 1991, and published in Dr. Moustaffa Elwi (ed.) The Impact of The Gulf War on the Egyptian Policy, (Cairo: Center for Research and Political Studies, Cairo University, 1992).
“Corporatist Politics in Less Developing Countries: A Comparative Study of Brazil, Egypt, Peru and Turkey, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland at College Park, U.S.A. ( in English ).
“Non-Alignment Movement and Internal Challenges”, in Dr. Moustaffa Elwi (ed.),Non-Alignment Movement in the Nineties(Cairo: Center for Research and Political Studies, Cairo University, 1990).
“Systems Analysis Approach”, in Dr. Wadouda Badran (ed.),Methodology in Social and Political Sciences(Cairo: Center for Research and Political Studies, Cairo University, 1990).
“Political Change in Latin America: A Case Study of Argentina under Peron (1945 – 1955)”, M.A. Thesis, Department of Political Science, Cairo University, 1982.
“Egypt and Latin America”, in Dr. Mohammed Fatah-Allah El-Khateeb and others (eds.),Egypt: A Comprehensive Social Survey(Cairo: National Center for Social and Criminal Research, 1979).
“The Military and Politics in Latin America,” El-Syasa Al-Dawlia, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Al-Ahram Foundation, Cairo, 1978.
“Arab Mediating Role in European-African Dialogue”, Co-author in Dr. Hamid Rabei (ed.),Arab-European Dialogue(Cairo: Institute of Arab Research and Studies, 1977).
VII.Supervision and Examination of M.A. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations including Current ones:
As Supervisor or Co-supervisor:
M.A. 29 Theses
Ph.D.13 Dissertations
As Examiner:
M.A.58 Theses & 2 as External Examiner
Ph.D.17 Dissertations
Total:119 Theses and Dissertations
VIII.Coordination / Co-coordination of Local and International Conferences and Seminars:
15thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme "Decentralization and Development in Asian Experience, Dec. 14, 2010, Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
14thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme: Civil Society in Asian Experience, Oct. 2009, Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
Seminar on Economic Policies and the Role of the State in Korea, Cairo, Nov. 2008.
13thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme:The Role of the State in Asian Experience: Continuity and Change,Oct. 2008.Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
4thAnnual Conference on Malaysian Studies under the theme: Public Policies in Malaysia, March 2007,Department of Malaysian Studies, Cairo University.
3rdAnnual Conference on Malaysian Studies under the theme: Malaysian Foreign Policy, March 2006,Department of Malaysian Studies, Cairo University.
1stAnnual Conference on Malaysian Studies under the theme: The Malaysian Model of Development, March 2004,Department of Malaysian Studies, Cairo University.
8thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme:The Egyptian – Korean Relations, Nov. 2005,Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
7thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme:The Political System in Japan,Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
Seminar on "Relations between Egypt and Azerbaijan" held from 23 – 26 March, 2002, Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
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Seminar on "Strategic Analyzing and Relations between Egypt and Kazakhstan" held from Jan. 24 to Feb. 2, 2001, Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
6thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme: Asia and Globalization, Dec. 2000,Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
4thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme: Korea and the Middle East, Feb. – March, 1998,Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.
3rdAnnual Conference on Asian Studies under the theme: The Afghani Issue, Dec. 1997,Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University.