Professor Danièle Joly


Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations

University of Warwick

Coventry CV4 7AL

Phone: +44 (0)2476-524869 Fax: +44 (0)2476-524324

Date and place of Birth: 16.08.50, France


2007 DLitt, University of Warwick

1982 PhD University of Aston in Birmingham

1972 M.A. University Paris I (La Sorbonne)

The Industrial Relations Act 1971 with distinction

1971 B.A. University of Paris X (Nanterre)

Other Activities

·  Visiting Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France. Member of the Centre d’Action et d’Intervention Sociologique (Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/CNRS); Member of the Scientific Committee of Centro de Estudos das Migrações e das Relações Interculturais/CEMRI (Lisbon); Holder of several European Commission, UNESCO and ESRC grants; Organiser of European Commission-COST network on Refugees including universities in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Estonia, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland; Member of AIRAG Advisory Board (Home Office Research and Statistics Group on Asylum); Member of several research networks and collaborative projects on ethnic relations and refugees in Europe. Adviser to the French Embassy and the Franco-British Council. Featured in the 2005 Marquis Who is Who in the World and in the Cambridge Blue Book. Invited by Fond Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture to review and evaluate two large Research Centres on ethnic relations and autochtonous peoples (January 2007). Assessora of a research programme in Tijuana University, Mexico, Migración, tabajo Agricola y ethnicidad: la articulación de lo global, nacional y local en Valle de San Quintin, Baja Calafornia. Coordinator of twenty Socrates agreements. Coordinator and supervisor of European Commission Marie Curie Fellowships. . Scientific adviser and member of the project: Foreign immigration, sense of place and territorial identity in five small towns in Spain, a geographical participatory action research, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain.


Research expertise

·  Muslims in Europe

·  Asylum policies and refugees in Europe Caribbean youths in the UK

·  The settlement and integration of ethnic minorities in Europe


·  CRER book series on Migration, Minority and Citizenship with MacMillan (General joint editor and member of Editorial Board) (1995- ).

·  CRER book series on Research in Ethnic Relations with Ashgate (member of Editorial Board)



2007 Joly, D., L’Emeute: Ce que la France peut apprendre du Royaume-Uni, Paris: Denoël

2007 D.Joly with J.Beckford and F.Khosrokhavar, Le défi musulman dans

les prisons, Louvain La Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

2005 D. Joly with J. Beckford and F. Khosrokhavar, Challenge and Change: Muslims in French and British prisons Basingstoke: Mamillan Palgrave.

2004 D. Joly International Migration in the New Millennium, Aldershot, Ashgate

2002 D. Joly Global changes in asylum regimes, Basingstoke: Macmillan, Palgrave.

2001 D. Joly Black and Britannity, Aldershot: Ashgate.

1998 D. Joly (ed) Scapegoats or Social actors: the exclusion and integration of minorities in Western and Eastern Europe 241p, MacMillan, Basingstoke.

1997 D. Joly with Clive Nettleton and Lynette Kelly, Refugees in Europe: the hostile new agenda, London: MRG.

1996 D. Joly, Haven or Hell: Asylum policies and refugees in Europe, Oxford, MacMillan 215p

1995 D. Joly, Britannia's Crescent: Making a place for Muslims in British Society, Aldershot: Avebury 197p

1994 Mano Candappa and D. Joly Local authorities ethnic minorities and "pluralist integration", Monographs in Ethnic Relations No.7, CRER, University of Warwick 159p

1992 D. Joly, with Clive Nettleton and Hugh Poulton Refugees: Asylum in Europe? London: MRG, 1992 also published by Westview, USA 1992 166p

1991  D. Joly, The French Communist Party and the Algerian War, Oxford: MacMillan, 1991 181p

1990  D. Joly with Clive Nettleton, Refugees in Europe, London: Minority Rights group, London: MRG 1990 42p

1989 D. Joly and R. Cohen, Eds. Reluctant Host Europe and its Refugees, Aldershot: Gower Press 1989 237p

1987  J. Rex, D. Joly and C. Wilpert, Eds. Immigrant Associations in Europe, Aldershot : Gower Press, 1987 247p