Professional Update for 2015-16


Please email professional update andcurrent c.v. to by July 1, 2016.

Thank you.


HOME PHONE (Provost Office use only):

CELL PHONE (Provost Office use only):

UPDATED EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION (For internal use only if necessary):

Primary Contact Name:




Alternate Contact Name:




Note to Endowed Chair Holders: Please attach approximately one-page of text that summarizes your year as teacher, scholar and a member of the community. Please highlight significant achievements, new or special projects, developments or innovations in your teaching or scholarship, and the like. Write this summary as if you were updating the donor of the fund that supports your chair. The Advancement Office will use all or part of your summary in their annual stewardship letters to donors.


Note any courses you have taught for the first time in your academic career.

Describe any new teaching methods or innovations, including any new, enhanced, or innovative use of technology in your teaching.

Note any courses that you are, or shortly will be, developing for the future. Please identify if they are part of the Shared PassagesProgram.

Total number of academic advisees:

Note any new and particularly effective or innovative approaches to advising and mentoring, including use of the K-Plan Commonplace.

Total number of SIPs supervised:

Briefly describe your advising of SIPs.

In addition to SIP advising, briefly describe how you have engaged students in independent scholarship and how you have contributed to their development as independent scholars.


Standing and Elected Committee membership(s) – name and quarter(s) served, note if chaired

Ad Hoc Committee and Task Force membership(s) – name and quarter(s) service, note if chaired

Other Service Appointments (e.g., department chair, program advisor, GLCA off-campus program liaison, etc.) – name and quarter(s) service

Note other service information you wish to document for the 15-16 academic year.


List, as it might be formally cited, published works or artistic exhibitions or performances that actually appeared since the end of last academic year. [Please do not list here any works in progress, submitted/accepted but not yet appeared, etc. We often use these to generate a list of faculty scholarship to share with trustees, the College Community office, etc.] *

List (with appropriate details) papers presented, creative works showcased, or any other professional achievements beyond those listed above since the end of last academic year. *

List grants, awards, prizes, or honors received from non-College sources, with the purpose and amounts where appropriate.

List faculty development or other grants or awards received from the College, with the purpose and amounts where appropriate.

List professional meetings attended since the end of last academic year. Note your role (attendance, chaired session, officer meeting, paper presented, etc.) at each meeting.

List consulting or similar service to governmental agencies, non-profits, or private firms.

* Your personnel file should contain reprints of articles and, where appropriate, copies of programs, announcements, or brochures. If you have not provided these as part of a regular review or during the course of the year, please email or forward these to Sue Gibson for inclusion in your file.