Specialty Consultant –

Underwater Survey Services

Addendum No. 01


September 9, 2014 at 11:00am







Through this Request for Qualifications/Proposals, the Gloucester County Improvement Authority (GCIA) seeks to engage a specialty consultant (i.e. Underwater Survey Specialist) for the term from the date the successful consultant is issued a Notice To Proceed (NTP) until completion of Bathymetric and Water Sounding Survey This contract will be awarded through a fair and open process pursuant to N.J.S.A.. 19:44A-20.4 et seq.

Each specialty consultant is advised that compliance with the “Fair and Open Standardized Submission Requirements and Selection Criteria” is required. These requirements must be obtained by contacting Danae Ciociola of the GCIA at 856-848-4002. Failure of a Proposer to include the Fair and Open Standardized Submission Requirements will result in the proposal being deemed incomplete and unresponsive and therefore the entire proposal will be rejected from further consideration.

The proposal must be received and will be publicly opened and read aloud onSeptember 9 2014 at [11:00am] at the GCIA administrative office located at 109 Budd Boulevard, Woodbury, New Jersey. (see “Fair and Open Standardized Submission Requirements and Selection Criteria” for further information)

The following is a description of the professional services needed including, where appropriate, a brief description of the tasks involved:

Scope of Services

The approximate location for the work is offshore of the DuPont Repauno Site, which is located at

200 North Repauno Ave.

The Repauno NJ Project area is located at Crab Point on the Delaware River adjacent to the Tinicum Reach of the federal channel. The survey area extends approximately 2,000 feet from the New Jersey shoreline to the Delaware River Main Federal Channel and 7,250 feet parallel to the shore. Refer to Figure 1 for a graphic depiction of the survey extents.

The Consultant shall immediately perform a bathymetric and water sounding survey utilizing multi-beam or similar technology for a prospective marine terminal that may be redeveloped at a former DuPont site, which is located in Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, NJ within waters of the Delaware River.

All surveys shall meet requirements for hydrographic surveys (Navigation and Dredging Support Surveys for soft bottoms) as outlined in the Corps of Engineers Hydrographic Survey Manual EM 1110-2-1003, dated January 2, 2002.

The horizontal datum shall be NAD 83 New Jersey State Plan Coordinates and the vertical datum shall be NOAA Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) based upon the most recent tidal epoch and Philadelphia District Corps of Engineers tidal benchmarks and tidal stations. The bathymetric and water sounding survey shall extend from three (3) feet above Mean Low Water (MLW) along the shoreline out to and inclusive of the boundaries depicted in the enclosed graphic.

The soundings data shall be conducted so as to provide full bottom coverage (i.e. 100% coverage, not grid lines), via a multi-beam or similar technology. Horizontal positioning will be obtained via GPSand the data will be presented in 1-foot contour plots. A minimum of 4 points per line shall be provided on riprap slope areas, if any. For shallow areas where multi-beam technology is not practical, single-beam systems are acceptable. Since a key element of the survey is to locate and plot all survey-able items, including but not limited to underwater infrastructure and/or obstructions, side-scan sonar technology shall be used.

The bathymetric and water sounding survey shall be integrated and coordinated with GCIA’s recently installed horizontal and vertical control benchmarks and coordinate system that has been established by a 3rd party topographical and location survey contractor. Subsequent to receiving a notice-to-proceed, but prior to commencing work, the bathymetric and water sounding surveyor will attend a Survey Coordination meeting at the client's office to review requirements of the survey effort.

The deliverables shall include:

  1. Plan view plots of the multi-beam, single-beam and side-scan sonar data, bounded by the area designed in Figure 1, at a map scale of one inch = 20 feet. A base map shall be derived from publicly available aerial photography. Digital mapping products will be produced in the most recent AutoCAD format.
  2. Paper and digital mosaics of the multi-beam imagery.
  3. Paper and digital copies of the multi-beam depth data integrated with side scan imagery in cases where depth is less than ten 10 feet or where the water depth is too shallow for multi-beam technology.
  4. Based on side-scan sonar, target identification of any significant objects residing on the bottom in the survey area.

The consultant (i.e. survey firm) shall acquire any necessary permits and approvals and abide by all regulations or requirements from the USCG, USACOE, or others so as not to interfere with on-going marine terminal, shipping or other operations. If required, the survey firm shall also gain proper clearance for access onto any private property within the project area. Any survey in restricted space will require the surveyor to coordinate and obtain the necessary access and supervision. Survey in potentially hazardous areas will require special attention and caution such that all reasonable safety measures are utilized. Access to the site and the schedule for performing the survey is the responsibility of the Specialty Consultant. The survey drawings shall not be considered finalized and accepted until the Special Consultanthas submitted the deliverables for review and has resolved all comments from the Authority.