Professional Profile s9

Curriculum Vitae
/ Mr. John Doe
Mobile: XXX
Email: XXX

Professional Profile

Mr. John Doe is an Assistant Vice President with Company ABC and provides XXX services to banks, insurance companies and fund managers, covering the areas of describe your skill areas

Prior to Company ABC, he worked for the Company XYZ and was involved in describe your role in previous projects.

The early part of his career was spent describe your former jobs and roles you played. John also has broad international experience, having worked in <name the geographical areas and countries you’ve worked in>.

Work Experience

XXX to present Company ABC, London

Assistant Vice President

John is currently the Project Manager in <describe your overall role in the company>.

Project: Project ABC

Date: Sep 2011 to Dec 2012

Location: London and Zurich

Role: Project Manager

John was the overall Project Manager in a worldwide program <describe what you did in this project>

Project: <Name of project>

Date: XXX to YYY

Location: XXX

Role: XXX

<Describe what you did in this project>

XXX to present Company XYZ, Paris

Assistant Manager

Describe your overall role in the company>

Project: Project XYZ

Date: XXX to YYY

Location: XXX

Role: XXX

<Describe what you did in this project>

Project: Project DEF

Date: XXX to YYY

Location: XXX

Role: XXX

<Describe what you did in this project>


·  Bachelor of Engineering, University ABC (1999)

·  GCE ‘O’ Levels, XYZ School

Professional Memberships and Certification

·  Member, Society XXX

·  Member, Society YYY


·  Publication XXX

·  Publication YYY

Awards / Recognitions

·  XXX Award for Outstanding Team Effort

·  YYY Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence

Areas of Expertise


·  Banking

·  Asset Management

Skill Areas

·  Project management

·  Stakeholder and communications management


·  XXX Trading System

·  YYY Banking Platform

·  Microsoft Office


·  XXX Database

·  YYY Programming Language