

Minutes of meeting held 1st March 2016

Present: / Ken Cornforth (KC)
Sarah Murray (SM)
Andy Welsh (AW) – (Chair)
Apologies: / Dawn Tucker-Brown (DTB)
Helen Jones (HJ)
Dwayne Saxton (DS)
Gordon Senior (GS)
In attendance: / Marita Sorial (MS)
Vicky Almond (VA)
Bec Osborne (BO)
Distributed to: / All above
Richard Wightman (RW)


Apologies were noted as above.

AW advised that DTB will no longer be a member of this committee.

SM noted that that the F & GP and Audit & Resources committees are potentially going to be merged from next year.

2.0Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3.0Approval of minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.

4.0Matters arising and actions from the minutes of previous meeting

SM advised that the final budget needs to be signed off in July.

Draft budgets will be presented in April with the final budget to this committee in June prior to presenting to the board in July.


SM advised that input is to be sought from new members in respect of drawing up a schedule of reports,

4.13 MAT’s will be visited across the area to look at the finance systems in place including HR provision.

4.2 - 3 year forecasts – KC queried if these were to be presented and SM advised that these are being prepared currently. 3 year forecasts will be included in the paperwork for the next meeting.

4.3 – Q - Fairer Funding formula?

A - Nothing has been received as yet.

6.3In respect of the BSS pupil number adjustment SM is awaiting response from the EFA in respect of student number reductions which impacts on the funding.

She explained how this has been addressed in previous years.

The clawback is anticipated at £200k.

7.0Consolidated and updated cash flow positions are on today’s agenda

9aSM noted that the energy provider is in place.

11The outcome of the meeting was queried by KC and AW stated that a meeting with Clive took pace but he has given no final decision as yet. There is still interest in joining the Board being shown by the IT specialist.

5.0Consolidated Accounts 2015/16

a)SM led the committee through the accounts which had been circulated.

The Period 5 results and year end forecasts were outlined.

The group position excluding depreciation shows a £250k revenue improvement due to the improvement in the SLA position.

In BCET there has been a £30k saving and this was explained.

Studio School is going to be slightly worse off than the budget showed. The move to SLA has proved cost effective.

AA is in line with budget but they have had less income.PP funding was less than anticipated and £23k of summer school income did not come in due to this not taking place.

KC noted the lack of depreciation in the figures.

SM explained how the figures in the budget had been arrived at excluding depreciation.

Software has been introduced in respect of asset management and this will generate depreciation figures in future accounts.

Differing measures of accounting for this were explained by SM.

KC advised that a consistent model of calculating this be introduced into the figures particularly when forecasting for the future.

It was agreed that this will be included in future budgets.Action on SM

The rationale for this being included was explained in detail by Ken.

AA - Summer School. Action on HJ to clarify why this did not take place.

SLA Staff costs have risen in the new budget for 16-17 due to the low level of staffing this year.

b)Cash flow – SM explained why this has been brought to the committee.

There has been a £1m cash outflow this year.

In BCET there is a £85k contribution to the Studio school

AA has £182k landscaping costs including in the figures for which the expenditure has not yet been formally approved but it is expected to be requested before the end of the year..

The report circulated was explained by SM including the amounts available at the end of August.

Funding statements were awaited prior to completing the SLA figures.

AW – The £1m outflow is an issue.

SM – The amount of costs due to the Studio School position were explained.

AW - Are we sure that we are investing in pupil performance?

SM - Definitely. At SLA the lack of money in the bank is an issue.

AW noted the figures projected for next year and asked for evidence of this.

SM advised that accounts will not have the Studio School included which accounts for nearly £400k outflow this year when paying all expected liabilities.

AA is forecasting a similar deficit next year and then as students numbers increase, in 3 years they will be in a cash positive position.

KC – What contingency do we allow?

SM – At the moment we are in deficit and rely on their reserves.

SM noted that she is meeting with SLA & AA to review the budget over the next few weeks.

KC– Local Governing Bodies should be insisting on a contingency in the budgets which are set in line with policies.

Action on SM to investigate the contingency in the budgets.

6.0Pupil Premium

b)BO advised that the PP expenditure has been circulated. The gap is virtually closed.

The Breakfast Club is currently subsidised and a sponsor for this is being sought.

Raising attendance is a key part of the PP strategy. One Education is giving support in this area due to the lack of impact last year by the LA.

The initiatives listed were outlined to the committee including in-house and external providers.

KC -The gap is looking good compared to national. Can we demonstrate that the funding is directed at the disadvantaged students particularly in respect of attendance?

BO – Some are part of the EAL cohort. Tracking takes place by individual students.

KC – are all the initiatives directed at disadvantaged students?

BO – This is all ona spreadsheet and can be evidenced.

She advised of an initiative seen at another school which will enable disadvantaged students to take part in trips etc. and this is likely to be introduced.

This was discussed by committee members in respect of encouraging participation in trips etc. by disadvantaged students.

AW – How do you know the impact of the PP funding?

BO – This is difficult with 50% classed as disadvantaged. She gave an example where the impact is not measurable.

Other initiatives where it is difficult to measure were noted.

Q - Where will the money be allocated next year?

A - Same as this year. The targets are the same for all pupils. These were detailed to the committee. Action on BO to circulate the targets.

KC noted the importance of having specific targets for disadvantaged students.

Evidencing any success is important.

The gaps on the progress measures were noted as virtually non-existent.

c)VA advised that the budget has halved this year for PP students because of reduction in pupil numbers. .

Initiatives particularly in Maths were outlined.

Rewards for pupils such as bowling, visiting the cinema etc. were successful.

Casestudies are in place to evidence the impact of the funding.

Maths software use is continuing and a tutor is being sought for additional input.

The reward trips will be continuing.

Maintaining the pupils’ enthusiasm is important due to all the changes taking place with the Studio School.

a)KC noted the need to be clear on the use of the funding at AA.

This will be addressed at the next meeting.

Action for HJ to pick up under Appleton update next meeting

7.0Update from Academies

a) Samuel Lister Academy

PSBP - The new building work is underway and will be ready for pupils in February 2017.

The issues with Oakbank were noted in respect of the delay.

There have been no issues with pupils on the site.

There will be an early start to the next academic year agreed by the LGB and the rationale for this was explained by BO.

The take-over of the sports centre in respect of TUPE implications was explained and an agency has been agreed to run the lettings.

Around finances, BO and Helen meet regularly. The in -year deficit is lower than original planned due to staff movement.

Fluidity instaffing was explained along with the restructuring of TLR posts.

The admissions for September are also an issue with 190 noted by the LA against 130 planned. The process was explained by BO including the implications for staffing.

Year 9 & 10 were combined last year and this has to be unpicked due to curriculum changes leading to increased staff costs next year.

Presenting the new build on the website in order to promote the school was raised by KC.

BO advised of the efforts being made to utilize the website better in this regard.

The admissions process in respect of students’ preferences was explained in detail to the committee.

AW – Do we know what parents are saying about the school?

BO – The parents who come to school are very positive.

AW – Have we looked at other academies/schools where they have difficulty recruiting staff?

BO – There is no pattern to this.

The reserves surplus in place is planned to last all of next year.

Sustainability of the school was noted by AW in terms of attracting students and staff.

BO noted that the 2014 results were the most improved in Bradford.

KC noted that there will be a lag in parents’ reaction to results in terms of expressing a preference for the school.

b) Appleton Academy

The board have already given approval to source an external catering provider.

SM advised that they attempted to solve issues by dealing with catering in house but now want to go ahead with sourcing externally.

The rationale for delaying the process was queried by KC and this was explained by MS.

SM advised that 2 directors of BCET need to be involved in the recruiting of the catering provider.

She advised that AA have been pleased with the service offered by C & K careers over the past 2 years and want to extend the contract for a further 2 years.

Bradford LA are currently about to tender for these services on behalf of many schools and colleges and AW queried why this was not being investigated.

Action on HJto evidence that C & K provide the best value and also to reference other provider’s information.

c) Studio School

VA advised that they have settled in well at SLA and there have been no issues.

Attendance & punctuality has improved following initial problems with transport.

AW - Have there been any issues with interaction with SLA students?

VA – Nothing major at all.

9 out 16 students have applied for university places.

8.0Proposed change of delegated limits

SM advised that the £2.5k limit for having to obtain 3 quotes is low compared to the official recommendations.

She advised that the EFA recommendation is a limit of £10k.

The committee recommended that a proposal to move to 10k will be put to the Board.

Action on SM.

9.0HR update

MS noted that discussions are still taking place with unions nationally in respect of support staff pay and the outcome is awaited prior to any decision being made by BCET

The national living wage (statutory) £7.20 per hour needs to be recommended to the Board.

KC queried the spread of the 26 staff involved and was advised that AA has the most due to catering and cleaning staff.

Support staff pay review – Discrepancies across the academies have been investigated.

AA needs a local solution due to historic issues with nursery nurses being on term time only contracts.

Overall there is a pleasing picture across the academies.

10.0 Policies

a) Whistleblowing

MS advised of the work carried out on this policy

AW – Staff consultations?

MS – Not directly. Recognised trade unions have been consulted on behalf of staff as this is a new policy.

The policy and will be circulated to academy-based union representatives.

Action on MS.

Bullying and how this may fit into to the Whistleblowing policy was discussed.

This will be investigated further.Action on MS.

This was agreed to be recommended to the Board subject to the above.

b) Ebay

The rationale for this policy was explained by SM due to the volume of items that SLA would like to move on.

The necessary checks and balances are in place in the policy.

The regulations in respect of white goods/electrical appliances were noted by AW and SM will investigate this to obtain reassurance.Action on SM

She advised that the external auditors do not have an issue with this policy.

Card limits were explained to the committee.

Subject to the above this will be recommended to the Board.

11.0Internal Audit Update

The Audit tracking matrix was brought to the last Board meeting.

Feedback is from academies will be received by 19th March then brought to next meeting.

2 further internal audits are planned and MS advised of the 2 which have already taken place.

Recommendations made in respect of school improvement and support staff appraisals were outlined to the committee. The differing systems in place at the academies were noted by MS.

Q - Is there a central record for appraisal?

A – Yes at each academy but training is not recorded centrally at present. Each academy has it’s own system for appraisals, Samuel Lister have BlueSky and Appleton have an electronic shared drive system.

12.0Date of Future Meetings

Provisionally - 19th April 2016 4pm at Appleton Academy

Provisionally - 15th June 2016 at 4pm at Samuel Lister Academy

The meeting closed at 5.55pm


No. / Action / Responsible / Deadline
4.2 / Bring 3 year forecasts to future meetings / SM / Next meeting
4.3 / Bring a model of the fairer funding formula to a future F&GP meeting. / SM / When available
5a / Depreciation figures to be included in future budgets.
Rationale for deciding not to hold Summer School at AA / SM
HJ / Next meeting
Next meeting
5b / Contingencies to be included in the academies budgets. / SM / Next meeting
6a / AA pupil premium update / HJ / Next meeting
6b / Disadvantaged targets to be circulated for SLA / HJ / ASAP
7b / Evidence that C & K provide the best value and also to reference other provider’s information. / HJ / Next meeting
8 / £10k prosed change to delegated limit to be put to the Board / SM / Next Board meeting
10a / Whistleblowing policy to be circulated to staff based union representatives.
Bullying and how this could be incorporated into the Whistleblowing policy to be investigated. / MS
10b / Regulations/procedure for the sale of white goods/electrical appliances to be investigated in respect of the Ebay policy. / SM / ASAP


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BCET F&GP Meeting – 24 11 15 - DRAFT