Children and Young People’s Department

Professional PortalUser guide

Using the professional portal,Social care will delegate forms for completion to an external colleague. You will be alerted via email from the Liquidlogic Helpdesk when a form is delegated to you. On completion of the form this will return directly into the Social Care computer system Liquidlogic.

If you are a new portal user the email will prompt you to register for a new account. Please follow the instructions as directed by the webpage for this.

Once registered professional portal users will access the secure login site by entering their email address and password. The link to the portal will be included in the email

On selecting Sign In, the user will be sent a verification code via email. This is a further security step to ensure the Portal is secure and no one is maliciously attempting to access another user’s account.

A new verification code will be emailed to you at every attempted login.

The verification code is entered at Step 2 of the Secure Login, select Finish

Note: the verification code will only be valid for 10 minutes from the point the email is sent. If the user waits to enter the code, it may no longer be valid an error message may appear. If this is the case, there is a link for a ‘new code’ to be sent.

The user may need to check their Junk email folder to ensure the email hasn’t been automatically sent there.

The Task List

Once registered and logged in you will be presented with a view of the Professional Portal and all tasks assigned for your completion. This is a simple view showing the form type, child/ young person’s name, due date and any notes from Social Care.

To start the task, click anywhere on the task row.

When clicking to open a task some more basic demographic details will be displayed in a banner. This is very high level information about the child/ young person this form relates to.

Delegated sections of a form will show down the left side of the screen. And the questions for your completion will appear in the main body of the screen.

You can skip to a particular delegated section by clicking on the page tabs on the left navigationpane

Or you can also use the ‘Next’/’Previous’ links at the top and bottom of each delegated form section

You may find that some questions have already been populated by Social Care prior to delegation.

The form can be saved at any point if the user needs more time to complete the task and wishes to pick it up at a later date. ClickSave within the task view.

Save will not close the form, you must select Closeto return to the task list.

If you have completed the form click Submit Contribution.

This will then send the completed form back to Social Care, returning the portal user to the task list. The completed form will no longer show in the task list.

If there are no tasks assigned to you the screen will show as below. You will then be automatically logged out of the Professional Portal.

Task Reminder

If you have been delegated a form with a due date for completion you may receive automatic reminder emails from the Liquidlogic Helpdesk as a prompt to remind you about this task.

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