Newton/CNS 563 & 568: Professional Orientation Fall 2008


Department of Counseling

CNS 563 & 568:

Professional Orientation to Community & Mental Health Counseling (3 credits)

Thursdays 6:30-9:15 pm

Fall 2008

Kathryn Newton, PhD, NCCOffice Phone: 717-477-1658

Assistant ProfessorE-Mail:

109 Shippen Hall

Office Hours

By appointment – please see me in class or contact me by email to schedule. My typical on-campus hours are Mondays 2:30-9:30pm, Tuesday approx. 10:00am-6:00pm (depends on department meeting schedules), Thursdays approx. 12:00-9:30pm. I am often on campus Wednesdays, rarely on Fridays.

Course Description

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the rapidly evolving fields of community & mental health counseling. The course covers basic philosophy, principles, and current trends in the provision of community & mental health counseling services. Students gain understanding of topics such as: psychoeducational and developmental counseling, health-promotive and prevention services, direct and indirect counseling services, crisis counseling, diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology, and ethical and legal issues.

This course introduces the student to information and background essential for working in a community agency as a mental health counselor. It examines current trends and developments in the field of counseling with respect to ethical/legal issues and managed care. It also explores the history and development of community mental health systems and focuses on individual areas of interest to the student. The class is interactive and applicable to the needs of the developing mental health and community counselor. Panel discussions, lectures, out-of-class assignments, and guest speakers will be utilized in the learning process.

Course Objectives:

  1. To develop an understanding of a “professional self” within the context of community and mental health services and settings.
  2. To become knowledgeable regarding the history and development of community and mental health counseling, and the implications for current and future practice.
  3. To become aware of the many ethical and legal issues in mental health care, and be prepared to address those as they occur in practice.
  4. To be able to understand and verbalize current professional, ethical and legal guidelines with respect to community/mental health counseling.
  5. To be aware of mental health funding sources (especially managed care) and the impact on mental health services, counselors and clients. To increase confidence and competence in interacting with managed care and other funding sources, especially within the context of client and professional advocacy.
  6. To understand and be able to apply core concepts of community mental health services (especially community education, prevention, outreach, resiliency, and wellness).
  7. To become familiar with local, state, regional, and national professional organizations in the community/mental health counseling.
  8. To continue exploring professionalism and the significance/responsibility of being a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Pennsylvania.



1.PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION AND ETHICAL PRACTICE—studies that provide an understanding of all of the following aspects of professional functioning:

  1. history and philosophyof the counseling profession;

b. professional roles, functions,and relationships with other human service providers, including strategies for interagency/interorganization collaboration and communications;

c. counselors’ roles and responsibilities as members of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team during a local, regional, or national crisis, disaster or other trauma-causing event;

d. self-care strategies appropriate to the counselor role;

e. counseling supervision models, practices, and processes;

f. professional organizations, including membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current issues;

g. professional credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues;

h. the role and process of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of the profession;

i. advocacy processes needed to address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients; and

j.ethical standards of professional organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling.


University, Department & Instructor Policies

College of Education & Human Services, Commitment to Ethical Practice: The professions of Counseling, Criminal Justice, Educational Administration and Foundations, Health and Physical Education, Military Science, Social Work and Gerontology, and Teacher Education comprise the College of Education and Human Services. This College is charged with upholding a learning environment in which faculty, administration, staff, and students work together to develop a lifetime commitment to being of service to others. Together, we define who we are and who we aspire to become as members of the College of Education and Human Services community.

Each of the professions represented in the College is guided by ethical codes of professional practice enforced through the prescribed channels of its profession. We acknowledge and respect the individual codes and standards of ethical conduct that are prescribed by the disciplines of the College. From these codes our College has created a unifying ideal that consists of seven ethical statements of principle. These statements reflect the fundamental belief that interprofessional collaboration provides a more comprehensive service system to children, families, clients, students, older adults and institutions than individual disciplines acting in isolation. The administration and faculty of this College believe that it is important to actively uphold the following standards of ethical conduct throughout their careers:

Honoring, and dignifying ourselves and others;

Valuing differences among and between us;

Advocating for and acting to attain social justice;

Using discretion vested in the privileges of our positions appropriately;

Performing our jobs at the highest standard;

Upholding the trust of those with whom we work;

Respecting the work of other professionals.

Individually, in order that others may know who I am, what I believe, and know of my works, I, with all others here, will be accountable for the privileges and responsibilities that accompany my membership in the College of Education and Human Service.

Policy on Academic Honesty and Professional Ethics: You are expected to know, understand, and uphold both the Academic Honesty policies of ShippensburgUniversity as well as the Ethical Standards of the American Counseling Association (ACA, 2005). Failure to do so will result in course failure and may result in dismissal from ShippensburgUniversityGraduateSchool. Refer to the Shippensburg Graduate Catalogue for Academic Honesty policies; refer to the ACA 2005 Code of Ethics at for ethical standards. All work you submit for this course and throughout your program of study must be your own, original, and may not be based on past work (all or in part) or used in any other courses. You are responsible for correct citation of quoted, borrowed, and interpreted material: please refer to the APA Manual 5th Edition for correct methods of citing other authors, including website material.

Professionalism Policy: The counseling program at ShippensburgUniversity leads directly to certification, licensure, and professional practice in the field of counseling. Academic performance is not enough to ensure that you are capable of providing competent service to future clients. For this reason, any signs of impairment in judgment, interpersonal attributes, or intellectual functioning will be brought to your attention and measures may be required for remediation. Please review the graduate catalogue and department website for remediation procedures and policies.To graduate from the program, you must be willing and able to endorse the ethical standards of the American Counseling Association, 2005.

Policy on Cultural and Ethnic Diversity:As your instructor, I place significant emphasis on the necessity of actively working towards cultural competence in order to become an effective and ethical counseling professional. This emphasis is reflective of the standards and ethics of the department, the college, and the counseling profession. To that end, you will find that social and cultural issues are integrated throughout this course curriculum, and that you will be expected to consider all topics and issues from a variety of cultural perspectives. Cultural competence is a life-long developmental goal, one which we are all working towards, regardless of previous life, academic, or professional experience. I am committed to fostering and maintaining an educational environment that appreciates individual differences and that creates a safe and respectful environment for exploring our own sociocultural “blind spots”. To this end, I as your instructor will make every effort to create a classroom environment that is respectful, inclusive and supportive of our respective race, sex, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, ability status, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, and that includes the experiences and concerns of underrepresented groups. As stated in professional ethical guidelines and standards of practice, you as an emerging professional will be expected to develop your ability to identify and support cultural and ethnic diversity.

Statement Regarding Religious Observances for Students: Please review the semester course calendar at the beginning of the term for any scheduled class meetings that conflict withobservances of your faith. Please notify me in writing by the end of the second week of the term so that we can work together to make appropriate accommodations. While absences will be considered ‘excused’, you will be accountable for the material covered in class (i.e. additional assignments may be provided to replicate all or some portion of the missed class period).

Learning Ability Status: If you are eligible, or believe you may be eligible, for services through ADA or IDEA with regard to special learning needs please contact ShippensburgUniversity’s Office of Social Equity to ensure all rights and opportunities for academic success are engaged. Please inform me as soon as possible so that I can work with you to establish any modifications or accommodations necessary to ensure a productive and supportive learning environment.

Cell Phone/Pager Policy: Your participation is necessary to create a safe, productive, and respectful learning environment. Therefore, I ask that you turn OFF all electronic devices during classtime. However, if you are in the midst of an emergency situation and must be available, please notify me before the start of class, TURN OFF the ringer (use vibrate), sit near the door, leave the room with the minimum possible disturbance before answering the emergency call, and return to class promptly.

Attendance Policy: This course emphasizes participatory learning through small and large group activities, and discussions of outside readings and assignments. In order to meet learning objectives for this course, you will be expected to arrive on time, and attend all classes (in case of emergency, please notify me in advance or as soon as possible). If you are unable to fully commit to these requirements, you may choose to take the course at another time. If you continue in the course without adequate attendance and participation you may be asked to withdraw and repeat the course at another time. Your performance and professionalism in this course is considered to be indicative of your potential for successfully completing this program. Thus, absence from three or more class meetings will result in a drop of one letter grade; absence from four or more class meetings will result in administrative withdrawal from this course, and receipt of an “F” grade.

Communication Policy: I will be checking and responding to student emails and phone calls a minimum of once per day, Monday through Friday, excepting holidays and breaks. Please plan accordingly! Any questions regarding upcoming readings or assignments should be made at least two business days before the due date.

Office Hours & Appointments: I encourage you to meet with me to discuss course concerns as well as personal and professional development. Because our students have busy lives and often commute long distances, I have found that I can best serve you by scheduling times on an individual basis – that way you know that I will be available for you (and not with another student) when you arrive on campus. In most cases I can schedule a meeting the same week as your request.

Late Work: Not recommended. However you are free to make your own choices based on the penalties for late work established below. All readings are to be completed and all assignments are to be turned inat the beginning of the designated class period, unless specifically stated otherwise in the syllabus. It is in your own best interests to work smart and in advance in order to avoid last-minute technical difficulties. Exceptions will only be made in cases of dire emergency (hospitalization, death in the family). Contact me immediately, or as soon as possible in such circumstances to discuss arrangements. If you fail to meet the alternate deadlines, all established penalties incur. Penalties for late work are ass follows:

  • 30 minutes up to 24 hours late = 10% deduction in points
  • 24 up to 48 hours late = 25% deduction in points
  • 48 hours up to 72 hours late = 50% deduction in points
  • More than 72 hours late = assignments will not be accepted

Exam Policy: [Note: the group project is considered the exam for this course and thus falls under this policy.] All exams must be taken when scheduled. Make-up exams will not be given except in the most extreme circumstances (i.e. hospitalization, death in the family) and only with medical or other acceptable documentation.

Assignment Submissions: [Note: This course assumes knowledge and experience of APA writing style, citations, and use of references. If this is not a strength or if you are new to the program, please seek assistance. I can provide referrals as can your peers. Please attend the APA Writing Workshop offered by the department on Monday 9/8 from 4-6pm.]Assignments that are submitted in any format that is not in accordance with syllabus guidelines will have points deducted accordingly. Electronic submissions are not accepted unless specifically requested in the syllabus (and vice versa). You are expected to write following APA Manual guidelines (5th Edition); points will be deducted for errors in formatting, citations, references, and other style guidelines.


Required Texts

American Counseling Association (2005). ACA Code of Ethics: 2005. Alexandria, VA:

author. Available from (click on ethics resources).

American Psychological Association (2001). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association. (5th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Callahan, P. (2007). Issues and ethics in the helping

professions (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Davis, S. R., & Meier, S. T. (2001). The elements of managed care: A Guide for helping

professionals. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Other articles and readings as provided by instructor (these will be posted to Bb under

“Course Documents: Readings”)

Recommended Readings

HIPAA Privacy Rule go to and click on the link to

‘The Privacy Rule’

HIPAA Security (related to electronic data) available at


Course Requirements & Evaluation

A note on instructor evaluation: In general, I expect that everyone accepted into this program is capable of “B” level work (submitted assignments follow syllabus guidelines and are completed thoughtfully and thoroughly). Exceptional student work (“A” level) exceeds syllabus guidelines through excellence in writing, content, demonstrated insight and complexity of thought. Receiving a “B-“ or “C” (or lower) grade is an indication of concern about academic or professional ability within the context of this program. I take a developmental approach to learning and would be very happy to meet with you about any concerns you have related to my evaluation of your work in this course. Also, should I be concerned about your progress I will ask you to meet with me as soon as possible so we can work together, rather than waiting until the end of the term. As a rule of thumb, the level of effort you put into “A” level work in undergraduate studies is likely to be the equivalent of “B” level work in graduate school.

Participation(10 points)

This class is designed to stimulate thought-provoking conversation and debate, and to help you develop your ability to learn and interact at a professional level. Points are awarded for responsible, meaningful and thoughtful discussion (includes inviting/reminding peers and instructor to consider minority perspectives;volunteering for demonstrations; fearlessness in expressing confusion, lack ofknowledge, or uncertainty;owning mistakes; providing thoughtful and constructive feedback; demonstrating collaboration in the learning process).

I will be evaluating your ability to recognize the impact of your participation on others and make necessary adjustments (i.e. Do you tend to be absent from or dominate discussion? Do you reflect on, challenge, and integrate other perspectives or simply state your own? Are you able to identity and invite “silent” perspectives and model inclusiveness?). At least twice during the term you will solicit peer feedback regarding your participation; you will be responsible for providing constructive feedback to peers. These skills are all critical for professional counselors in an environment that increasingly emphasized collaborative interventions.You will start with 5 points and may earn (or lose) points (up to 10 total possible) based on the guidelines above.

Assigned Readings (5 points)

It will be difficult for you to participate fully (see above) if you have not completed and processed the assigned readings for each class period. I will assess your completion and integration of assigned readings through your contribution to classroom discussion. If it appears that you are not keeping up with readings, I will assign weekly written reading reflections on a group or individual basis as needed.

Professional Development Activities (5 points)

Part I: Exploring Policy PositionsDue Wed 9/3

This activity is meant to introduce you to policy issues in mental health, and the impact on agencies, counselors, and clients. Instructor will provide a detailed handout on the first day of class.

Part II:Join a Professional ListservDue Sun 8/31

CESNET is an electronic listserv for professional counselors, counselor educators and supervisors. You will be joining this listserv for the semester and tracking major topics, which are often related to professional ethics, advocacy, and best practices. There is a quite a bit of activity on this listserv so be prepared! You do not have to read all postings, but do read areas of interest as well as following topics that provoke significant responses. We will discuss relevant threads in class. Please join this listserv no later than Sunday 8/31. You can access subscription information by doing a Google search for “cesnet kent state” (the link will be at the top of the page) or by going directly to: WL.EXE?SL1=CESNET-L&H=LISTSERV.KENT.EDU