The ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Shakarim State University of Semey
Документ СМК 3 уровня / УМКД / УМКД 042-18- 26. 1.101 /01-2014
Программа дисциплины « Professional focused foreign language »
для преподавателя / Редакция №2 от 11.09. 2014г,
взамен ред. №1 от 18.09.2013г.

« Professional focused foreign language »

Specialty: Russian Philology

For students of the 3rd course

Educational-methodical complex



Семей 2014

Lecturer’s full name- Demezhanov T.M- Teacher of the Department of Russian Philology

2. Approved on meeting of department

Protocol № _____ from «_____ » ______2014 .

Head of Department of Russian Philology ______Demezhanov T.M

3 Discussed on meeting scholastic-methodical advice of the faculty of Philology

Protocol № ____ from «______» ______2014.

Chairman of educational-methodical advice of the faculty_____ Samekbajeva E.M

Content :

1. Glossary

2. The content of practical lessons

3. Methodical recommendation of SIWT

4. Methodical recommendation of SIW

5. Checking measuring facilities


Age: In order to avoid confusion, children’s ages are expressed as follows: Newborns and children who have not yet celebrated their first birthday are expressed as children of 0+ years or 0+ year-olds; children who have passed their first birthday and who have not celebrated their second birthday are expressed as children of 1+ year or 1+ year-olds. Thus, a 3+ year-old designates children who have passed their third birthday but have not yet celebrated their fourth birthday, and so on.

Early childhood (or preschool) orphanage: A state institution for orphans and children aged 0 +-4. For children who are mentally and/or physically disabled, without parents, or who were born out of wedlock. While it is under the supervision of the health system, it is part of the Preschool Education and Training Organizations.

Mini preschool centers: Preschool education services established on the premises of general secondary schools, kindergartens, or preschool teacher's home. It is a flexible and less expensive service type, serving typically children of age 3+-5+ for shorter hours (e.g. 2 hours) in a mixed-age setting.

Mini kindergartens: A form of mini preschool centre (see above) based in kindergartens, school or home.

Pedagogical institute and university: Educational establishment that provides pre-service training for pedagogical staff with a diploma in higher education. The duration of the training is 5-6 years. The graduates of pedagogical institute or university can work as preschool or primary-level school teachers as well as managers and directors.

Preschool education: The generic term used in Kazakhstan to refer to early childhood care and education services catering to children ages 1+ - 6+ (7+) years. It is also called preschool education and training.

Preschool Education and Training Organizations: The generic term used in Kazakhstan to refer to all types of service settings catering for young children of age 1+ - 6+ (7+). They include preschool organizations, preschool groups for orphans, early childhood orphanages, boarding schools and pre-primary classes. They are interchangeably called Preschool Network.

Preschool groups: Refers to groups embedded in orphanages and boarding schools providing preschool education and care.

Preschool Organisation (PO): The generic term used in Kazakhstan to refer to early childhood care and education services catering to children of age 1+ - 6+ (7+). POs include nursery, kindergarten, kindergarten-school complex, nursery-kindergarten, mini preschool centre, pre-primary class. They provide children with protection, enhance their physical and psychological health, correct their development deviations and develop their individual capacities through well designed educational and other activities.

School-kindergarten complexes: Refers to general secondary schools which provide preschool education for children 3+ -7+ and primary education for children aged 6+/7+-10+. They are frequently found in the low population density oblasts and rayons.

Valeology: A general educational subject to teach children a healthy life style.


1.Ю. Е Ваулина, Е.Л Фрейдина «Английский язык для студентов факультета дошкольного воспитания» Владос -2003г

2. А.С Числова «Английский язык для гуманитарных факультетов». Высшее образование –Ростов -на –Дону. «Феникс», 2005

3.У.А Макарова «Английский язык для психологов» Ростов-на – Дону «Феникс» 2005.

4. Английский файл, продолжающая книга для студентов. English file.

Intermediate Student's Book .- Oxford University Press, 2004.

5.Английский файл, продолжающая книга для студентов. English file.

Intermediate Work Book .- Oxford University Press, 2004..

Additional literature:

II. 1.Р.И. Резник. грамматика английского языка :.М.Иностранный язык: Оникс 21Век 2003

2.. Сасенова У.К. English Grammar Ағылшын тілінен грамматикалық жаттығулар мен тест жинағы (тілдік емес мамандықтарға арналған) Семей 2008

3. Колодяжная Л. Познакомьтесь: Великобритания : Книга для чтения на английском языке / Л. Колодяжная; Под ред. Заниной Е.Л.- 2-е изд., испр.- М.: Рольф, 2001.

4.Модальные глаголы в английской речи : Учебное пособие /

Составители: Л.К. Голубева, Н. М. Пригоровская, Г.И.Туголукова.- М.:

Менеджер, 2004.

5. Корнеева Е.А. Практика английского языка. Сборник упражнений по устной речи. / Е.А. Корнеева, Н.Е. Баграмова.- СПб.: Союз, 2003

6. Практика английского языка.Сборник упражнений по грамматике.

/ Блинова С.И.,Чарекова Е.П.,Чернышева Г.С.,Синицкая Е.И.- СПб.: Союз,


7. Мюллер В.К. Русско-английский словарь:50 000 слов=Russian-English

dictionary. / В.К. Мюллер, С.К. Боянус.- М.: АСТ, 2005.-

10.Барановская Т.В. Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: Учебное пособие / Т.В. Барановская.- Москва: Логос, 2004.

The content of practical lessons.

Lesson № 1 Theme: Introduction. Text: My future profession and career

Purpose of lesson:

1. to acquaint with need of the education.

2. to development student’s speech connected with professional interest.

3. To encourage the interest to foreign language.

I.  Read the text and try to understand it. Look up the words you do not know in a dictionary.

My future profession and career

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for the millions school leavers. Many roads are open to them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing professions in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school. Choosing the kind of you will have career to follow is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Before you make this decision you will have to do a lot of thinking about who you are, about the things you like to do and the things you do well. It is an advantage to choose a future career while at school. It gives a goal to work towards and enables to choose a right, suitable course of study. When deciding your future you must be realistic about your interests and abilities.

There a lot of magazines for teenagers that often offer questionnaires, quizzes or surveys to help young people to see their interests and abilities more clearly and to make a decision concerning their future career and I am unable to give a detailed account of the activities it will involve.

But I am convinced that for every trade, profession or occupation you have to acquire necessary skills and practical experience. Not all professions require higher education and they are of great demand now and satisfy the needs of society. But I see things a little differently, because it is my firm believe that learning is the greatest of all adventures, and being a highly educated person gives you top priority and a position in society and what is most important – self – satisfaction. And now being not so far from leaving school the career sounds interesting to me if I have a higher education, good working conditions, if I can get steady salary, if it suits my interests, if it is not monotonous and gives me promotion in the future, if it helps me to establish myself in life and can give me independence and opportunities to develop special abilities and of course if I’m able to take it up and my interests can be channeled in to this work.

II. Vocabulary

school leavers – выпускники школ – мектеп түлектері

advice – совет -кеңес

decide – решать- шешім қабылдау

goal – цель- мақсат

suitable – подходящий - қолайлы

frankly – откровенно-ашық

vogue – мода

acquire – приобретать- арттыру

The main tasks:

I. Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1.  When does an independent life for teenagers begin?

2.  Where can school – leavers enter after finishing school?

3.  What is the most important decision each person makes?

4.  What should one do before choosing a profession?

5.  Why is choosing a career an advantage?

6.  What helps future students to clarify their abilities?

7.  It is necessary to have necessary skills for exact one profession? Why?

8.  Are all occupations in great demand now? Why?

9.  What advantages may give education to a person?

10. What can you say about your future profession?

II. Give the definition of the words:

1.  school leavers

2.  goal

3.  ability

4.  independent life

5.  education

III. Retell the text.

IV. Say or write about your future profession.

Methodical recommendations:

1.To read the text and to try to understand without the dictionary.

2.To lead and to support the conversation with conversation.

3. To write a short composition about your future profession


1.Ю. Е Ваулина, Е.Л Фрейдина «Английский язык для студентов факультета дошкольного воспитания» Владос -2003г

2. А.С Числова «Английский язык для гуманитарных факультетов». Высшее образование –Ростов -на –Дону. «Феникс», 2005

3.У.А Макарова «Английский язык для психологов» Ростов-на – Дону «Феникс» 2005.

4. Английский файл, продолжающая книга для студентов. English file.

Intermediate Student's Book .- Oxford University Press, 2004.

5.Английский файл, продолжающая книга для студентов. English file.

Intermediate Work Book .- Oxford University Press, 2004..

Lesson №2 Theme: Lexicology. Text: Preschool education

Purpose of lesson:

1. to acquire the special text with the aim learning the necessary information.

2. to learn lexical minimum and to use it in practice.

3. to try to communicate in English.

4. to do morphological and structural analysis of lexical units


Lexicology is a part of linguistics, the science of the word. “ Lexics” in Greek means having to do with words and “logos” –studying, learning.

Lexicology of Modern English investigates the problems of a word structure and word-formation, the scientific structure of words, the relations between varies lexical layers of the vocabulary, the source and the growth of the English vocabulary, the changes it has undergone in its history.

Words can be studied from different viewpoints. The general study of words and vocabulary of language universals is known as General Lexicology.

There is Special lexicology which deals with the description of the characteristic peculiarities of a given language. The evolution of any vocabulary is studied by historical lexicology. It investigates the origin of words, their change, development, structure, meaning and usage.

Descriptive lexicology studies the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development. Lexicology is closely connected with phonetics, stylistics, grammar, the history of the language. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics has its own names and methods of scientific research; its basic task is a study and systematic description of a vocabulary, the origin of words, the development and current use. Lexicology is concerned with words, variable word-group, phraseological units and morphemes which make up words and their meanings.

Preschool education

Preschool education (or infant education) is the provision of learning to children before the commencement of statutory and obligatory education, usually between the ages of zero and three or five, depending on the jurisdiction. The child’s quest to satisfy the needs of success/worth, fun/enjoyment, freedom/choice, and belonging/respect/love forms the basis for healthy development and life-long learning. Preschoolers are dependent upon an instructor for acquisition of knowledge. This early learning requires development of factual knowledge, skills, and training. The child must build initial schema by adopting knowledge from the instructor through use of the child’s own senses. This acquisition of knowledge through Visual/Spatial, Musical/Rhythmic, and Bodily Kinesthetic intelligences requires an instructor to demonstrates, manipulate, observe, measure, and modify behavioral change in a specified direction, and to encourage the preschool child to discover that there is no distinction between learning and having fun. The use of natural consequences, rather than punishment, develops a sense of belonging, freedom, power, and fun that enables the child to make good personal choices, take responsibility for their own actions, and instigate needed personal growth. Young children are vulnerable to self-blame that can results in a sense of helplessness, which diminishes achievement. When adverse events (such as the parent’s displeasure, ridicule of other children, low scores, poor showing in competition, shouting from the caregiver, or the ‘birch rod’) are used rather than positive reinforcement, the results are anxieties, boredom, and aggression rather than reinforced learning. Adults asking questions, (helping children think through problem solving with hands on experiences) develops critical, logical thinking and positive social bonds. Allowing children to solve problems anyway they want, (as long as it does not hurt anyone else), enhances their self-esteem, avoids intimidation, allows for natural consequences, and requires the child to consider multiple possibilities and outcomes. Thereby, developing the child’s own ability to solve problems, to talk to others, to share, to have empathy, and generally to like others. The teacher/child relationship in this scenario is one of entertainment. The word for entertainer in Greek is διασκεδάζων (the Latin translation is genius). When combined with the Greek άγω (ago) to "lead," the construed meaning is "to lead the entertainer” and the transliteration from the Greek leads to the word Diaskagogy di•as•ka•go•gy [dee-es-kuh-goh-jee, -goj-ee] which could be used to describe Preschool education.

The main tasks:

1. Read the text.

2. Circle the words you do not understand.

4. Find the words in the reading.

5. Talk about the meaning of these words with your classmates.

6. See if you can use them in the sentences of your own.

Methodical recommendations:

1. read and try to understand the content of the text using a dictionary.

2. do lexical exersice with the help of dictionary


1.Ю. Е Ваулина, Е.Л Фрейдина «Английский язык для студентов факультета дошкольного воспитания» Владос -2003г

2. А.С Числова «Английский язык для гуманитарных факультетов». Высшее образование –Ростов -на –Дону. «Феникс», 2005