Generational Diversity in the Workplace

Professional Development Options for Ingham ISD Staff

Contact Person: Patrice Heinzman

Consultant: Nancy Anne Colflesh, Ph.D.


As a response to a recent request, this document has been prepared to provide information about learning sessions on the topic of generational diversity in the workplace. If there are additional questions or need for clarification, please contact the consultant at or 517-339-5268.

Background and Rationale

As the workplace now has four-five different generations of employees working together, issues related to this “new” kind of diversity are emerging. Conflicts surrounding values and beliefs are becoming more frequent as are issues related to each generational group’s strengths and liabilities as workers. Just like other issues of diversity, education and increased sensitivity are encouraged so that the organization can take full advantage of this new reality and minimize the troublesome aspects of this new situation.

Generational diversity has become such an important issue that some larger cities have consultants whose only expertise is this topic…and they are very busy!


The overall purpose of any of the proposed professional development experiences is to help Ingham ISD staff and service providers strengthen their knowledge and ability to work with diversity issues caused by different generations of workers within the organization and generations of customers across the county and beyond.

Specific Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes are designed for a half-day session:

  • To understand the five different generations and why they are “wired” the way they are;
  • To learn about the specific core values that each generational group holds dear;
  • To identify and discuss the unique assets and liabilities that each group brings to the workplace;
  • To understand how the generational groups differ in what they desire for feedback, motivation and professional learning;
  • To assess the ISD’s ability to honor and work with issues of generational diversity;
  • To generate practical strategies that can help the ISD maximize the innovation that can happen with this kind of diversity and minimize the conflicts that can undermine performance and job satisfaction; and,
  • To address ways this information impacts ISD staff members’ service to local districts and other customers.


A variety of strategies will be used to accelerate learning during this highly interactive professional development experience:

Modeling of StrategiesLarge Group DiscussionLecture Bursts

Table TalkMultiple ExamplesProfessional Reading & Discussion

January 2007

Delivery Format Options

This content can be delivered in a variety of ways, each one having distinct advantages and disadvantages. The information can be delivered in a keynote presentation, as a half-day learning session (as proposed above), and as small group learning and discussion experiences. The format would depend on what the client organization wants to accomplish with the professional development experience.

About the Consultant

An organizational and educational consultant, Dr. Colflesh works with school districts in the state providing presentation, facilitation, consulting and coaching services. She appreciates most the opportunity to provide facilitation of group work in districts and communities. Her experience includes work as a teacher, principal, staff developer and ISD administrator. Several sources have provided the development of her organizational development knowledge and skills: a strong mentor, many hours of professional development and training, coaching support from nationally-known consultants, an emphasis in her doctoral studies, and plenty of practice and reflection.

She earned her doctorate at MichiganStateUniversity where her dissertation exploring the relationship between women’s lives and their leadership values and beliefs recently earned the Distinguished Dissertation Award from the American Educational Research Association’s Special Interest Group: Research on Women in Education. In addition to her consultant work, she also is a member of the adjunct faculty in the Department of Educational Administration in MichiganStateUniversity’s College of Education. Her colleagues recently awarded her with the UCEA Excellence in Educational Leadership Award for her work with educational leaders at the university and across the state. Above all, she is a learner.

AV Needs

Two chart stands with plenty of paper, overhead projector and screen, VCR, and a small table for materials will be needed for the session.

Financial Commitment

The consultant’s full-day fee is $1,750 and half-day fee is $1,050 plus mileage and printing reimbursement. When the audience is larger than 50 adult learners, an additional $500 is added to the fee. For sessions with smaller groups lasting two hours or less, the fee is $750. Individual coaching sessions are invoiced at $150 per hour and are often an important part of planning or follow-up efforts.

January 2007