WVMEA In-Service Conference 2016
Professional Development/Association Meeting/Performance Schedule
Thursday, March 10
WVMEA Registration opens 9:00 AM, closes at 5:00 PM
Any teacher who submitted recordings for consideration for the Solo & Ensemble State Honors Recital can collect their recordings at the registration office from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM during conference registration hours. If you are unable to collect your CDs at that time, please contact Will Cosby to make other arrangements.
Exhibits 11:00-6:00 PM
11:00 AM
Meeting Room 206
Guitar in the Elementary/General Music Classroom -In this session, Mike Christiansen will present how to teach guitar to young students using the new My First Guitar Book. Methods that employ colors, composition, and blended learning to achieve quick successful results in getting students to play solo and accompaniment guitar will be given. Whether you’re a beginning teacher, or an experienced guitarist, this session will provide loads of material to get young students playing guitar. There will also be information on using guitar in the classroom as a teaching tool for general music application.
Mike Christiansen
Sponsored by the Consonus Music Institute
MaggieBeth Ponton, Presider
Meeting Room 103
Musculoskeletal Disorder Pain in the Hand and Forearm of Adolescent Instrumental Musicians: Causes, Preventive Measures, and Treatments- Musicians commonly experience pain/injury in the hands/forearms at rates higher than the general workforce. This session provides information regarding performance-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs). Discussion topics include risk factors associated with developing a PRMD, causes, and potential treatments. Preventive measures will be emphasized to reduce the likelihood of students developing PRMDs.
Joseph Jancura
Sandra Schwartz, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
Welcome to the World of Audio-Audio can be a tricky medium to master, even for musicians. This class provides a basis of knowledge on how to purchase, set-up, and operate professional audio equipment. This will be built around the operation of audio boards and the proper support technology to go with it.
Jonathan Bucci
Sponsored by Integrated Theater Systems
Tracey Filben, Presider
West Virginia Room 105
Smartmusic and Gradebook Tips and Tricks-Learn to be more efficient with SmartMusic Gradebook. Topics include tips and tricks for creating and scheduling different types of assignments, units, creating rubrics and sharing curriculum with colleagues. Learn how to quickly export reports that document your state's Music Standards and specific benchmark requirements.
Giovanna Cruz
Sponsored by MakeMusic, Inc
Will Cosby, Presider
Grand Hall South (Exhibits)
X Ensemble Honor Group
University High School Jazz Combo the “Jazztet”
Neil King, Director
Jim Allder, Presider
12:00 PM
Grand Hall North
Honor Ensemble Concert
Parkersburg South High School Choir
Melissa Life, Director
Leslie Riedel, Presider
12:30 PM
Grand Hall South (Exhibits)
All-State Chorus visitation/WVMEA prize drawing 12:30-1:30
Kathleen Fox, Presider
1:00 PM
Meeting Room 206
The Devil's in the Production Value-This session will look at current trends in designing marching band shows and look at ways to take your show to the next level.
Adam Dalton
Neil Randolph, Presider
Meeting Room 103
Fostering Improvisation in Elementary General Music-Improvisation can be musically and emotionally challenging for teachers and students. This session will provide a friendly environment to improvise through singing, playing instruments, and moving within various musical styles (including popular music). You'll walk away with instructional materials and a feeling of improvisational empowerment!
Rachel Whitcomb
MaggieBeth Ponton, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
What Really Matters: Suggestions, Resources, and Best Practices for a Strong First Year-New teachers often face minimal time to learn their school/community and get organized on site after signing their contract. What really matters in this brief window of time for preparation before the first day of school? This session engages collegiate members/new teachers with suggestions and resources for the best success.
Brian Peterson
Anna Carpenter, Presider
West Virginia Room 105
From the outback to the sea: Australian choral music for all choir levels-Discover the wonderful world of Australian choral music. From music that encapsulates the arid, barren land of the Australian outback, to that which depicts the tropical rainforest, and the abundant seaside, this music will capture your adventurous spirit and embrace your soul. Suitable for conductors of all choir levels.
Kym Scott
Katie Smith, Presider
Boardroom 201
ʺGetting to Know You: Hello! I am...ʺ-This session will provide an introduction to the new Arts Coordinator for the WVDE, Dr. Ray Lowther. He will present an update on standards, policy and the partnership between the WVDE and WVMEA. Dr. Lowther will use an informal discussion format so bring your questions, thoughts and concerns.
Dr. Raymond Lowther
Sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Education
Will Cosby, Presider
Grand Hall North
Guest Performance
Slide Advantage, Murray State University
Sponsored by Murray State University
Bobby Jenks, Presider
2:00 PM
Meeting Room 206
So… You’re The One That Will Be Teaching the Guitar Class-In this session, noted guitar educator, Mike Christiansen, will present material that will greatly assist the educator that is teaching classroom guitar. Topics include: teaching sequential technique and curriculum, repertoire, implementing guitar ensembles, and national standards content. Whether you're new to teaching classroom guitar, or a seasoned instructor, there will be something here for you.
Mike Christiansen
Sponsored by the Consonus Music Institute
Martina Norman, Presider
Meeting Room 103
Creative Approaches to Pre-School Music-Come explore ways to make preschool music unique, educational, and enjoyable. Songs and activities will be shared with an emphasis on how to spice them up and incorporate your own personal creativity into instruction. Honoring the ideas of young learners will also be a focus in this interactive session.
Rachel Whitcomb
Janet Robbins, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
Audio Editing and Cueing-This class focuses on the basic use of audio editing software and audio cuing software. Editing includes: cutting, splicing, and other basic manipulation software tools. Cuing includes: creation, properties, and playback of audio cues with software solutions. Please bring a laptop if you have one (PC & Mac; Mac preferred). [Ideally the attendees could get the software before the class or during a break before class.]
Jonathan Bucci
Sponsored by Integrated Theater Systems
Tracey Filben, Presider
West Virginia Room 105
Function First: Creating Effective Vocal Exercises-Voice pedagogue Jessica Baldwin demonstrates how to use the three basic sound ingredients of vowel, volume, and pitch to help the larynx function better in singing. Learn how to combine these ingredients to help your students expand their pitch range, smooth out breaks, sing both louder and softer, sing more clearly, and get a stylistically-appropriate vocal sound.
Jessica Baldwin
Jeremiah Smallridge, Presider
Grand Hall North
Honor Ensemble Concert
Princeton High School Choir
Allen Kade, Director
Leslie Riedel, Presider
3:00 PM
Grand Hall North
WVMEA General Meeting
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Michael J. Martirano, State Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Ray Lowther, Coordinator of the Arts WVDE
Kathleen Fox, Presider
4:00 PM
Meeting Room 206
Where the Rubber Meets the Road-This session will present practical solutions that can be easily implemented to improve common band performance problems.
Richard Mark Heidel
Sponsored by the University of Iowa
Neil Randolph, Presider
Meeting Room 103
4 Simple Ways to Record Your Students-This session will cover four distinct ways to record student performances for assessment, review and archiving. Ranging from overly simple to more advanced, topics will include handheld recorders, computer, video and iPad/phone use.
Jody Underwood
Sponsored by Romeo Music
Scott Green, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
Individual assessment in a choral setting through integrated sight-reading and solfège exercises-This session will provide choral music educators with practical and engaging methods for individual assessment in an ensemble setting, through the use of integrated sight-reading activities and logically sequenced solfège exercises. This systematic and nonthreatening approach encourages students not to fear the process, but rather empowers them to invest the energy required to become confident readers.
Samuel Barbara
Jeremiah Smallridge, Presider
Boardroom 201
Bandmasters Executive Meeting
JP Lynch, Presider
Grand Hall South (Exhibits)
Collegiate Performance TBA
John Hendricks, Presider
5:00 PM
Meeting Room 103
Finale 101: Learn the Essentials to Get You Going-Learn how easy it is to compose, arrange, edit, transpose, listen to and print your music with Finale 2014. Topics include: Setting up a score, note entry with or without a MIDI keyboard, entering dynamics, markings and lyrics, key and instrument transposition, basic page layout, printing parts, exporting to audio and tips on sharing your music with others. Learn about the 100’s of ready-to-use music education resources included in the software (worksheets, flash cards, repertoire and classroom music tools).
Giovanna Cruz
Sponsored by MakeMusic, Inc
Scott Green, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
Introduction to Theater-This seminar will cover the basics of theatre production, technical theatre concepts, and organizing educationally beneficial theatre programs. Our aim is to give music educators the tools to give students a scaled down facsimile of college/professional theatre. *Scale-able based on time allotted.
Jonathan Bucci
Sponsored by Integrated Theater Systems
Tracey Filben, Presider
Boardroom 201
Vocal Association Executive Meeting
Leslie Riedel, Presider
Grand Hall North
Solo & Ensemble Recital
Will Cosby, Presider
7:00 PM
Meeting Room 103
WV Children’s Choral Association/WVASCC/Society for General Music General Meeting
Jason Noland and Troy Price, Presiders
7:30 PM
Boardroom 201
Solo & Ensemble Regional Chairs Meeting
Will Cosby, Presider
Grand Hall North
Honor Ensemble-Middle School Jazz
Neil King, Presider
8:30 PM
Grand Hall North
Honor Ensemble-High School Jazz
Neil King, Presider
9:30-11:00 PM
Fairmont State Alumni Reception
Holiday Inn Express Charleston Civic Center
Friday, March 11
WVMEA Registration 7:45 AM-5:00 PM
Exhibits 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Please stop by our WVMEA music teacher booth in the Exhibits Hall. Those listed are willing to help answer any questions/offer advice for your concerns/questions relating to music education.
9:00 Neil Randolph
10:00 Mary Hanley
11:00 Cindy Smith
12:00 lunch
1:00 Phyllis Osenton
2:00 Rachel Reynolds
3:00 Renee Wyatt
4:00 Phil Wyatt
8:00 AM
Meeting Room 206
All dressed up with nothing to play! A review of percussion literature for solo and ensemble festival-A review of suggested performance repertoire for solo and ensemble festival will be presented. Solo literature for snare drum, mallets, multiple percussion, and timpani will be discussed, along with small percussion ensemble pieces. Demonstrations of selected works by the presenter and current WLU Percussion Studio members will be offered.
Brian Baldauff
Sponsored by West Liberty University, Innovative Percussion, Sabian Ltd., Remo Inc., and Black Swamp Percussion
Pat Garrett, Presider
Meeting Room 103
Bassoon for Band Directors-Teaching your ensemble's bassoon students can be challenging, especially if you are a non-bassoonist! This session will focus on proper playing techniques, and will also present thoughts on the following: how to select and maintain bassoon reeds, general instrument care, and repertoire selection.
Cody Hunter
Ray Lowther, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
Engaging All Learners: Tools and Techniques to Reach Different Types of Learners in the Music Classroom-Come observe how a music teacher adapts music literacy, active listening, and composition for different types of learners. Participants will get to see, and participate in differentiated ways that musical skills can be reached within the general music classroom.
Brian Wagner
Scott Green, Presider
West Virginia Room 105
Unpacking the score: embedding musicianship in the choral rehearsal-Embedding music literacy into the choral rehearsal saves time, creating independent musicians. Students are able to learn music much faster and most importantly, without the aid of a piano, part cd, or learning by rote. Using the choral music that we select, we are able to map out our curriculum and teach musical literacy skills to our students without delaying the process of learning repertoire.
Kyle Weary
Neil Randolph, Presider
Boardroom 201
Solo & Ensemble Roundtable Discussion
Will Cosby, Presider
9:00 AM
All-State Band Rehearsal Space, Room 202-205
You be the Band Festival Adjudicator-Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be an adjudicator at concert band festival? This is your chance! Come hear a high school band perform their festival repertoire, and complete an adjudication sheet as you listen. Then, you will have an opportunity to compare your listening skills/ratings to that of two active adjudicators. Finally, observe how the adjudicators address areas of deficiency for improvement.
Lab Band-Frankfort High School Band, Roger Walker-Director
David Saleeba Albert and John Hendricks, Adjudicators
JP Lynch, Presider
Meeting Room 206
My Favorite Orchestra-My Favorite Orchestra is an opportunity for string teachers to sight-read colleagues' most memorable pieces. Fellow West Virginia string teachers will present string pieces that became classroom favorites and will share rehearsal strategies. Come with your string instrument. Music will be provided for reading purposes. Non-string players are also welcome.
Shelby Clark
Justin Jones, Presider
Meeting Room 103
Are You as Hip as a Fourth Grader?-From “Iron Man” to “We Will Rock You,” from “Billie Jean” to “Wild Thing,” energize your music program with classic rock and pop music. Listen, learn, laugh, move, play, sing, and watch videos of kids. Free recorder compliments of Peripole.
Jim Tinter
Sponsored by Peripole, Inc.
Danielle Taylor, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
Making Connections: Using Music to Make Artistic, Interdisciplinary and Life-Long Connections for Special Learners-Come hear how a young music teacher uses music to build important life-long connections for special learners. Participants will see how music can connect to life skills, social skills, in addition to Common Core Learning Standards. Participants will receive a handout and resources than can be implemented into their own classroom.
Brian Wagner
MaggieBeth Ponton, Presider
West Virginia Room 105
SING-THINK-FEEL: Part 1 - “Just Singing"-An approach to singing that encourages mental engagement and total freedom of the body and voice.
Paul Head
Sponsored by West Virginia University
Katie Smith, Presider
Grand Hall South (Exhibits)
X Ensemble Honor Group
Arthur I. Boreman Elementary Orff Ensemble
Matt Jennings, Director
Jim Allder, Presider
9:30 AM
Grand Hall South (Exhibits)
All-State Band visitation/WVMEA prize drawing 9:30-10:30
Kathleen Fox, Presider
10:00 AM
Meeting Room 206
Where do I put the mouthpiece? Teaching Strings for the non-String player-This session will provide non-string players with tips on how to teach stringed instruments in the k-12 classroom. Topics to be discussed will include pedagogical methods, technical issues, repairs, and proper music selection.
Jeannine Sturm and Brian Lange
Shelby Clark, Presider
Meeting Room 103
Playing the Blues in General Music-Using recorders, movement, and Orff mallet instruments, learn to play, teach, and improvise the 12 bar blues in a fun, interactive and non-threatening manner. Videos of 4th graders will be shown. Free recorder compliments of Peripole.
Jim Tinter
Sponsored by Peripole, Inc.
MaggieBeth Ponton, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
Teaching Can Be Fun Again with Quaver!-Discover how seriously fun teaching and learning can be! This fast-paced tour of the Quaver K-5 and the new Quaver 6-8 General Music programs will provide a quick overview, new updates, sample lessons, and technology tips for auto-assessments, mobile devices and more!
Gregory Roman
Sponsored by Quaver
Steve Brown, Presider
West Virginia Room 105
SING-THINK-FEEL Part 2 - “Behind the Notes”-Approaching the choral score in an effort to understand the composers relationship with the text, while bringing text and music alive for our singers.
Paul Head
Sponsored by West Virginia University
Katie Smith, Presider
Grand Hall South (Exhibits)
Collegiate Group TBA
Jim Allder, Presider
11:00 AM
Meeting Room 206
Strings Success-Keeping Your Program Fresh!-Strings Success - keeping your program fresh! is for string teachers and other ensemble directors. Ideas will be shared for innovative ways to enhance school music programs. Suggestions for classroom motivation, concert programming, effective practicing, and fun recruitment methods will be offered. Let's create memorable music experiences!
Shelby Clark and Justin Jones
Ben Podolski, Presider
Meeting Room 103
Improvisation in an Orff-Schulwerk Framework-Sing, say, move, and play through a process for teaching improvisation in general music. Discover techniques, strategies, materials, activities, and web resources to make improvising easy, fun, and safe, while fulfilling the National Standards. Free recorder compliments of Peripole.
Jim Tinter
Sponsored by Peripole, Inc.
Danielle Taylor, Presider
West Virginia Room 104
It’s a Marathon, not a Sprint: Music Education Advocacy-Music educators may find themselves concerned with not only the vibrancy of their programs, but also its possible survival. We must teach the value of music beyond our classrooms and schools. Therefore, it is vital that we strive to educate our students, but also parents, administrators, colleagues, and community members the value of music as an independent area of study. Participants will leave with an understanding of the advocacy process and how they can actively participate in these efforts.