Wickersley Parish Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting of
7.00pm 17th March 2014 held at Wickersley Community Centre
Members: Cllrs:- S Ellis (Chairman), J Barber, A Bates, P Beighton, E Bowmar, B Cutts, A Gibson, C Grimes, J Horsfield, N Judah, B McNeely, H Richardson, P Thirlwall and A Wright.
In Attendance: Mr G Pacey (Clerk), Mr Sean Tully (PCSO Supervisor) and Gary Headland (Digital TV Outreach)
4895 To receive apologies for absence
There were no apologies.
4896 To note any declarations of interest on items to be discussed at this meeting
Cllr Bates declared an interest in 4906.2 - RB2014/0294 regarding 38 Goose Lane.
4897 To approve the minutes of the Council Meetings held on 17th February 2104
Resolved: The minutes of the meetings of 17th February 2014 were accepted as a true record.
4898 To receive a report from the Police
Sean Tully was present to give an update. A handout was circulated which mapped recorded crime geographically across Wickersley parish for the previous period.
4899 Gary Headland, Digital Outreach Ltd regarding digital TV switchover
Mr Headland was present to update councillors on the rollout of the 4G mobile phone signal in the area. There was the possibility of disruption of Freeview TV reception as the local transmitters were switched on. The mobile phone companies had set up a company called ‘at 800’ to deal with any problems; the main remedy being the installation a small filter to adjust the signal in a household. Flyers were circulated to councillors and the council were asked to direct any local enquiries to the contact centre number at 0333 31 31 800 or via www.at800.tv
4900 To note any issues from members of the public
A number of residents were present to comment on the planning application at 38 Goose Lane, which was considered by the Council at 4906.2 - RB2014/0294.
4901 To consider any community matters from Councillors
Cllr Richardson asked whether any Councillors would be interested in judging an Easter egg competition at Wickersley Northfield Primary School on 9th April. The Clerk was asked to circulate details and inform the school.
Cllr Richardson noted that two pupils from Wickersley School Council had confirmed their interest in attending the committees of the council, and would inform the Clerk of which meetings they might attend.
Cllr Richardson asked for comments on her reply to a letter from a resident following her recent article about dog waste in Wickersley News. Ideas were invited for dealing with the increase in reported incidents of dog waste. The matter was referred to the Environment and Recreation Grounds Committees.
4902 To note matters arising from the minutes of the Council Meetings of 17th February 2014, including: -
(Noise complaints re: Masons Arms). Cllr Cutts noted that Wickersley was becoming a night life destination in its own right away from the centre of Rotherham
4903 To discuss pedestrian safety at the junction of Morthen Road and Bawtry Road
Cllr Beighton requested that Councillors discuss pedestrian safety at the junction with Morthen Road and Bawtry Road near the roundabout. Cars approaching Morthen Road were cutting across the chevrons to enter the car park to the rear of the post office, making it dangerous for pedestrians to assess oncoming traffic.
Resolved: That a letter be sent to Rotherham MBC suggesting that pedestrian safety might be improved by introducing a boxed area on the road leading to the post office car park. This would allow vehicles approaching Morthen Road off the roundabout free access to the car park rather than queuing on the road itself during busy times.
4904 To consider financial matters, including authorisation of payment of accounts
Resolved: That the following payments be approved: -
To Whom Paid / Description / Net (£) / Gross (£)LBM Ltd / Handypersons materials / £13.53 / £16.24
Botham's Prestige / Grounds Maintenance Feb 14 / £862.50 / £1,035.00
Dave Parkin Landscapes / Landscape gardening contract Feb 14 (inc. tree felling) / £1,330.58 / £1,596.70
Edward Signs / Bulb Planting project - signs / £180.00 / £216.00
Dave Parkin Landscapes / Bull Planting project -bulbs / £295.00 / £354.00
SYPA / Pension deficit contribution 1/4/14-/31/3/17 / £3,000.00 / £3,000.00
Yorkshire Water / Pavilion - water to 17/02/14 / £63.32 / £63.32
Wickersley Parish Council / Reimburse Clerk's Imprest Account / £900.00 / £900.00
SYPA / Superannuation Feb 2014 / £483.97 / £483.97
HM Revenue & Customs / Tax & NI Feb 2014 / £925.91 / £925.91
Cooper Typographics / Newsletter - March 2014 / £264.00 / £264.00
Garden maintenance Services / Gorse - felling two trees / £220.00 / £220.00
Barrett, M / Newsletter - March 2014 / £240.00 / £240.00
Botham's Prestige / Grounds Maintenance Mar 14 / £862.50 / £1,035.00
Wages Mar 2014 / Wages Mar 2014 / £4,204.58 / £4,204.58
BT / Internet to 16/02/14 / £54.00 / £64.80
Veolia / Waste to 28/02/14 / £175.14 / £210.17
npower / Christmas lights to 20/02/14 / £112.53 / £118.16
Galloway Tree Services Ltd / Wickersley Wood - Tree Work / £750.00 / £900.00
4905 To consider any general correspondence and publications
4905.1 Consultation on the RMBC Core Strategy Main Modifications. Cllr Ellis updated members on the main issues affecting the Council. The Planning Inspector had asked RMBC to review the Core Strategy and the following points were noted:-
- A review of the land supply over the next 5 years embedded within the ‘sites and policies’ documentation
- Action on relaxing the priorities of the ’more likely’ development sites (e.g. don’t prioritise brownfield sites first)
- An encouragement of higher density developments
- An increase in the local (Wickersley/Bramley/Maltby) target from 800 house to 100 houses
Resolved That the Council make representation under the consultation “That the Inspector reconsiders his recommendations as there has already been extensive consultation throughout Rotherham. This includes several public events hosted by Wickersley Parish Council to help the local community to participate in the process. We concur with the RMBC’s submission and feel that, in a democracy, our wishes should be upheld. We represent 7000 constituents and are frankly amazed that, having participated in earlier rounds of consultation, our views have been disregarded by the Inspector. We would therefore welcome a change in his stance”.
4905.2 McCarthy and Stone. Councillors had been invited to a further pre-planning consultation meeting on the development site near Companions Close, which was scheduled for 18th March 2014.
4905.3 Letter from Don Buxton regarding 2014-15 freeze in Council precept. My Buxton asked for his thanks to be formally recorded for the freeze, and the way in which local interests were represented. An article in this regard had also been printed in the letters page of the Rotherham Advertiser on 14th March 2014.
4906 To consider planning and licensing matters including new planning applications in Wickersley
4906.1 The following applications were noted: -
RB2014/0152 Installation of roof lights to rear roof and erection of outbuilding to rear at 1A Lindum Drive
RB2014/0169 Infill front extension at 86 Sorby Way
RB2014/0200 Alterations to windows and external doors at 18 Patterdale Grove
RB2014/0218 Demolition of existing attached garage and erection of two storey side and single storey front & rear extension at 84 Rosemary Road
RB2014/ 0241 Application to prune 1 No. sycamore tree protected by RMBC Tree Preservation Order No. 7, 1977 at 9 Welbeck Mews
4906.2 The Council objected to the following applications: -
RB2014/0095 Demolition of unlisted buildings (outbuilding and garages) within Wickersley Conservation Area and extension to No. 7 to form dwellinghouse and erection of 2 No. detached dwellinghouses at 7 Quarry Field Lane unless the stone wall – which is to be demolished to gain access to the site – is re-instated to the previous design with similar materials as the site falls within a conservation area.
RB2014/0209 Two storey side & single storey front extension at 56 Warren Road (insert refusal comment on RB 2013/1468) on the ground that the application is not materially different from the last one (RB2013/1468) which was refused (Reason for Refusal: The Council considers that the proposed two-storey side extension constitutes an unacceptable form of development which would, by virtue of its design on one half of a pair of semi-detached properties, create an imbalance in their appearance and would introduce an incongruous feature in the street scene in this prominent location. Furthermore, by not being set back from the front elevation the extension fails to achieve an element of subservience to the host property. As such the proposal is contrary to Policy ENV3.1 ‘Development and the Environment,’ of the adopted Rotherham Unitary Development Plan, along with the advice set out in the National Planning Policy Framework
RB2014/0242 Application to fell 2 No. sycamore trees protected by RMBC Tree Preservation Order No.07 1977 at Merton Cottage Woodland Close. Whilst not formally objecting to the application the Council has a general policy of opposing applications to fell trees unless they are diseased, damaged, dangerous or causing an actionable nuisance. As such, the Council are happy to support the advice from the RMBC Arboriculturist.
RB2014/0294 Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of 5 No. dwellings (including 1 No. bungalow) at 38 Goose Lane on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site.
RB2014/0072 (AMENDED PLANS) Change of use of ground floor to beauty salon (use class Sui Generis) at Botel Travel 48A Morthen Road on the grounds that the amendment does not address the problem of parking. That is, the expansion of the hair and beauty facilities at the site will simply lead to further parking problems which have been well documented (commencing with correspondence from Matthew Temperton regarding the original objection on 26 August 2010 and more recently with correspondence highlighting current parking problems on 11th October 2013). The assertion in the application that customers would use the rear car park is unfounded as the customers currently prefer to park on nearby roads.
Note: Standing orders were suspended at 9pm to allow the meeting to continue
4907 To receive reports from Committees and other meetings not previously considered.
4907.1 Wickersley Village Bowls Club AGM – 10th February 2014
Cllr Gibson attended the meeting, and noted the main points.
4907.2 Meeting with RMBC Licencing Manager – 26th February 2014
Cllrs. Ellis and Thirlwall had met with Deborah Bragg, RMBC Licencing Manager. The following points were noted:-
- The Council might request in future that a ‘noise audible boundary’ be established around licenced premises in order to formalise the licence arrangements. This typically is marked by the nearest residential property to the licenced premises.
- A licence review could be requested by the Council where problems are occurring with the licencing objectives. RMBC then issue notice of 28 days for the matter to be reviewed and resolved.
- There are no planning regulations influencing the erection of ‘gazebo’ type structures at licenced premises. However, Temporary Event Notices govern the conduct of licensable activities within them.
- There are various limitations on the frequency and duration which regulate the issue of Temporary Event Notices which the Council might observe.
There followed discussion on what the Council’s own policy should be with regard to licencing requests, amendments and problems. The Clerk was asked to put forward an agenda item and briefing paper for the next meeting.
4907.3 Environment Committee – 3rd March 2014
Cllr Grimes noted that the committee had reached an impasse regarding the way forward with the boundary signs. Because of lack of time this matter was deferred until the next council meeting.
4908 To note dates of future committee meetings and events
· Woodland Committee – 7pm 31st March 2014
· Parish Council Meeting – 7pm 28th April 2014
4909 To consider any Human Resource issues
There were no issues to consider.
The meeting was closed at 9.20pm.
PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES 140317.doc – Page 3