Professional Advisers Network 12-month Strategy

Creating a professional advisers network around the Community Foundation will increase Named Fund and Bequest referrals through Adviser to Client relationships. If advisers have a relationship with us, they will be equipped to support their client giving and refer on to us at appropriate times.


The purpose of the Professional Adviser Committee is to assist the Community Foundation to:

•Increase the level of awareness of the Community Foundation amongst Professional Advisers.


•Create opportunities for the Community Foundation to deliver CPD workshops to Lawyers, Accountants and Wealth Advisers

•Create networking opportunities and events

•Promote the Community Foundation amongst current contacts


•Number of referrals for Named Funds

•Number of contacts in the network

•Number of workshops or presentation delivered and

•The number of people attending workshops or presentations

Professional Advisers Pack (digital)

To be sent through to PA’s to arm them with everything they need to support their clients.

Community Foundation collateral.

Professional Advisers Pack (print)

As above. To be used when meeting face to face.

Email sign up sequence for a separate PA List

PA contacts are segmented to a separate email list.

An email sequence introduces new Professional Adviser list members to the Community Foundation and leads them to being armed with all the information needed. There are four emails in this sequence.

  1. Thank you for signing up and invitation to connect on Linkedin
  2. Why? Why it’s great for you to support your clients giving
  3. How? How you do that
  4. What? What you need to do.

Call to action is:

  1. Organise a time to meet
  2. Sign up for our next donor information night
  1. Download the PA information pack

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Events

CPD compliant events for Lawyers, Wealth Advisers and Accountants. Participants leave with a knowledge of the Community Foundation and all the information they need to refer their clients to us.

Legal workshops

Wealth Advisor and Accountants Workshops


Utilise Linkedin to increase awareness of the Community Foundation amongst professional advisers and business people:

Quarterly Emails

Quarterly email to the PA list.

Structure each email to address:

  1. Why? - emphasis on why they should help clients
  1. How? - stories of how it’s being done well
  2. What? - what they have to do to support their clients


Review website to include PA friendly information. Include structure and governance information. PA’s need to do their homework thoroughly on behalf of their clients.

Campaigns - EOFY 2017/18

A targeted EOFY campaign during April and May

  1. EDM’s to Professional Advisers, Lawyers and Accountants
  1. Separate articles for each on LinkedIn