TU Jow-Ching
2000 - Adjunct Full Professor, Institute of Population Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
1999- Adjunct Full Professor, Institute of Population and Development, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
2000- Visiting Full Professor, Institute of Population Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China
1999 Visiting Senior Scholar, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan
1998-99 Visiting Senior Research Associate, Center for Social and Demographic Analysis, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York
1992- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor, Division of Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
1992-93Research Fellow (Full Professor), Sun Yat-Sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan
1989-92Associate Professor, Department of Biometry and Statistics, School of Public Health, State University of New York at Albany
1977-92Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Biometrics, New York State Health Department
1987 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, SUNY at Albany
Most Representative Publications
1989 Edward Jow-Ching Tu, Jersey Liang and Shaomin Li, "Mortality Decline and Chinese Family Structure." Journal of Gerontology, v.44, no.4, July, pp. S157-S168
1993 Edward Jow-Ching Tu, Vicki A. Freedman and Douglas A. Wolf, "Kinship and Family Support in Taiwan: A Microsimulation Approach." Research on Aging, Vol. 15, no. 4, December, pp. 465-486.
1994 Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Kuanjeng Chen, "Changes in Active Life Expectancy in Taiwan: Compression or Expansion?" Social Science and Medicine, vol. 39, no. 12, December, pp.1657-1665
1999 Edward Jow-Ching, "Population Transition - Another Force of Social Change: A critical Review of Western Demographic Transition Theories", a book chapter in Social Change in China's Reform Era: Syntheses and Critiques of Western Sociological Perspectives, Oxford University Press (Hong Kong), pp. 209-244.
2001 Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Yuan Xin, “Replacement Migration in Low Fertility Population: The Case of Tianjin,” Population Research (China), Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 2-8. (The 2nd best research paper of year 2002 of China Population Association)
2002 Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Yuan Xin, “Replacement Migration as a Population Policy Alternative in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin” Journal of Population Studies (Taiwan), Vol. 24, pp. 59-87
2003 Edward Jow-Ching Tu, “Patterns of Lowest-Low Fertility in Hong Kong,” Journal of Population and Social Security (Population), Supplement to Volume 1 pp.629-642.
2004 Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Yuan Xian, “Analysis of High Sex Ratios at Birth in Mainland China” Journal of Population Studies Vol 29 2004, pp 147-181
2005 Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Karen Cheung, “Three Dimensions of the Survival Curve: Horizontalization, Verticalization, and Longevity Extension,” Demography, May 2005
2005 Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Zhang Xia, “Fertility Transition in Hong Kong and Taiwan” Jounral of National Development Studies, October 2005.
2005 Edward Jow-Ching Tu, “Changes in Lowest-low Fertility and Policy Considerations,” Market and Demographic Analysis, Vol.11, No. 4.
2005 Edward Jow-Ching Tu, and Li Jianxin, “Delay and Compression: The Characters of Fertility Changes in China,” Population Research, Vol.27, No.3.
2005 Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Zhang Xia, “Fertility Transition and Gender Equity in Hong Kong” Book Chapter for “Mainstreaming Gender in Hong Kong Society” edited by Fanny M. Cheung , Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.
2006 Edward Jow-Ching Tu, “Fertility and Its Policy in Hong Kong” Population Research, Vol 30, No. 3, May.
2006 Edward Jow-Ching Tu, “Fertility Transition in Hong Kong and Taiwan” in Transition and Challenge: China’s Population at the Beginning of the 21st Century Edited by Zhongwei Zhao and Fei Guo, Oxford University Press.