Production Technology Package

Lockview High School


Protec 12

Term #2 Course Assignment Package

Submitted By: ______

Submitted To: Mr.Shreenan

Date: ______

Due Date: ______

Lockview High School Protec 12 NAME: ______

Production Technology Package

(Keep all work in your Portfolio” Notes" Section)

Table Of Contents



2.Production Systems And Terminology

3.Plant Layout Design

4.Manufacturing (Products and Processes)

5.Organization Of The Enterprise

6.Business Ownership And Capital


8.Tooling Up



11.Careers And The Future

12.Environmental Impacts


*This Package is for your ongoing study of Production Technology.

*Work at your own pace and complete all work as part of your “Portfolio”.

*Have Mr.Shreenan check your work and record a mark for each area that you have completed.

Have a successful Semester.


Lockview High School Protec 12 Name: ______


Date: ______

Production Technology Package (*Research the answers*)

**In Each Section of Questions I will provide you with a “starting place” to look for the answers. You will need to find “other Internet sources” too. **

Questions For: A Brief History of Production Technology

**Read the information on our Term 2 web page and answer these questions.

1.What are the four major systems of Technology?





2.What is the difference between Construction Technology and Manufacturing Technology?

3.Production systems provide us with:



D) What device changed manufacturing by controlling machine processes?______


4.There are two major categories of production systems:



5. When and where did the Industrial Revolution start?


6. Production began to shift from the ______to the ______.

7. Production systems in Canada and the United States grew because______


Research and report on the growth of “Production” in Canada since Confederation (1867).

**This should show your understanding of Manufacturing and Construction as it relates to Production Technology.

Your answer should be in several paragraphs that include examples for each time period.

You may also use a time line.

You may use books, the Internet, and also information that you have learned in other courses that you have taken. (By the way: this could be an Exam question.)

Production Systems And Terminology

**Review the terms and Key words found in this section Of the Protec 12 web page Print them and use them to help you answer questions in other sections of this package.

Plant Layout Design

Read the information on the web page and answer these questions.


1.What is the main purpose of Plant Layout?


2. Name the 4 phases of the Plant Layout Procedure.





3. What is Flow Analysis?


4. What plant flow analysis techniques are used?


5.What is the purpose of a Flow Diagram? Try SmartDraw Free: ______

6.Give a summary of Flow Analysis.


7.Find an example of a “Flow Chart”. DRAW It Below / Copy paste!

Use the Internet and explain what steps are involved in the production of the product.

Here is a sample:


And find one more site…



Flow Chart

Manufacturing (Products and Processes)

"How Everyday Things Are Made"

Manufacturing (Products and Processes)

**Your Internet Resource:


This online resource will give you a good introduction to the world of manufacturing as part of our Protec 12 course at Lockview High School.

The Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing (AIM) has developed an introductory website for you showing how various items are made. It covers over 40 different products and manufacturing processes, and includes almost 4 hours of manufacturing video. It is targeted towards non-engineers and engineers alike. Think of it as your own private online factory tour, or a virtual factory tour.

If you've ever wondered how things are made products like candy, cars, airplanes, or bottles or if you've been interested in manufacturing processes, like forging, casting, or injection molding it can be found here.

Your Internet Resource


Please watch and listen to the “Introduction” Section of the online Manufacturing Course for instructions.

Test Your Knowledge

This section will see what you know about manufacturing. If you don't know the answers - no need to worry! You'll be able to find the answers by watching the videos.

"Think About It" activities are designed to get you to think about how various items are manufactured - before it is covered in the course. Answers to the question will be covered in the following sections. Think about the questions given you. Input your thoughts and then hit Submit to see what others have said.

Apply It

"Apply It" activities are designed to help you apply things you've just learned.

You will be asked a question which relates to the previous sections. You will have to use your reasoning skills to come up with the answer. After you submit your response, they will let you know the answer.

***Have Lots of Fun...... as you use this interactive way of learning!

Organization Of The Enterprise

zaOf The Enterprise computer software for


The Five Functions of Management:

Check this Link and define each of the following.







Business Ownership And Capital

One of the first decisions that people have to make as a business owner is how the company should be structured. This decision will have long-term implications, so they consult with an accountant and attorney to help them select the form of ownership that is right for their needs. Check out some Internet sites for answers to these questions.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 4 basic legal forms of ownership for small businesses?

1.Sole Proprietorship



4.Limited Liability Company (Ltd)


**See the Power Point on the ‘N drive’ to answer the following Questions

(Marketing and Advertising ppt.)

****Check out this Advertisement for HONDA


1.Name the two types of Marketing

A. ______

B. ______

2.Name the major differences between the two types of Marketing.

3.What is ‘Market Segment’?


4.Two types of Market Data.

A. ______

B. ______

5.What is the difference between the two?



6. What is Primary Data? How do you get it, and how is it useful to marketing?

Tooling Up

Getting a factory ready to produce a product is called ‘tooling up’.

JUST-IN-TIME MANUFACTURING is one example. Now report on what it is all about Google a search for: JUST-IN-TIME MANUFACTURING Print a page on it!

Your TASK: Choose a product and tell what “Tooling Up” is required to make it.

Planning For Production

**See the Power Point on the ‘N drive’ to answer the following Questions

(Process Technology ppt.)

1.What are some examples of some Information and Communication Technologies for Production? ______

2.What are 2 benefits of ‘Bar Codes’?


3.What is Process Technology?


4.Assembly Lines are examples of ______automation.

5.What is flexible automation?


6.What is “CIM”?


7.What are the 7 components of “CIM”?


8.What 4 areas are integrated computer software programs used with ‘CIM’?



1.Distribution: Is the way in which the good or service is delivered to the consumer for purchase. It could be through a wholesaler, retailer or sold directly over the Internet. Now “Do an internet SEARCH ” and answer these questions.

A)  Find examples of products that fit each of the categories for distribution.

B) What happens when products are distributed to other countries?

2.Task: Search the Internet for answers to the following question.

Analyze the role that supply and demand, prices, incentives, and profits play in determining what is produced and distributed in a competitive market system.

Supply and demand




Careers In Production Technology


Outcome: After completing this project students will recognize the opportunities available to them in Production Technology related careers.


You may do this project in one of a number of ways; the following are a few ideas to get you started. Choose only one-way to explain your ‘Career In Production Technology’.

You may:

Make a brochure

Make a PowerPoint

Make a web page

*Choose an occupation that you would like to know more about. In order to know this occupation and how you can best explain it to others; you need to gather information about it. You can do this on the Internet, finding sources in the library, checking the newspaper advertisements, and exploring magazines. I have included a short list of websites to get you started. These can be found on my web page



1 What are the primary work tasks?

2 What are typical work hours?

3 What education or training is required?

4 What skills are needed to do the job well?

5 What salary range can you expect?

6 Describe possible paths of advancement.

7 What is the current forecast for employment?

You will need to begin today. * Please discuss your ideas with me when you have picked a career to explore.

*This project due date is: ______

Environmental Impacts


Review the sites and answer these questions. (You may use more sites too)


Research and tell of one “Environmental Disaster” that was directly related to Production. Remember that Production may be Manufacturing or Construction.

Type your answers below. (Use more space / More pages…obviously)

Finish Date: ______