Freezer Cleaner


A fast acting, non-flammable, highly efficient ethylene glycol based cleaner/ degreaser. Freezer Cleaner is formulated for cleaning freezer rooms, frozen food lockers, shipping docks and exterior equipment. Freezer

Cleaner penetrates, dissolves and suspends dirt, grime, fats, frozen liquids and grease while freezer equipment is

still operating.

Design Features

·  Free of isopropyl alcohol

·  Safe for automatic scrubbers

·  Safe on concrete, quarry tile, ceramic and metal surfaces

Directions for use

AUTOMATIC SCRUBBER: Equip machine with aggressive pad such as steel wire and fill supply tank

with ready to use cleaner. Double-scrub procedure will give best results. Lay down solution with scrubbing action and allow solution to remain on surface 5 minutes - then lower squeegee blade, scrubbing again, and pick up. CONVENTIONAL ROTARY FLOOR MACHINE: Equip machine with aggressive brush such as steel wire. Spray, mop, or spread ready to use cleaner on surface, scrub and allow solution to remain on surface for 5 minutes. Scrub again and pick up soiled solution with wet vacuum or mop. MANUAL CLEANING: Apply cleaner by spray, mop, or sponge and follow by aggressive double brushing or scrubbing. Pick up soiled solution with wet vacuum, mop, or by wiping.

% Solution in Water Temperature Protection

100% Concentrate -45 F

75% (1:3) -29 F

67% (1:2) -08 F

50% (1:1) 7 F

25% (3:1) 18 F

17% (5:1) 25 F

**Increasing the amount of Freezer Cleaner in solution decreases the evaporation rate for that solution.

Product Specification

Color: Blue-colored liquid Health 2

Odor: No distinct odor Flammability 0

pH Concentrate: 11.9 Reactivity 0

Medical: Refer to MSDS Protection B

Specific Gravity: 1.1

Common Chemicals Found In Freezer Cleaners

Ethylene glycol is a high production volume chemical used chiefly in antifreeze for heating and cooling systems. There is widespread exposure to ethylene glycol due to its use as an automotive antifreeze and as a de-icer for aircraft. Propylene gylcol, similar in structure to ethylene glycol, is used as an antifreeze, de-icing solution, and in various paints and coatings. Unlike ethylene glycol, propylene glycol is approved for use in various food additives, drugs, and cosmetics. Isopropyl alcohol, also known as isopropanol, is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. It is highly flammable. Isopropyl alcohol is found in alcohol sponges, cleaning agents, and rubbing alcohol (though some rubbing alcohols contain ethanol), and is a good disinfectant. Vapor-air mixtures may be explosive.

06/01/2002 Meyer Laboratory

Blue Springs, MO 64015

(816) 228-4433