Producer:ProjectorContract: Location: County: FarmName: TractNumber:
DesignedBy: / Date:CheckedBy: / Date:
ApprovedBy: / Date:
Practice Purpose(s): Check all that apply
Soil Erosion - Reduce sheet, rill and wind erosion.
Air Quality Impacts - Reduce tillage-induced particulate emissions.
Soil Quality Degradation - Maintain or increase soil health and organic matter content.
Inefficient Energy Use - Reduce energy use.
Insufficient Water - Increase plant-available moisture.
Inadequate Habitat for Fish and Wildlife - Provide food and escape cover for wildlife.
Residue and Tillage Management – No-till (329): Fields (______)
The following schedule of planting and harvest operations are designed to achieve your desired purpose(s). The estimated amounts of residue can be used to measure the effectiveness of your planting and harvest operations following each operation. The use of the actual tillage, planting, and harvest operations will be evidence of practice implementation.
Operations and Residue Results
Date / Operation / Vegetation / Surf. res. cov. after op, %9/21/0 / Sprayer, kill crop / 82
9/21/0 / Seedbed conditioner, coulter caddy, spk har, rlng bskt / 82
9/21/0 / Drill or airseeder, double disk, w/ fluted coulters / Barley, winter / 82
6/30/1 / Harvest, killing crop 50pct standing stubble / 92
7/1/1 / Drill or airseeder, double disk, w/ fluted coulters / Soybean, mw 7in rows / 95
7/22/1 / Sprayer, post emergence / 94
11/10/1 / Harvest, killing crop 20pct standing stubble / 98
4/11/2 / Sprayer, kill crop / 96
4/15/2 / Seedbed conditioner, coulter caddy, spk har, rlng bskt / 83
4/25/2 / Planter, double disk opnr w/fluted coulter with starter fertilizer / Corn, grain / 81
5/26/2 / Sprayer, post emergence / 77
5/31/2 / Fert applic. side-dress, liquid / 76
9/20/2 / Harvest, killing crop 30pct standing stubble / 90
SCI and STIR Output
Soil conditioning index (SCI): 0.80
Management STIR: 56
Avg. annual slope STIR: 28.1
Crop / Crop Year STIR / Net soil loss rate / Start date / End date, m/d/y0
Summary of SCI, STIR and Soil Loss result for all fields that this IR applies
Field Number or Name / Crop Interval STIR (STIR for the crop interval associated with this practice) / SCI (SCI for the rotation) / Average Annual Soil Loss for Conservation Planning (for the rotation)T/Ac/yr
Inefficient Energy Use - Reduce energy use
Benchmark Energy Use (gallons/ac) / Planned Energy Use (gallons/acre)Equiv. diesel use for entire simulation: 8.3 gal/ac
Additional Required Documentation for Purpose of Increasing Plant-AvailableMoisture:
Field(s) (______)
Maintain a minimum of 2000 pounds per acre or 60 percent residue cover on the soil surface throughout the year.
Trapping Snow. Crop stubble height during the time significant snowfall is expected to occur shall be at least 10 inches for crops with a row spacing of less than 15 inches or at least 15 inches for crops with a row spacing of 15 inches or greater.
Target Species of Wildlife Planned: ______(if applicable)
Evaluate/measure the crop residues cover and orientation after each crop to ensure the planned amounts and orientation are being achieved. Adjust management as needed to either plan a new residue amount and orientation or adjust the planting and/or harvesting equipment.
Limited tillage is allowed to close or level ruts from harvesting equipment. No more than 10% of the field may be tilled for this purpose.
If there are areas of heavy residue accumulation (because of movement by water or wind) in the field, spread the residue prior to planting so it does not interfere with planter operation.
Certification Statement:
I certify that implementation of this conservation practice is complete, meets criteria for the stated purpose(s), and meets the NRCS conservation practice standard and specifications.
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