(Goods and Services)

(Version 6 – August 2013)

Procurement No:………………………………………………………...

Procurement Name:………………………………………………………...

Procurement Process Undertaken:………………………………………………

Procurement Recommendation:………………………………………………

Critical Dates (if applicable):………...………………………………………………

Other Issues:..……………………………………………………….

Certification by Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee:

I certify that the procurement process adopted for this purchase was in accordance with the principles and processes set out in the Treasurer’s Instructions 1101 series (including requirements set out in the Free Trade Agreements Guideline where appropriate).

Signed: ______

Name: ______

Phone: ______


  • Procurement Plan and Authorisation to Undertake Procurement
  • Evaluation Report
  • Any other supporting information (such as a Probity Adviser’s Report)
  • Process Checklist

The Evaluation Panel should note that the following issues will be taken into account by the Procurement Review Committee when reviewing the procurement process undertaken:

  • compliance with procurement requirements set out in the Treasurer’s Instructions including;
  • that the offer represents value for money, including whether the appropriate weighting has been given to the cost component;
  • where appropriate, that the other value for money considerations in addition to price, including, the impact on climate change and / or opportunities for local suppliers, have been taken into consideration;
  • whether a fair and equitable process has been followed;
  • whether the principles and mandatory processes outlined in the Free Trade Agreements Guideline (where applicable) have been adhered to;
  • whether the submissions were evaluated against the criteria set out in the Request documentation;
  • whether the appropriate procurement process checklist has been satisfactorily completed;
  • whether the process is appropriate and would withstand external scrutiny;
  • whether the description of the evaluation in the evaluation report provides sufficient information for third parties to reach the same conclusion as the evaluation panel;
  • whether the comparative assessment description in the valuation report matches the score and is consistent between suppliers; and
  • if appropriate, an exemption has been obtained from the Department of Treasury and Finance to enable the appointment of external legal advisors (TI 1118) or to not use whole-of-government common use contracts (TI 1112);
  • if appropriate, approval has been obtained for a direct/limited submission sourcing process pursuant to Instruction 1114 or 1127; and
  • any other matter the Committee considers appropriate.

Summary Reporting Information: (To assist agencies in reporting in their Agency’s annual report and in reporting on

Does the contract relate to a consultancy? Y/N*
Date tender/quotation called:
Estimated value (excluding GST) prior to procurement process was conducted:
Where appropriate, the date approval pursuant to Instruction 1114 or 1127 was provided (attach copy):
Where appropriate, the date any exemption was granted by the Secretary of Treasury and Finance (attach copy):
Period of the contract:
Period of the contract including all possible extensions under the contract:
Actual/estimated value of the contract (excluding GST) for the period of the contract: / $
Actual/estimated value of the contract (excluding GST) for the period of the contract including all possible extensions under the contract: / $
Number of bids received:
Number of Tasmanian bids received:

*If yes, approval of Head of Agency or Deputy Secretary is required to engage the consultant, and it requires separate reporting in the agency’s Annual Report.

Decision of the Review Committee:

The Committee has reviewed this submission for conformity with applicable Government policies and guidelines and hereby:

Note: use the appropriate sentence following and delete the others

*endorses the procurement process and evaluation report undertaken, OR

*endorses the procurement process and evaluation report in principle, subject to the qualifications below, OR

*does not endorse the procurement process and evaluation report for the reasons given below, OR

*defers its decision, pending the receipt of further information listed below:









Signature of Chairperson:______

Signature of Members:______




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