The group, originally entitled, Strategic Partnerships Group, was established in 2000 to look at the potential for joint working in procurement and partnership projects. Since then the group has encouraged the sharing of contract arrangements and provided a network for procurement officers to exchange ideas and develop working relationships.
The Byatt Report on local authority procurement May 2001 with its 39 recommendations, raised the profile of procurement
In November 2003, the group changed its name to the Hertfordshire Procurement Forum (HPF). Drivers to the change were the higher profile for procurement including the National Procurement Strategy – October 2003 containing targets and milestones to be achieved over the next four years. HPF able to discuss the National Procurement Strategy targets and milestones and to provide support, expertise and information sharing to enable authorities to move forward with them. Monitored progress of achievement of the milestones which helped everyone to achieve the deadlines and raise standards of procurement.
Benefits of HPF include information sharing both on procurement issues, national initiatives and guidance and the promotion and sharing of Best Practice. Exploring the opportunity for joint contracting arrangements and to pursue common standards, systems and activities as appropriate across Hertfordshire.
This has been particularly helpful to the Districts where procurement expertise and capacity varies from a shared resource to a small procurement team.
Developed a simple spreadsheet contracts database to identify opportunities for collaboration. One of the real benefits is that districts communicate with each other when undertaking a procurement project to see if anyone else wants to join. Examples of joint contracts include Stationery contract arranged by Dacorum on behalf of 8 out of the 10 Districts, Vendor Neutral Temporary Staff Contract arranged by Stevenage on behalf of 6 Districts. Six Districts using the CBC/ESPO Agreement for Wheeled Bins. Most using Energy contracts.
Centres of Excellence developed around May 2004 (now superceded by RIEPs)
From July 2005 a representative from the CoE East attended the meeting. HPF was held up as an example of good working arrangement and CoE wanted all counties to have such groups. Benefits include the Spikes Cavell Spend Analysis and resulting collaboration projects.
Around May 2005 the HPF had agreed to put a bid the CoE East for the development of a Hertfordshire wide eMarket. The bid was successful and received £205,500 for first year funding for the 9 participating districts together with implementation support. Two partners IDeA:marketplace provided the eMarketplace functionality including contract information and @UKPLC undertaking the Supplier Adoption of SMEs. HBS providing Project Manager and Co-ordinator to drive the project forward and help Districts develop their project plans and to provide a co-ordinated approach wherever possible.
Not everyone has moved forward onto the Marketplace as initially envisaged but they have all implemented eProcurement, with its inherent process cost savings for both buyers and suppliers, which some authorities may have struggled to achieve without the focus, support and guidance of the Project. There is greater visibility of spend and potential to collaborate with others and properly constructed contracts can be utilised realising savings and enabling contract compliance. .