Children’s Book

Immune System

You will write and illustrate children’s book that focuses on the immune system and immune response. In your book you will explain what occurs when the flu virus enters the body in a way that a 5th grader would understand. Use your creativity, biology book and lecture notes to help you with your story. You may work individually or in pairs. You will work on this assignment in class and turn in workday logs to record your participation in the project. The children’s book is worth 203pts.

Books must include the following:

  1. Names of the authors with bios (10 pts)
  2. Cover that includes a title that related to the immune response, name of the authors and an illustration(10 pts)
  3. 2 line summary for a back cover (15 pts)
  4. Illustration of Text. You must have pictures to illustrate the text. Pictures may be drawn, or cut out form other sources. Be sure that the pictures relate to the text (48 pts)
  5. Content. Your book MUST be about the immune system and immune response. It must teach the concept. Pages of the book need to be numbered. (90 pts)

The workday logs will be worth 30 pts

A workday logs are like a diary of what you did in class. For each entry you will include the date, what you accomplished and what you will do tomorrow.

Due Friday, December 18th at the end of class.

Children’s Book

Immune System

You will write and illustrate children’s book that focuses on the immune system and immune response. In your book you will explain what occurs when the flu virus enters the body in a way that a 5th grader would understand. Use your creativity, biology book and lecture notes to help you with your story. You may work individually or in pairs. You will work on this assignment in class and turn in workday logs to record your participation in the project. The children’s book is worth 203pts.

Books must include the following:

  1. Names of the authors with bios (10 pts)
  2. Cover that includes a title that related to the immune response, name of the authors and an illustration (10 pts)
  3. 2 line summary for a back cover (15 pts)
  4. Illustration of Text. You must have pictures to illustrate the text. Pictures may be drawn, or cut out form other sources. Be sure that the pictures relate to the text (48 pts)
  5. Content. Your book MUST be about the immune system and immune response. It must teach the concept. Pages of the book need to be numbered. (90 pts)

The workday logs will be worth 30 pts

A workday logs are like a diary of what you did in class. For each entry you will include the date, what you accomplished and what you will do tomorrow.

Due Friday, December 18th at the end of class.