Process to Request for Involvement from the EducationASN Outreach Group
Information for Schools, Parents and Partner Agencies
The Education ASN Outreach Group comprises a range of services from within education which provide support for pre-school, school aged children, young people and their families.
The Education ASN Outreach Group includes the following services:
- Educational Psychology
- Vision Services
- Hearing Impairment and Communication Service
- ASN Outreach service (Social communication and ASD)
- Home-Link Service
- Additional Support (Behaviour Support)
- Pre-School Home Visiting Service
The main aim of the group is to provide a collaborative, timely and appropriate response to requests for involvement for outreach services, avoiding duplication. The Education ASN Outreach Group expects that most enquiries and requests for involvement will come from ASN Staff in schools. However, parents and other agencies may also request involvement following the same process. With regard to pre-school children and those with hearing / visual impairment, it is expected that requests may be more likely to come from health and other agencies than from staff in pre-school settings.
Initial Enquiry - School/ Pre-school / Partner Agency / Parents can phone or email any member of the Education ASN Outreach Group for an enquiry regarding good practice in relation to different aspects of ASN, signposting to services/resources.
No Further Action Necessary
Pupil Enquiry/Consultation – School/Pre-School/ Partner Agency / Parent phones the group member most relevant to their concern regarding an individual child / young person.Pupil enquiries or consultations should be made on a named basis and consent from both parents and child/young person (where appropriate) should be sought and recorded on GIRFEC consent forms. The Education ASN Outreach group member uses the standardised telephone consultation form to gather information. Additional information may be requested.
A decision on whether or not a Request for Involvement should be made is taken.
No Request for Involvement required at this Stage Decision to Request Involvement made
Request for Involvement - A Request for Involvement Form should be completed by the most appropriate professional supporting the child. In schools this will usually be the ASN teacher. This should be sent to a central email address for collation with the initial telephone consultation/pupil enquiry form (completed by the Education ASN Outreach group member) which together will constitute a request for involvement of the Education ASN Outreach Group. The Request for Involvement Form should be copied to the Named Person.
Request for Involvement Allocation/Discussion - Requests for Involvement will be brought to the weekly meeting of the Education ASN Outreach Group.Requests for Involvement will be discussed and allocated to most appropriate service. The service allocated the request will contact the pre-school / school / person requesting involvement to discuss and arrange necessary next steps.
Next Steps for Involvement– The professional allocated the request liaises with and agrees next steps with the pre-school / school staff / person requesting involvement and utilises existing Local Authority and service processes.