Work Instruction
Functional Area: Payroll / Process Regular Payroll
Use this procedure to process a regular payroll run.
Perform this procedure when Kronos time data has been transferred to UC Flex HR.
· Kronos time data must be transferred to UC Flex HR.
· The COM report must be run.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path(s) to begin this transaction:
· Select Human ResourcesPayrollAmericasUSAToolsControl Record(PA03)to go to the Payroll control record screen.
· Select Human ResourcesPayrollAmericasUSAToolsHR Process Workbench (PUST) to go to the HR Process Workbench screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
· The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
· On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Payroll / Process Regular Payroll
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Payroll control record
2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Field / R/O/C / Description /
Payroll area / Required / Payroll area groups employees with the same pay frequency, pay period dates and pay check dates
UM (Monthly)
Enter UM for monthly employees or UB for bi-weekly employees.
3. / Click .
Payroll control record (2)
4. / Click .
/ The advances the payroll period to the next payroll period. Then employee records are locked so that they cannot be changed by other users. While calculating payroll, you do not want anyone changing the employee data.
5. / Click .
Payroll control record (3)
6. / Enter /NPUST in the Command field.
/ The system displays the message, “Record changed”.
/ Now you need to create a new payroll cycle run process.
7. / Click .
HR Process Workbench
8. / Click .
/ This screen displays the payrolls from previous runs.
/ Now you need to create a payroll run process using the process workbench. The process workbench is used to run all the jobs that are part of producing the payroll. It monitors the status of each job, whether it is completed, error-free or has errors. Once process is complete and has no errors, proceed to the next step.
Create process
9. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Field / R/O/C / Description /
Process text / Required / Unique name that describes the payroll cycle
um 032006
The date represents the payroll cycle that is being processed.
Process model / Required / Identifier for the process model
10. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (2)
11. / Click on payroll run cycle XXXX that you just created.
/ The system displays the message, “The process has been successfully created”. This message indicates that you have created a payroll process and now you are ready to run a regular payroll.
12. / Click .
Start process
13. / Click .
/ Click if you do not want to run the payroll immediately.
Select Personnel Numbers for a Payroll Process (PY)
14. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Field / R/O/C / Description /
Payroll area / Required / Payroll area groups employees with the same pay frequency, pay period dates and pay check dates
UM (Monthly)
Enter UM for monthly employees or UB for bi-weekly employees.
/ You have selected the employees in this payroll area and calculated their payrolls. Once you select the employees, you cannot add to or remove them. If you find employees that should have been included in this payroll, you can issue them an off-cycle payroll.
15. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (3)
16. / Click .
/ You will notice that is displayed next to the payroll run cycle that you just created. The clock indicates that the system is running payroll.
/ It is necessary to always refresh this screen when you are running the payroll. The refresh button is used to update the screen when you perform steps in the payroll cycle. You can set UC Flex to do an auto refresh.
HR Process Workbench (4)
17. / Click to the left of the appropriate payroll run.
/ This screen displays how changed to located to the left of the payroll cycle run (XXXX). The stop sign indicates that processing is complete.
HR Process Workbench (5)
18. / Perform one of the following:
If There Are / Then / Go To
Errors / Select GotoDisplay spool list. / Step 19
No errors / 1. Enter /NPA03 in the Command field.
2. Click . / Step 23
/ This screen displays Calculate Payroll(XXXX) to the right of the payroll run. The is displayed to the left of the payroll run, this button indicates that it is safe to move on to the next steps.
/ If is displayed to the left of the payroll run, the red light indicates that there are errors that have been found and corrections need to be made. The errors will vary. In the event that you need to make corrections before you continue the payroll, you must go to PA30 to make the corrections.
Output Controller: List of Spool Requests
19. / Select to the left of the appropriate Spool no.
Graphical display of spool request XXXX in system XXX
20. / Review the displayed information.
/ Typically this screen will display errors that need to be corrected in order to process the payroll cycle. It is necessary to note the errors and then go to PA30 to make the corrections.
21. / Click twice.
22. / Return to Step 18.
Payroll control record (4)
23. / Click .
Payroll control record (5)
24. / Click to release for corrections.
/ The displaysto the left to indicate that the payroll has been released.
/ This process unlocks the employee records so that they can be changed, which is required if you need to correct errors. Every change made to an employee record during this time will be logged so the system will know to rerun their payroll for this period.
25. / Click .
Payroll control record (6)
26. / Enter /NZHPY_PAY_REPORT in the Command field.
/ The system displays the message, “Record changed”.
/ At this point there will be several reports that are available to run so that you can validate proper payments and verify the payroll for errors before running the final pay cycle. For example, you can search for claims, net pay amounts out of acceptable ranges, and uncollected taxes. Variants can be set up for these reports.
27. / Click .
General Payroll Report for CE
28. / Click to select an existing variant.
ABAP: Variant Directory of Program ZHR_PAYROLL_REPORT_CE
29. / Double-click on CLAIMS in the Variant name column.
General Payroll Report for CE (2)
30. / Click .
General Payroll Report for CE (3)
31. / Click .
/ This report displays a list of those employees who had overpayments (more deductions than money). If overpayments appear on the employee’s records, the record should be reviewed to verify the accuracy of this report.
General Payroll Report for CE (4)
32. / Click .
ABAP: Variant Directory of Program ZHR_PAYROLL_REPORT_CE (2)
33. / Double-click on NET PAY 2000.
34. / Click.
General Payroll Report for CE (5)
35. / Click .
General Payroll Report for CE (6)
36. / Review the displayed information.
/ It is necessary to print this report and verify that the net pays are legitimate. This gives payroll time to correct incorrect records before the payroll runs.
37. / Enter /NPA03 in the Command field.
38. / Click .
Payroll control record (7)
39. / Click .
Payroll control record (8)
40. / Click .
41. / Click .
Payroll control record (9)
42. / Enter /NPUST in the Command field.
/ The system displays the message, “Record changed”.
43. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (6)
44. / Click to the left of the XXXX payroll run.
HR Process Workbench (7)
45. / Click on XXXX to the left of Calculate Payroll.
/ The is displayed to the left of XXXX. You can now proceed to the next step.
/ This process will rerun payroll for all the employees who had errors and for all those employees whose master data has changed. This process ensures that all the employee payrolls are up to date.
46. / Click .
Start process (2)
47. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (8)
48. / Click .
49. / Click on XXXX to the left of Simulate FI/CO Posting.
50. / Click .
Continue process?
51. / Click.
Start process (3)
52. / Click.
HR Process Workbench (9)
53. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (10)
54. / Enter /NPA03 in the Command field.
/ This screen displays to the left of XXXX.
/ If the Simulate FI/CO Posting step had errors, the will be displayed. Investigate and resolve the error(s) by examining the posting run. Once the error(s) has been resolved you can proceed with the next step.
55. / Click .
Payroll control record (10)
56. / Click.
Payroll control record (11)
57. / Click .
/ Once you exit the payroll, no more changes can be made to the payroll results. Ensure that the payroll is accurate.
58. / Click .
Payroll control record (12)
59. / Enter /NPUST in the Command field.
/ The system displays the message, “Record changed”.
/ Now you need to go back to the process model and run the remaining payroll jobs to print paychecks, post accounting results, and post third-party remittances.
60. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (11)
61. / Click to the left of the XXXX payroll run.
HR Process Workbench (12)
62. / Click on XXXX to the left of Pre-DME.
/ This process will run the paychecks, direct deposit advices and zero net checks.
63. / Click .
Continue process (2)
64. / Click .
Start process (4)
65. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (13)
66. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (14)
67. / Click on XXXX to the left of Payroll Evaluation Run.
/ This screen displays to the left of XXXX.
/ This process will run the third-party remittance processes.
68. / Click .
Continue process? (3)
69. / Click .
Start process (5)
70. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (15)
71. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (16)
72. / Click on XXXX to the left of Create Payroll Posting Documents.
/ This process will create the accounting documents and post them to Financials.
73. / Click .
Continue process? (4)
74. / Click .
Start process (6)
75. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (17)
76. / Click .
HR Process Workbench (18)
77. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
/ You will notice that all lines display to the left of each line item in the payroll run. This indicates that the payroll is ready to run.
78. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / 08_PY_PA03_PUST_ZHPY_PAY_Pro Reg Payroll_PY2_0.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 20/44
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Payroll / Process Regular Payroll
You have created a regular payroll cycle run.
Ver: / 08_PY_PA03_PUST_ZHPY_PAY_Pro Reg Payroll_PY2_0.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 44/44
Process Regular Payroll