- In Annexure 1, it is mandatory to add the names of all Active Tablers.
- Table can maintain a register for the new members who are inducted and Tablers who retire.
- Kindly fill in the blanks in this Draft AOP Deed.
- Take a print out on an Rs.100/- Stamp Paper and get it signed by all Tablers and Witness.
- It is recommended to get the AOP deed notarized.
- Apply for PAN and Bank Account.
- Bank Account is generally operated by Head Board after taking consent of the floor.
- Every year when Head Board changes, a Resolution is required to be given to the Bank and Signatories would be changed. This Resolution is typically passed at the Table AGM.
- File the Income Tax Return on Yearly Basis.
Contributors & Reviewers:
• Tr.Kushal BA (Auditor) (MERT256), +91 9886665808
• Tr. Ankit Parikh (M.Com. LLB, FCA) (ART40) - National Legal Compliance Convener (56th National Board), +91 9824316260
• Tr. Santosh Sarode (FCA) (BRRT205) - National Legal Compliance Convener (56th National Board), +91 9448122956
• Tr.Akshay Dugar (MSRT123), National Treasurer, Round Table India, +919841129000
• FCA. Abhay Kumar Jain - Internal Auditor, Round Table India & Round Table India Trust
This written declaration of Association of Persons is made on <date> Day of <month>, 2017 at <City> by the active members of <Name of the Table and Number)> According to the List attached in Annexure 1.
Whereas an Association of Persons was formed in the name of <Name of the Table and Number)> on <Charter Date> and Since The Deed of Association of Persons was not available with any members past and Present the current Board of Members have decided to Reform this Deed of Association at a meeting held in <City>.
Whereas for diverse and other reasons it was thought fit to put into writing the purposes / objects of the Association and the manner in which the AOP is to be managed and administrated, it being orally agreed and decided on the <Date of Formation>.
Whereas all the members of this AOP at the meeting held in <City> on <Date of Formation> have authorized Treasurer/Chairman, Tr. ______to draft and execute a suitable agreement and have authorized him along with the members of the table being mentioned herein in this document to execute the same.
- The name of the Association of Persons shall be "<Name of the Table and Number>” , hereinafter called AOP.
- The Principal place of business and the registered address of this AOP shall be <Address>, India or such other places as members may mutually decide from time to time in writing.
- The Aims and Objects of the Round Table India (AOP) shall be:
a) To develop the fellowship among young men through the medium of their business and professional occupations and community service activities.
b) To encourage active and responsible citizenship by cultivating the highest ideals in business, professional and civic traditions.
c) To promote and further international understanding, friendship and co-operation.
d) To promote the extension of the Association.
e) To carry on any other activity to further the above objects as the Executive Committee may decide from time to time.
- The AOP shall be affiliated to the Round Table India and Round Table International.
- The financial year of the AOP shall be from 1st April to 31st March every year.
- The duration of the AOP shall be at will.
- A bank account shall be opened in any Scheduled or Co-operative Bank or Banks in the name of the AOP and the same shall be operated jointly and/or any two parties of the Head Board or as may be decided in writing among them from time to time.
- The AOP may collect funds from each Member/Tabler based on its membership requirements and other dues. Any excess fund collected during the year shall be retained as surplus to be used for the welfare of the active members of the AOP.
- The AOP will be administered by the Head Table composed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and the Immediate Past Chairman as per the Rules of the AOP.
- That the Head Table has an authority to look after and manage the activities of AOP fruitfully in the interest of AOP, to sign document, to enter into any contracts and so other activities which are required for smooth running of the AOP in the greatest interest of the activities carried out by the AOP after due consent of floor is obtained and minuted.
- The Head Table shall sign any agreement, document etc. as and when required on behalf of the AOP or as resolved by the table/members in its meetings.
- The AOP can give donations to charitable organizations for charity activities, if the same has been passed in the table meeting by the majority of members.
- AOP will specify minimum rules to be observed by the individual members as specified in the Rules of the AOP.
- New members will be inducted and the existing members shall retire to/from the AOP from time to time as per the rules of the AOP.
- The bye-laws framed by Round Table India which contains all the rules and regulations pertaining to the functioning and conduct of the AOP will be final and binding on all members and will be amended from time to time at general body meeting of the AOP. A compiled handbook consisting of all rules and regulations of the Association and its members will be published from time to time. It will supersede any other rules and regulations previously followed.
- All decisions taken either unanimously or by the requisite majority by the Association in any matter relating to the Association, Tables or Active Tablers shall be final and conclusive and binding on the Association, Member Tables and its Active Tablers and the same shall not be subject to proceedings in a Court of Law. Any dispute shall be resolved by friendly consultations and in any case shall have to adhere to the Bye Laws framed by the AOP.
If for any reason, it is found not favorable to continue to carry on the activities of the AOP, then with the written consent of the General Body and as per the rules and guidelines as provided in the Bye Laws on the issue, the entire surplus of assets over liabilities of the AOP shall be either returned to its members or transferred to any other institution similar to this AOP, provided that the other institution has objects similar to the objects of this AOP.
In witness whereof we the Authorized Signatories have signed this Agreement of Association of Persons on this
<Date of Formation >at <City> in the presence of the following witness.
Witness 1:
(Details of all the Active Tablers i.e. Head Board & Tablers )S.No. / Tabler Name / Father's Name / Address / Signature