Academic Qualityand Enhancement

Process for completing a Board of Examiners Chair’s Action Request andForm

Thepurposeofthisdocument istooutlinetheprocessforcompilingandprocessingofChairsActionrequestsinrelationtoBoardof Examiners using the Board of Examiners Chair’s ActionRequest.

1.Faculty identify a need to compile a ChairsAction

2.Faculty complete Board of Examiners Chairs Action Request Form–

Each section is either a drop down select box, date box or free text. Instructional text will appear in the Word StatusBar(locatedonthebottom,left-handcorneroftheWordwindow).Italicisedguidance forfurtherinformation.

Faculty of Choose an item., School / Division / Department of, request the following Chairs Action in relation to studentresults.

Section A: StudentDetails

UBNumber: / Stage:
Surname: / FirstName(s):
PartnerInstitution:(IfApplicable) / Only Complete if a PartnerInstitution

Section B: Detail forRequest

Date of ChairsActionRequest: / Click here to enteradate. / Date of Original Board ofExaminersMeeting: / Click here to enter adate.
Original Decision oftheBoard:
(To be completed inallcases) / GivefullandcompletedetailsforthechangeindecisionfromtheoriginalBoard.
New ProposedDecision:
Reason forChange: / Choose an item. Select an option from the drop downmenu
………….Reason forother: / Only Complete if reason is‘Other’
Name of Chair of BoardofExaminers:
Signature of Chair ofBoardofExaminers:
Request Completedby: / Nameofthestaffmemberofadministrationthatcompletedtherequest

3.Complete ‘Section C: Required documentation’ with the required documentation. Every request should includethefollowingdocuments:

CopyofOriginalBoardReport(onlyincludetheBoardreportthatincludesthestudentyouarepresenting)New Passlist

New BoardReport

Include the following further information,if:

-Student Request for Award: Evidence from the student that they are requesting the Award and understandthatthey cannot return to complete their original programme ofstudy.

-Appeal outcome has changed the original decision: attach appeal letter outcome.


5.The Academic Quality Enhancement/Business Partner will process therequest

6.Outcome of request will be communicated toFaculty

7.Faculty record Chairs Action number on students SiTs SPI record and communicate outcometo:

a.Student via e-vision,

b.Student RegistryServices

Useful points forAdministrators

1Switch off e-vision so that students are unable to view the process of before fullapproval

2Do not overwrite the original SPI from the Board of Examiners, add a new SPI for the Chairs Actionrequest.

Last updated December17Page |1