Effective 1/1/18, Blue Plus is pleased to offer additional Supplemental benefits for our MSHO members. The benefits listed below are new additions to the current list of supplemental benefits available to our MSHO members. Three of the benefits require you to enter an authorization in Bridgeview. After you make a referral/request for the item or service from the provider, you will create a service authorization in Bridgeview for the provider to use for payment. Please see the Care Coordination User Guide on the Bridgeview site for complete details and screenshots of how this is done if you are unfamiliar with the process.
Process for authorizing MSHO Supplemental Benefits:
- First Aid kits – these are available for all MSHO members. Contact Corner Medical and request a first aid kit be mailed to the MSHO member’s address. Once the request to Corner Medical is complete, log into the Bridgeview system to create a service authorization for Corner Medical. If the member is NOT on Elderly Waiver, you will need to create a LTCC span using Case Mix U (Supp Meals). After creating the LTCC span, you will create a new service authorization. The provider number (NPI) for Corner Medical is 1750338851. In the drop box you will select E1399 U3First Aid Kit. The rate for the kit is $18. This cost includes delivery direct to the member’s address. First aid kit orders are limited to one per year. If the member is on EW, you can authorize Corner Medical with the usual service agreement process. You will not create a new LTCC span using case mix U. In this case, the cost of the kit does not accumulate to the EW cap.
- Electric toothbrush and replacement heads - these are available for all MSHO members. Contact Corner Medical and request the toothbrush and or replacement heads be mailed to the MSHO member’s address. Once the request to Corner Medical is complete, log into the Bridgeview system to create a service authorization for Corner Medical. If the member is NOT on Elderly Waiver, you will need to create a LTCC span using Case Mix U (Supp Meals). After creating the LTCC span, you will create a new service authorization. The provider number (NPI) for Corner Medical is 1750338851. In the drop box you will select E1399 U1 or U2 (E1399 U1 Sonic TB $90; E1399 U2 Refill TB $30). This cost includes delivery direct to the member’s address. If the member is on EW, you can authorize Corner Medical with the usual service agreement process. You will not create a new LTCC span using case mix U. In this case, the cost of the toothbrushesdoes not accumulate to the EW cap.
- Personal emergency response System (PERS) – this service is available to those members living in the community only. ContactEveryFit, Inc. DBA QMedic by email or fax using the attached referral form. QMedic with work with you and the member to get service set up in the member’s home. Once the request to QMedic is complete, log into the Bridgeview system to create a service authorization for QMedic. If the member is NOT on Elderly Waiver, you will need to create a LTCC span using Case Mix U (Supp Meals). After creating the LTCC span, you will create a new service authorization. The provider number (NPI) for QMedicis 1215358361. In the drop box you will select A9280 (Monthly). The rate is $30per month. You will also make a separate service authorization for the installation of the PERS system. In the drop box select A9280 U1 - Installation. The rate is $70 and is a one time cost.Your service authorizations may not extend past 12/31/18.There is no charge for replacement pendants/bracelets.When a user ends the PERS service, they will get a FedEx box to return equipment. If the member is unable to manage the return process, QMedic can send someone out to collect the equipment.
These additional MSHO supplemental benefits will be added to our current resource Explanation of SecureBlue’s Additional Benefits (benefits only available to MSHO enrollees) document posted on the SecureBlue MSHO Enrollment Resources page of the care coordination web-portal.We have also added the attached resource for understanding the process for the 2018 Blue Plus Safety Benefit.
Please contact your Partner Relations Consultant if you have questions about these benefits, or the authorizations processes described above.
Thank you,
Partner Relations
Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota is a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association