Process and Information Document #T-105

Cleanroom Facility, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Small Brewer Spinner Programming ONLY

This procedure uses the small CEE Brewer Spin Coater.

1. Turn on power to spinner.

2. Hit the ‘Prog’ button (program).

3. Type in the program number you wish to edit (or review).

[For this example, use Prog 9)

4. Hit ‘Enter’ button.

5. You will see: Dispense 1=ON 0=OFF, hit enter to skip this step (we have no


6. You will see: PG/9 VEL/0 500 RPM (program 9, speed for step 0, =500 rpm)

7. Type in the desired RPM for spreading speed by using the number pad.

8. Hit Enter when done.

9. You will see: PG/9 RMP/0 250 R/S (prog9, ramp for step 0, =250 rpms per sec)

10. Type in the desired ramp increase for the spreading step.

11. Hit Enter when done.

12. You will see: PG/9 TIME/0 5 SEC (prog9, time for step 0, =5 seconds)

13. Type in the time for step 0, i.e., the time you want to hold at spreading speed plus the

time it takes to ramp up to that speed from 0 RPM.

14. Hit Enter.

15. You will now step through the three parameter settings for each subsequent

operation. Full speed spin is the next step in the process. The next three pages

will be the same as the previous three except that the step number will increment:

VEL/0, RMP/0 and TIME/0 will become VEL/1, RMP/1 and TIME/1. Enter

desired values for each and hit enter when finished with each. Remember that

RMP for a later step is determined in going from the previous step’s RPM to the

next step’s RPM, not from 0, and that the time for the next step starts from the

end of the previous step, not from time = 0.

16. When you have entered the time value for the last page you will see:

PG/9 VEL/2 END RPM (prog9, speed for next step, END statement)

17. Hit enter if there are no more steps to be done. This will return you to the main


18. You may check your program by simply repeating this process, and only hitting

Enter to step through each step. You need not enter values that are correct when

changing one value. Just step through the program and change the value desired.

Hit Enter to skip all other steps. If a spin down step is desired, include a page of

parameters after you full spin page with a ramp down speed (still a positive

number) but with a slower VEL speed. Sometimes this is necessary with big

(heavy) substrates or the timer runs out and the plate free spins to a stop slowly.

19. When you are done programming, turn off the power to the machine.