1. ID # ______Phone # ______Interviewer ______
2. Exchange: 1) Aiken 2) North Augusta 3) other
3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President? [IF APP, ASK “DO YOU APPROVE STRONGLY OR NOT STRONGLY”–SAME FOR DISAPPROVE]
5) Strongly approve 4) Approve 3) Mixed feelings 2) Disapprove 1) Strongly disapprove
6) not sure/don’t know
4. As you may have heard, both the Democrats and Republicans are holding presidential primaries in South Carolina in early 2008. Do you plan to vote in one of the primaries, and if so, which one will you vote in?
1) Democrat 2) Republican 3) not vote [SKIP NEXT TWO QUESTIONS]
5. [IF DEMOCRAT] Which one of these candidates would you vote for? 1) Hillary Clinton 2) John Edwards
3) Barack Obama 4)Bill Richardson 5) or some other candidate ______[NR] 6) undecided
6. [IF REPUBLICAN] Which one of these candidates would you vote for? 1) Rudi Giuliani 2) Mike Huckabee
3) John McCain 4) Mitt Romney 5) Fred Thompson 6 )or some other cand. ______[NR]6) undecided
7. In your view, should immigration be kept at its present level, increased, or decreased?
2) Kept at present level 3) increased 1) decreased
8. On the whole, do you think that immigration is a good thing or a bad thing for the US TODAY?
1) bad thing [NR] 2) mixed feelings 3) good thing
9. On the whole, do you think that immigration has been a good or a bad thing for the US IN THE PAST?
3) good thing 1) bad thing [NR] 2) mixed feelings
10. [I WILL READ YOU SEVERAL STATEMENTS. FOR EACH ONE TELL ME WHETHER YOU read answers below. HERE IS THE FIRST STATEMENT] Most immigrants coming to South Carolinain the past few years have been illegal aliens. Do you:
1) completely agree 2) generally agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) generally disagree, or
5) completely disagree [NR] 6) don’t know
11. I get irritated when I hear people speaking Spanish in public places such as stores or parks. Do you:
1) completely agree 2) generally agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) generally disagree
5) completely disagree [NR] 6) don’t know
12. It does NOT bother me to see signs or advertisements in Spanish. Do you
1) completely agree 2) generally agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) generally disagree
5) completely disagree [NR] 6) don’t know
13. There are too many immigrants living in AikenCounty. Do you:
1) completely agree 2) generally agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) generally disagree
5) completely disagree [NR] 6) don’t know
14. Immigrants today get too much assistance from the government. Do you:
1) completely agree 2) generally agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) generally disagree
5) completely disagree [NR] 6) don’t know
15. Immigrants working in SC send most of the money they make here back to their home countries.
1) completely agree 2) generally agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) generally disagree
5) completely disagree [NR] 6) don’t know
16. There is more crime in AikenCounty now because of immigration.
1) completely agree 2) generally agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) generally disagree
5) completely disagree [NR] 6) don’t know
17. Do you believe that immigrants who settle in SC are taking jobs from state residents, taking jobs no one else wants, or creating new jobs?
1) taking jobs from residents 2) jobs no one else wants 3) creating new jobs 4) don’t know
18. Do you happen to know which political party currently has the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives?
1) Democrats 0) they are tied 0) Republicans 0) don’t know
19. There has been more talk in recent months about the flying of the Confederate Battle Flag on the statehouse grounds in Columbia. Do you think it should be kept there or should it be removed?
1) kept there [NR] 2) mixed feelings 3) removed 4) don’t know
20. Do you generally consider yourself to be a Democrat, Republican, neither one, or what? [IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN" ASK:] Are you a strong or weak ______? [IF "NEITHER ONE" OR IF THEY USE THE TERM "INDEPENDENT" OR SAY THEY "VOTE THE PERSON" OR "ISSUES", ASK:] Do you lean to the Democrats or Republicans?
1) strong Democrat 5) leaning Republican
2) weak (moderate) Democrat 6) weak (moderate) Republican
3) leaning Democrat 7) strong Republican
4) insist they are independent, 8) other: [SPECIFY] ______
neither, issues, or person
21. If you were forced to choose, which qualities are more important in political leaders? [READ]
1) understanding people and helping them 3) or strength, discipline and self-reliance
[NR] 2) insist both equal
22. How many dogs and cats do you have in your household? ______
23. [SKIP IF “0” IN LAST QUESTION] How many of them have been spayed or neutered? ______
24. All in all, do you think the situation in Iraq was worth going to war over, or not? [READ ANWERS]
2) worth going to war 1) not worth going to war 3) or have you not had time to think about this issue?
25. Do you happen to know how many years are in the term of a U.S. Senator? _____ years
26. Which of the following comes closest to describing your views on politics? [READ ANSWERS]
1) liberal 2) slightly liberal 3) middle 4) slightly 5) or conservative
of the road conservative
[NR] 6) none/not sure/don’t know
27. About how many American soldiers have lost their lives in the conflict in Iraq? [READ] 1) about 1,000
2) about 2,000 3) about 3,000 4) about 4,000 5) about 5,000 0) or can’t remember right now
28. Which of the following best describes your regional identity? [READ ANSWERS]
1) non-southerner 2) converted southerner 3) native southerner 4) other ______
29. How many days in the past week did you read about politics in a printed newspaper? ______[0-7
30. How many days in the past week did you read about politicson the Internet? ______0 FOR D/K]
31. How many days in the past week did you listen to political stories on talk radio? ______
32. How many days in the past week did you see political news on television? ______
33. Religious fundamentalists are those who strongly believe that the Bible must be interpreted literally and that it is the inerrant word of God. Based on that statement, do you consider yourself to be a religious fundamentalist?
0) no 1) yes
34. Which political party currently has the majority in the U.S. Senate?
1) Democrats 0) they are tied 0) Republicans 0) don’t know
Just a few more questions now. We need a little background information for statistical purposes.
35. Starting with the first grade, how many years of formal education have you completed?
______years [HS-12; ASSOC DEG-14; BS/BA-16; MA-18; PhD-20]
36. What is your age? ______
37. In which one of the following ethnic groups would you classify yourself?
1) white 2) black 3) Hispanic 4) or some other ethnic group? ______
38. Finally, I'm going to read a list of family income groups. Just say "stop" when I reach the level that best describes your family's income last year.
1) less than $15,000 2) $15 to $20,000 3) $20 to $25,000 4) $25 to $30,000 5) $30 to $35,000
6) $35 to $40,000 7) $40 to $50,000 8) $50 to $75,000 9) $75 to $100,000 10) over $100,000
Thanks very much. I enjoyed talking with you.
39. [DO NOT ASK CODE AFTER INTERVIEW] Gender: 0) male 1) female